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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. I know right ? He doesn't even know that Legendaries cannot have eggs ! :p Apparently, DragonKamui spins around too, it... make more sense than him doing that in his human form, I guess ? A lot of classes in FEA did that too, even though it was dumb. Like Paladin and Great Knigh. Eww.
  2. Eh, not a fan of this expy of Rei, but still pretty. I'm sure the official art will have a boobs and butt pose. :p Oh god Thane, that was pure gold what you gave us !
  3. I really don't think they will ever do a FE4 remake, and if it's to censor things, I think it's better to not have one.
  4. Anger ? We're pretty tame I think. :/ What is annoying is that most people choose Norh precisely to not have FEA shoved into their faces. Then bam, the kids. Yay. Plus you're comparing decent characters with FEA's bunch of horrible manga cliche, it doesn't add up, you just don't compare the recurring pegasus sisters, or the tragic Camus archetype, with Miss Tsuntsun.
  5. The sad thing is, she shouldn't even have to wear a queenly mask since she is, well, the freaking queen.
  6. M'okay, first thing you did, you apparently calculated the falling of your levin sword so it'll hit your opponent, no crazy stuff at all. :p Or maybe it was just luck ? Eh, still pretty cool.
  7. I agree, it's kinda jarring, but it's not a choice I'll be complaining about. Bright green hair is better. :p
  8. Cacapipi/Pipicaca. Err, it's two french words for... something, let's just say: it's very childish. But hey, best weapon name ever ! In French ! Not in Japanese ! We need to expand our horizons ! ... I'm ashamed, but not really, it's a legit name, and it fits Owain's personality ! My reputation is probably ruined with that. :p
  9. Hmm, I see three possibilities. -Love at first sight, a la Eliwood/Ninian -She can't think for herself, and decide to follow the MC because he had the balls to actually take a decision. -Friendship is magic. Beurk.
  10. Uh, eight words right ? Well, Super Super Super Super Super Super Great Sword. It must be possible to do something like that, in the japanese version obviously. Yes, yes it's lame, so what ? It's simple. :p
  11. I want her... to not exist. Or to be a secret shop merchant.
  12. Eh, my first save was around 8-9 hours or so. Kinda sad that you can finish it in even less.
  13. ? Are all my discussions based arround lot of freaking quiproquo or what ? I have the feeling we all have a hard time understand each other, I apologize too, and I apologize again in advance. I too, should be more careful.
  14. Considering the tiny amount of viable classes for Nah and Nowi... :/ Nils doesn't count, he couldn't transform since he lost his dragonstone or whatever, and it's implied that his bard powers are of draconic origin. The 'avatar' Kamui, already have his own set of powers, his outfit, and his own personality, like I said above, the player inserts aspect is deep into the trashcan like I said above (again). It doesn't matter if Kamui is a dragon or not, I'm not sure what's the point you're trying to make, but Kamui can transform into a dragon, like I said above (once again), customization is all fine and dandy, but you got to call BS after a while. You can argue it's a choice, but it's a stupid choice. That's why I think Kamui won't have much reclassing options. Let's just agree to disagree okay ?
  15. I doubt that dialogue choices will change Kamui's personality into your own. Dialogues choices would be nice though. Yeah I dislike reclassing, it's not a secret ,thank you very much, and that's not my point, my point is, it's stupid to reclass Kamui, a freaking dragon, into pretty much everything else. Like a Priest. Such 'customizations' is flat out dumb, except if you absolutely want to grind X skill, like I said, it's still dumb, but in another way. I kill myself into saying the same thing again and again. :/
  16. The identity is already straight to the trash can since Kamui already have a canon name, an outfit, unique powers and weapons; he even have a defined personality. Customization is good, but there's a moment where you just got to call BS, reclassing the freaking DRAGON into a Priest is dumb, except if you got to grind skills, which is still dumb, but in another way. I agree, I want Kamui to reflect my personality too, but it's not going to happen. It didn't happen with Kris, it didn't happen with Robin, and it will certainly not happen with Kamui.
  17. Meat shield probably. My, how awkward it will be in-story. :p
  18. Forged weapons on Chrom is crap, since Chrom is crap. Exalted Falchion is way more than enough for him. Brave sword for Chrom, holy crap the waste. Well, so far, yeah, Dragonstones are for Kamui and Kamui only. Not for Aqua, Ryouma or Marx, only for Kamui. It's not that I wish that Kamui was 'equipment locked', it's just that it would be stupid to use a sword or any normal weapons, when you have a freaking dragonstone that allows you to be a dragon, like I said in a different topic. Then there is the Yatogami, but since we don't know anything about it, I can't say if it would be stupid or not to not use it or not. Following that, why reclassing Kamui, when you have the ability to be a dragon ? That's dumb. Unless he can be dragon in all classes, or just to spend hours for skill farming. Oh wait Well, that's a moot point since apparently, Kamui may or may not be able to use his transformation at will, which can means a lot of things, from not having it at first, or having it in some chapters.... But you know what I wish ? No reclassing at all. :p There was the Parralel seal, though I'm frankly way too tired to look at it right now. It's pretty tame from what I remember.
  19. It's a problem, because Kamui have one PRF sword, and various kind of Dragonstones. He even have a rank. Whereas Chrom and Lucina both had just one personal weapon each, the Taguel and Manakete had two different stones, without rank, Technically. Chrom had two weapons, but you see what I mean. And the Exalted Falchion was probably Chrom's best weapon, so I don't think he really is a good example when I think about it. :p Meh, to be honest I don't really care about online. In the My Castle video, the Kamui's didn't seem to have different classes. :/
  20. The thing is, what's the point in giving Kamui access to classes like Priest, or Sage, or General, if he have a unique sword and the ability to use dragonstones ? Even if his reclassing poll is very small, it still doesn't make sense. What was the issue again ? Also, how would it mess My Castle ?
  21. Hail Lilina !... I mean, hail Kirokan ! Thanks to you too for everything !
  22. Yeah, I agree, he's awesome. Thank you for everything you did for us !
  23. Both of Kamui's 'families' seems very eager to not only ignore his feelings over the issue, but also forcing him into doing a choice he doesn't really have to do, and obviously doesn't want to do. Adding to that, the crapton of skeletons both side have in their closet, it just show how much pathetic the two sides really are, and how much both 'families' care more about their countries than Kamui. I'm obviously not talking about those who join you no matter what. I'm not speaking of really 'Murder everything, everything', though it would be fun. I just have a hard time thinking of both side as anything other than 'two egoistical crybabies who expect the dragon lolipop to be in their mouths', despite the possible lot of BS they gave to said dragon lolipop. Ah, am I ever the cynical one. :p At least, that's what I'm thinking, for now, but this make them easy to not like to me. It doesn't help that the Hoshido/Norh choice is such an obvious poison, it's not even funny.
  24. It actually took me five sec before understanding who you were talking about. It's weird how easy she was to forget. :/
  25. Reclass is Satan.... Though it's an insult to Satan himself considering how cool he is. :p Hmm jokes aside, how was reclassing in Awakening ? I mean, the news of reclassing ? Did the devs talked about it explicitly.or... ? Just to compare with what we have with If. Right now, strangely enough, I can't see Kamui being able to reclass.
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