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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Ffffffff... Suddenly, I'm less hyped for this game after seeing this. Mainly because I'm scared, and because I don't understand the logic behind the Parallel seal. Weapon Master eh ? I don't like you already, there is now way it's better than Swordmaster. :p Again, thanks for the info !
  2. I got the impression he'll have the personality of your common manga protag. Dense, naive, stupidly nice... Hopefully, he will be more like Marth, that's a kind of character that I can like. It would be pretty cool if his personality changed according to the dialogue options.
  3. Ah, so I'm not the only one who's like that then ? Waaah, Harold is so unlucky, he uncluck everyone else. Those skills look nice, but some of them seem useless in the long run. Gaaaah, the hooded knight design, it huuuurts;.. Again, thanks for the infon.
  4. I really don't see them doing a FE4 remake, the game is just too dark, incest, children sacrifice, implication or rape and sexual abuse... That's probably too... 'hardcoce' for them. Plus, MU is a factor that is just so freaking random. I want Major Loptus Blood, just to troll the world.
  5. Yeah, it's kind of a 'stamina fight', where the first moment I can't do something, I lose. Speaking of Imperial/Bushi, I decided to retire my Dancer/Nightseeker into that, since she kind of fall behind, and holy crap. Blood Surge + Charge + Element Drive = FOE Almost dead. After a while, Dancer-Stunlocking become kind of useless, maybe it's just because I don't have the good weapons, I can't do much with a Hruting with 1 stun forged.
  6. I'll give Flynn DEX essence, just to see how good he can. The voice acting being bad ? I thought it was near-perfect. Jotari: You will probably have a facepalm after seeing the Neutral Path. That's what I did, more or less. The plot is kind of like Naruto, 'Hey, I just met you, but what is your answer to stop conflict ?', it's so sudden, and they force it so much. :/
  7. How the hell can you be so strong ? Especially with Robin, It's just crazy man. Awesome video btw, must've been a hell to edit, adding the icons, the moving dialogues, etc.
  8. Elfie looks like a zombie, that must be why Sunwoo find her strange. Still pretty though, and hey, awesome armor ! In a Hentai ? :p
  9. You can't blame people for being pessimistic after the disaster that Awakening was. I fear pretty much everything Rapier said, plus, stupid manga dialogues, and Kamui's personality being crap. Also, reclassing, nuff said. I don't really fear the siblings being killed, it's war, do you really expect a stupid loli with a staff to survive a war ? I also feared something else... but I actually forgot about it just now. :/
  10. Oboro ? The lance-dude with a narm face ? Yeah I dislike him too. So, it seems like the abomination called reclassing will come back, don't mind me, I'm just facepalming my face against a wall. While it is interesting to see it not resseting the level, isnt that just counter productive ? I mean, how does it works for the skills ? Do you gain them automatically or something ? If you gain skills like that in the first place of course, but ah...
  11. Oh, good point L95, I forgot about that ! But... he doesn't have anything equipped, so why ?... He seems to have a +2 skill, does green stats include skills ?
  12. Thank for the info ! If Norh is really that crappy, it's understandable they want to have a better land, but it beg the question: if they have a hard time having anything, because if they have a hard getting food, they must have a hard time getting anything, how can they have an army, especially of that size ? How can they have that much of weapons and armors ? Kind of the same coherence problems with Hoshido when I think about it. It looks more like a Master Seal, also I wonder if the max level of the Butler class isn't 10. because he seems to have a maxed stat. The green 14. Well, maybe it is the constitution ?. EDIT: Never mind, I just realized that it was the stats for the class he was promoting to. Wait, if it update the stats, why doesn't it update the level ?
  13. The map look a lot like Awakening yeah, but it doesn't matter, I don't dislike Awakening to that point. I'm not a fan of the chara-design though.
  14. If only you could, like, join Garon, then betray him at the very last moment. It would be epic. Or join him until with no betraying, and him actually not betraying you or some stuff, if you want that kind of thing.
  15. Persona 4 is like that too, only more happy-go-lucky. Strega, I remember them, and oh boy, they're pathetic. :/ Personally, I have a lot of fun with having a lot of dialogue lines, it's not me yeah, but it's freaking fun to have that. Not like persona of SMT, no, more like DAO or Baldur's gate. I love a Link to the past/between world/Majora's mask because of the opposite, barely any backstory, you kick back, do stuff, it's awesome. Mute, but not to the point of being stupid or even lampshaded constantly. I see you're point, and it's a great one, and in fact, I never named my Robin after myself precisely because of that. I've heard the same kind of things about pokemon, before, you could name your rival, but, Green will always be Green and Silver will always be Silver. arrogant jackasses who become nicer later one. I got the impression that they will screw up no matter what with Kamui, like Chrim and Robin. For Cornelia, one thing that irked, was the Cordelia/Robin support, most of it is about how she was a 'genius', but it annoyed her to be called that because she has a hard time with her comrades because of that, then suddenly 180, apparently her comrades loved her, it was only teasing. What. The support was nice until that point.
  16. They kind of pushed it in your face in Persona, especially in P3, It's very awkward, especially when they force you to do stupid things, like Social Link-cheating, Though I do a agree that Aigis is the best waifu, but Eli is not bad either. I don't think much about wish-fulfilment, even though the devs seems to have that in mind, in fact, I don't care. It's more along the line of good writing and common sense, a Cordelia is in love with the Lord. The Lord is Kamui. Kamui is you. I just find it stupid that they would ever think of 'lolnope' that kind of pairing entirerly, especially after the tone of support Robin had awakening. In my mind Chrom/Cordy not being possible was stupid enough, but in If's case ? Oh boy. ... Hopefuly, they won't give the personality of either Chris or Chrom to Kamui. If the Cordelia of If want to bang someone else, she can do it. It would be another issue completely (Hint: Shipping war. :p)
  17. Considering that Kamui is more or less supposed to be you, it would be pretty stupid to put a Cornelia somewhere.
  18. Line shield, Party shield, Aegis guard and some nectar were indeed, very useful. The Imperial class seems pretty OP with a good set up, I've seen some video of it soloing some post-game bosses. Now I just have to give it to my Runemaster.
  19. Orgasmic ? Uh, wow, nice word. :p It's definitely an improvement compared to Awakening, still over-designed though.
  20. I admit, I though the topic was just a joke and was going to laugh, but this is actually a 'serious' complain. Hopefully, it's grayed out because it's a beta or something. Or because...
  21. Dad or Dark Dad Dark Baron, oh yeah !
  22. Probably because the devs would like you to think that Hoshido should be important to you or something. You'll probably be able to change his name. Eh, calling him Raptor-Jesus... the funny thing is, he is a reptile, and he'll probably be a messiah or some crap.
  23. But isn't it like portable computer ? Won't it break it if you do it too much ?
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