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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Why do I have flashback about that crappy rain chapter from Awakening ? Game, if you want me to take you seriously, don't put this music here, it's just dumb.
  2. Takumi's a dick. What, they give you the choice, just like that, like a hair in the soup ? EDIT: NOHR ! :D Marx's smile, awww !
  3. Good lord dat lag, I can't wait the redif cuz seriously... Oooo, dat stage though ! :o
  4. Wincest comfirmed mofo. It is me, or is Kamui riding a pony ? Her character sprite In the first picture I mean.
  5. A secondary class ? Only one ? Uh, it's definitely a step forward compared to Awakening. still, It depends, how exactly the system is, I mean, it is just a class you can reclass into (Bleh), or something like EO ? We don't have much info. :/ Even then, we don't know how the reclassing is in this game exactly. Eh, maybe Myrmidon, so I can get Swordmaster and Astra. Or maybe Luna. Or the class that give Galeforce.
  6. 3 days. For the. Japanese release. *sigh* it's painful to wait, and even more so for the US/EU release.
  7. Ooooooohn, shiny Sacred Gold ! ... In Nuzlocke, you gonna have a bad time. :p
  8. Why marrying them, when you could simply omniously pet them ? >:D ... Ominous petting, uh, that sound dirty.
  9. Boobs and legs ftw. The Nohr Aqua is awesome, it's by far the best one, though Ryouma and Marx are freaking badass too ! Rofl, dat Harold !
  10. B.Leu

    Being an outcast.

    Yeah I know how it is, in fact, that's why I had to withdraw from school at a young age. I blame the kiddos and the incompetent and stupid as hell 'professors'. Ah, the famous case of 'you're bullied to the point where you snap, but you are 100% responsible for it despite you being the victim', how nostalgic. No wonder no one want to go to school and the education is crap, you learn shit and you're treated like shit. ... Cynicism ! :D I feel bad for you, I truly do.
  11. Eh, I dunno man, FemKamui seem pretty average to me. Isn't that from a ecchi/hentai artist ? ... Don't ask how I know that. :p Just how popular are those things ?
  12. If you weren't able to marry your siblings, the cockblock it would be ! I don't think they would do that, since they have a memetic status, but still, I can't help but smile/cringe at it.
  13. You mean the panty shot ? But we don't see them. :(
  14. Eh, I guess you guys are right. I'm kinda dumb sometime. It's just that, this special case seems more coldhearted than usual to me, maybe because there is supposed to be much more people Cyrus has a bound with than the usuals. I dunno. :/
  15. Ya know, in her portrait, Aqua is really flatchested. :/ A tad disappointing.
  16. Well, both. I did the same with Awakening. ... I wonder if there is a haircut just like Camilla's ? I wonder what the other build will be.
  17. To be honest, I ended up forgetting a lot of characters. ... Kellam included, yeah. :p
  18. Cormag is firmly established to not give a crap about anything anymore, and in Ephraim's path, think of Duessel as a father. Duessel openly betray Grado. There is a difference. I mentioned examples, well, the one I remembered anyway, and to say 'oh yeah, you have a point, but most of them are not... '. But like you and I said, yeah, talking about that stuff in FE is indeed strange.
  19. Well, I admit, I guess we will have to see if the issue will be addressed in the first place or not.
  20. Like I said, what, three time ? Because you killed his friends and comrades, I don't remember much characters like that, is there ? Right now, I can only say that Wallace 'You have pretty eyes, I'll join you and kill my comrades' and Vaida, There was also Beowulf, but that was fully assumed. I THINK there was Aries too ? But the bad guys kidnapped his waifu, so... I never played Thracia, but it seems like you can recruit a shitton of thiefs and bandits. Most characters that 'betray' their sides are generally established to be loners that are here either for personal gain, or because they were forced to join the bad guys. Futhermore, Cyrus is not some random mercenaries, he is supposed to be Kamui's 'childhood friend', the 'general' with his own team, whereas Duessel, at least, had his comrades joining him for the chapters. And I'm not even talking about how Cyrus could kill Kamui or his Hoshido friends with his crap, like I said, it seems Ferox-level stupidity. But sure, let's agree to disagree, and I admit that talking about that for FE is indeed strange ! Eh, figure, someone would use Aran from RD, one of the characters with zero character development with a game with not much character development. Huh, that would be pretty cool if you gained a bonus for not killing much of his comrades.
  21. I find that unlikely that someone would completely ignore the fact that his 'childhood friend' killed his entire team. his comrades and friends, I guess Cyrus really doesn't give a damn about them. :/ Even if Cyrus would forgive Kamui, why would Kamui, or anybody in Hoshido for that matter, accept him ? One, he is from Nohr, two, they KILLED HIS ENTIRE TEAM. It doesn't take to have done Harvard to see how freaking stupid it is. Being 'childhood friends' can only do so much. I might expect too much common sense. Sorry for that. :p So his only ambition was to become Norh knight to see Kamui again ? Okay cool, what about his friends and family ? GG the smart guy, he sure look like a good character ! /sarcasm
  22. The way I see it, there is three possible end at this conversation. -Silas is killed. Unlikely, but still dumb, since what's the point of talking then ? -Silas joins the team... Do I honestly need to actualy explain how STUPID this is ? -Kamui let him escape. Still stupid, but ah, I'll be nice, I can actually see this. If it's supposed to be better than FEA', I'm not amused. I think it would've been better if Silas was just killed, like that, no dialogue, just killed like the FE boss that he is in this chapter. And yes, I know that Cyrus joins you no matter the side you choose, it doesn't mean that I'll excuse him joining with the power of shitty writing. In Nohr, it's apparently 'Hey, remember me ? I'm you childhood friend ! 'Oh yeah, good to see you man !', bim, bam, no BS, it's simple, and much better than there.
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