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Everything posted by Pete-of-the-Forge

  1. While I suspect the next banner would be Gaiden-focused, I personally would like something more massive than a couple banners if they're going to focus on a game that doesn't have a corresponding World. I mean, I appreciate the fact that they acknowledge Jugdral exists, but I'd rather have something that gives more of a guarantee that you get a unit from one of those games (or the Tellius ones or Sacred Stones), even if it's fodder, rather than just a couple units at a time.
  2. I've only done Eirika's route one so Innes always just sort of showed up and didn't leave a big impact on me. Maybe replace him with Ewan? And I felt Ena was overshadowed by Nasir (she was never much use to me in battle), though I should've remember that GameFAQs poll of the best dragon shape-shifter. I should probably go with the obvious then and say Gareth (unless they go for a Kurthnaga/Gareth duo as prince and retainer).
  3. 1: Bord, Cord, Beck 2: Grey, Jesse, 3: Wendell, Dolph & Macellan, if they count (they weren't playable in 3, but they were in 12). If not then Midia, Warren 4: Beowolf, Chulainn (Holyn), Naoise 5: Cain, Alva, Robert (too obvious) [I really think they should include Glade specifically because he was dead last in the character poll; I feel sorry for him; next year they could even do an April Fools banner with all the other "losers" from the poll] 6: Garret, Trec, Wade 7: Geitz, Isadora, Merlinus 8: Saleh, Garcia, Innes (did Eirika's route only once, so Innes always just showed up and didn't leave much of an impact on me; though I now see his popularity, so maybe Ewan?) 9: Ulki, Largo, Ena (never much help in battle so I always benched her, Nasir stood out to me more) 10: Nolan, Rafiel, Renning 13: Flavia, Laurent, Nah 14:Yukimura, Fuga (or Shura; really any of the characters with limited supports), Deere
  4. Least favorite: Lachesis. She looks way too young and 'moe'. I understand turning Est into that, but Lachesis should look more dignified than that. Maybe if they took out some of the baby fat in face... Either that or Jakob.
  5. Thanks for these! I expect to see that Falchion on the main page next to Echoes button some time in the near future.,Without a better picture of it, it looks like a mix of the version depicted in the art of the DS remakes and the one from Awakening. Kriemhild looks awesome. Hopefully it's not an enemy's Pref. weapon.
  6. Python doesn't have a pompadour! God be praised! Has there been a dump of weapon icons yet? Also, I saw "Warrior" in the class info mine. Is that something we should be excited about, or is it some enemy only thing? I'm pretty sure they weren't present in the original.
  7. Am I the only one hearing Cassandra Lee as Faye? I don't want to say it's definitely her, but Faye's voice is definitely familiar.
  8. I was not privy to this information (I never made it that far in Gaiden). Did they really give Python a pompadour, or that just speculation from that one low-res sprite? Isn't that a crime or something? And a theory regarding Nuibaba: magic is supposed to be harmful without a tome, right? Could it also have other adverse effects outside of losing HP, like turning you into Swamp Thing?
  9. Maybe they're just basing it off Nomah, like how Sages in FE7 are pretty much Pent. But I agree, it does look kind of bulky. Other comments: I can glean from that little tiny sprite that Luthier still has his ponytail. I'm not a fan of Jesse as he looks like something straight out of Captain Planet or some other 90s cartoon... or Arthur, but Atlas looks cool. He kind of reminds me of Galzus. Catria looks sad, possibly forlorn over being so far from Marth. All in all, I have to really stop clicking on those hidden comments. I'd like to not have the whole plot spoiled for me before the game comes out.
  10. I don't remember having much of a problem with the fatigue in Thracia. I think I was only prevented from picking one of my main units maybe once, Chapter 7. The thing about that game though was that there was a very large pool of units and they all had the same caps (not to mention having a lot of units locked to swords for the final few chapters), so you had a decent back-up Gaiden's cast is much smaller, so fatigue could potentially be a bigger problem (though with less severe repercussions), unless they include a larger roster. I believe they mentioned new units (plural), but we've only seen Faye so far so I take that with a grain of salt.
  11. And free roam in towns. Don't forget that. So that's Nomah in that picture next to Celica? I'm going to go against the grain and say that it's not good. The beard looks fake and like something a kid would wear in a school play. It doesn't look like it even covers his mouth. I've noticed this among some artists where everyone they draw is so pretty. When it comes to someone more masculine, they don't look that great. Example: Hannibal in the Nea Fuyuki Genealogy manga. He went from a large intimidating beast with a thick full beard to an emaciated frog with a spindly Fu Manchu. Anyway, that's just a pet peeve of mine. I'll hold my reservations until we get a better picture of him.
  12. Good question. I'm honestly torn on the subject matter. On one hand, there's the fact that Gaiden re-used portraits or just made minor adjustments, not to mention some just looked plain or awkward.Shadow Dragon faced a similar problem (with the benefit of having more detailed unique character art from Mystery of the Emblem), and it is my opinion that it didn't do a good job (not to poo-poo the art, as I actually like it, but Dolph and Macellan still pretty much look the same). So some probably deserved a vast overhaul. On the other, I'd rather they didn't change them too drastically, because it takes away the character's origin and what makes them "them". Instead of, for example, it being an updated design for Kliff, he looks like Hidari Original Character No. 3, if that makes sense. Though I know Gaiden wasn't that great when it came to consistent designs to begin with. This is just sort of my general opinion on redesigns.
