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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. It's far less awesome looking than the 3DS, I guess ? No 3D or Amiilol support, it's up to you to decide if it's that much of a drawback. To me, it's just just a bunch of a useless gimmick.
  2. How the heck did you guys managed to do that ? Is the 3DS really that easy to break ? Geez, now I'll be even more paranoid with my 3DS XI.
  3. Eh, you know, attractiveness in fiction... 5 kids ? I though it was only two, Kamui and Lobster-kun... though you're right, I'm not sure if she is really Kamui's mom. Also, what, Camilla is related to Marx and Loster ?
  4. A brand, new, 3DS given for free. I wonder if I could have that.
  5. Third-tier classes confirmed mofo Maybe they decided to make the dragon blood skill an unseen skill, or whatever ? My god, now that I look at it, the smile of Kamui's mom is so fake.
  6. Even though I'm at the fourth stratum, the only thing my Fortress ever do is auto-taunt, taunt, rampart, or attack. SOMETIME, line shield. Holy Blessing is only occasional, and even then, I have my medic for that. I maxed Iron wall and Knight's bound, she have 3 in HP boost, those are actually useful. All the 'shield' skills seems kinda useless, 10tp for line-shield, manageable but still heavy cost, 20tp for party-shield ? WTF. What's more, if you are unlucky, and that happens a lot to me, said shield skill can be utterly useless, either because my Fortress die, or because the ennemy doesn't do the 'good' action. Guard master sounds good though, and it seems to help with shield skills. I guess they will be more useful late on.
  7. Eh, the kunoichi is a babe... I can't believe I just said that, but it's true.
  8. It would make sense that some of them join Kamui no matter what. But if it's a lot of them, it would be... I don't want to say dumb, but yeah it is.
  9. Dat blondy's rape face. Oh my, who is the pretty lady ?
  10. You know what's very disapointing ? No Sakuya expy. :p And even if there was, they would never be as great as her. ...Please, surprise me game.
  11. Mouais, Sigurd/Deirdre being idealistic... one of them die, the other is brainwashed, and their love (almost) doom the entire world.
  12. In the name of everything that is holy and good, please, no reclassing.
  13. Overcomplicated talk ahead. :p The only thing I don't like about MKamui is his ridiculous shota-look. FKamui's design is perfect. That's it. 3Comrades => to be fair, male characters in JRPG have the same problems, not at the same level though. No matter, I'm not gonna talk more about it any further, don't want a headache. :p
  14. I'm quite happy for it actually. I just think of the new possibilities.
  15. Holy shit, looking at EO3 after playing EO4 is quite jarring. The princess and monk skill set if well used make a big part of the game a cake-walk. Princess' shitton of HP regeneration skill in and and out of a battle plus Monk instant healing is almost OP. Hoplite/Ninja is kind of like Fortress/Dancer but even better, because it have something else than evasion boost.. Like creating a freaking clone that you can ether use as a Kamikaze or for tank for the other line. And it can regen TP easily. Farmer are for, well, farming, you create farmer team, then goes to a recolt spot. Also, Stratum 5 music is the best music of the game. That's also where I stopped playing, because ah, I have the impression that I screwed big time with my team :/ EDIT: And Hoist the sword with pride in the heart, dat Kirin(?) fight.
  16. Really ? Eh, Eo is complicated and awesome just like that. But if you do that at the beginning of the game, well, you're screwed, sine you'll need those point in other thing, like, healing. I unlocked the subclasses, and speaking of screwing, Auto-Spread + Venom Throw = Orgasm and 700 or so damage.
  17. Waiting for orders, General. Eh, I though the knight at the left was a MU sample actually. You know, the first skill of each characters does seems to be enlighted, or whatever the word is. Phew, the devs looks motivated with this game ! Dat Silver sword. Great Butler. It could've been something worse, like Super Butler. What was that manga about a nice blue-haired guy who become a buttler for a rich loli ? I've got some flashback here. :p
  18. Dude, I'm listening and I understand perfectly, it's just that in the end I decided to joke around with a crappy comparison. Oh boy, the quintessence, dat translation facepalm. Eh, I'll have a lookt at it.
  19. Eh, you're right. It's just that I lost most of my faith in the language after hearing too much people speaking french like crap, I was kinda skeptical. And I wanted to do a jab about the language anyway In Etrian Odyssey, I called two of my characters Pomme and Sucre, in a french fiction, it would be ridiculous, but in a english or a japanesese fiction, it works. Apple and Sugar are not the best name ever in an english game. :p Lightning Big Thunder sound like a good name though, it would definitely make a lasting impression in a game. So, wanna eat some frogs with me later on ?
  20. Digni-what now ? To me French always sounds rather... brutish. And I'm french. Though I agree that German and English are super-badass.
  21. Soon I'll be lv40 and shit will gets real. :D Oh and apparently, the Toxic Cave is... Toxic. Sounds legit.
  22. It was sheer dumb luck, and bad writing. Seriously, 'playing dead' ? The kids come from a apocalyptic future to save the past, time travel being already pretty dump, it's even worse when you consider that the only character who think of doing something, ultimately do or achieve nothing. Apparently save Chrom from an assassin. Doesn't matter at all since said 'Assassin' would have just midly injured him. Want to save Emmeryn ? Fail plain and simple. Want to stop Basilio from going to war so he won't get killed ? She let him go and doesn't even think of going with him. Want to kill Robin to he/she won't become Grima ? She don't do it. No matter what. Even though she could just kill him/her in his/her sleep or something. Even worse, everyone just ignore her. Our heroes ladies and gentlemen ! The only one who really did anything to 'fight his fate' was Robin... with a gambit pulled right out from his ass that didn't make any kind of sense. Awesome idea actually. C'mere, give me a hug.
  23. Eh, love relationship, or relationship in general for that matter, were much more realistic in past FE games. It was tame, and suble. It didn't had the worse manga cliche of the freaking universe.
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