  13. That image of Celica meeting Saber reminds me of the cutscenes in Dark Forces for some reason. (Image for reference) So is that reversible cover an EU exclusive? I might end up switching it if the US gets it too (even though the game will probably remain in the limited edition box). And those village screenshots. I just find that style alienating, for whatever reason. It's like, "here this village without any people, but oh wait here they are and they look like cardboard standees", if that makes sense. I actually find it kind of creepy.
  14. I have to say, I have not been more disappointed in this than I was when I saw that village exploration. That was the thing I was most excited for and to have it 'downgraded' to point-and-click... Don't get me wrong. I'm still super-excited (it's not like I ran over to the mall straight after work during rush hour to reserve the special edition or anything... .../sarcasm). Hopefully those 'stills' look intricate and immersive. Maybe they can turn one of the castles into a free roaming dungeon (I doubt it though, considering we saw castle maps and they don't look like random battles, like the ones found in dungeons)
  15. I'm interested to see what Hidari does with the one-off bosses that have the same portrait or are just palette swaps. Masamune Shirow didn't do that good a job differentiating them for Shadow Dragon (in my opinion).
  16. Also, aesthetically, a Witch in Gaiden was just a recolored Mage with some cheap powers (teleportation, summoning). So if they maintain that in this game, the switch was really just a different class name. Personally, I'm always up for more classes, as long as they make sense. So nothing like butlers and brides, which i felt clashed with the pseudo-Medieval vibe these games have anyway.
  17. I'm not completely ruling them out. They went to the effort of showing them after being absent in Fates, so they might be involved in some way. Isn't the reason why we have Falcoknights because there are no wyverns in Valentia? They could use that logic and do something like having griffons native to Valentia but later brought over to Archanaea and that's why they're in Ylisse to help connect this game to Awakening. But you're probably right. Shadows of Valentia seems like a very faithful remake Still, I found the class an interesting addition in Awakening and felt they were underrepresented, so any sign that they aren't just a one-and-done thing is good news to me.
  18. My problem with the mages in Awakening is that all the playable ones had that ridiculously large wizard hat grafted to their head model. A wizard hat is fine, but the ones in Awakening were huge. Notably absent from the class list are Pegasus Knights. We've seen them in videos, of course, but not in this early class run down, which is odd. While I wasn't expecting it, but I kind of was hoping for a non-bulky alternative to the Knight, but that's mainly because aesthetically I don't want a bulky Lukas. I also wonder how Gryphon Riders will factor into this game (we know they're in since they appeared on the mural in the first trailer). Perhaps a male flyer?
  19. So Kamui comes from a far off land. He has an Eastern vibe to him, so could that be some sort of proto-Chon'sin? Gray looks pretty dark-skinned. Is he just tan (he looks outdoors-y) or possibly another foreigner (a foreign merchant who makes it big in Valentia would be interesting)?
  20. Mae's definitely Cherami Leigh. Kamui sounds a lot like Bryce Papenbrook, though I'm not 100% on that. I'm kind of digging Alm's voice. It's not my ideal choice (that would be Sean Chiplock), but it's not bad. I also love the amount of effort they seem to be putting into fleshing out the lore. Alm's little monologue, while sounding a bit out-of-nowhere, was a nice touch.
  21. Siliconera just posted an article with the latest info from Famitsu. http://www.siliconera.com/2017/03/14/fire-emblem-echoes-reveals-two-new-characters-well-system-details/ Included: new art for characters Silque and Lukas (and better pictures of the non-Tobin villagers), plus new characters Effie (called Faye in the PAX videos I believe) and "Berkut" (our mysterious black-haired man). There's also reiterations about difficulty and how magic works.
  22. Yes I believe you were the one that was hoping for that. I'm sorry. I'm still holding out hope for a picture confirming free-roaming in towns (as opposed to something like My Castle in Fates). But... Yes! But it's weird that it's unique there, but not in the picture of Tobin vs. the Revenant. Maybe it's just equippable items that only appear in the inventory, and then there are then generic icons for what kind of weapon you're using in the battle screen. It might also be limited, going off the Revenant's inventory (a black sword next to the word "Claws" seems pretty generic and could just be used for all enemy weapons; "Terror" might just be a different weapon type, like a spell or something) I also like the bit of Greco-Roman art. It feels like a callback to the early days of the series when that was a major influence (Marth being a corruption of Mars, with his original outfit being a tunic and gladiator sandals).
  23. I'm not sure if this has been discussed on this board, but Gamespot has a new article about this game: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/fire-emblem-3ds-remake-features-some-major-changes/1100-6448634/ It basically confirms bow-range changes, mages getting hurt, in addition to the lack a support system (though I thought we saw evidence to the contrary way back). It also has a few screenshots and I'm pretty sure this one is new: Could that purple-haired archer be Leon?
  24. Though it's a bit hard to see Kliff with that giant grey E nearly covering his face, I will say that I am not a fan of his outfit. I know this isn't really the Middle Ages and just a fantasy land, but his outfit still sticks out as anachronistic to me (is that a bolo tie? Frederick had one too). That's one of the problems I had with the butler and maid classes. You have this pseudo-Medieval setting with swords and armor and whatnot, and then you have butlers and maids that look like they're from a pseudo-Victorian era.
  25. I suppose this confirms that Effy/Efi/Effie is a new character a la Frey and Norne, rather than a Kris-like avatar.
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