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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Stupid good for the protag, Stupid Evil for the Antag. What ? It's true.
  2. If there is no reclassing, then sure, I do want auto-promotion to be back. I always though it was a fun mechanic.
  3. Hoshido players are doomed, Nohr is confirmed to be the best. :p Still hoping that the third path isn't a neutral humanity friendship bullcrap. Same length as Awakening ? *snort* That's supposed to be a good thing ?
  4. Forced. Tutorial. ... This too, holy crap, I totally forgot about that. Thanks, always wanted to remember one of my worst nightmare. :p But seriously, go play Dark Souls. The first one. So much bastard moment, so much game-design trap, so much epicness on my part. :p Or Atlus' game, oh boy, Atlus...
  5. Oh. *facepalm* My bad. Still thanks. Heh, not too shabby I guess, but it's hard to tell without the full body or colored version. And they're hard to differentiate. You differentiate them by their haircuts, like wtf. And they're strange.
  6. Hum, could you show the Kozaki's designs of the older protagonist, please ? I just can't seem to find them.
  7. Some vague memories from a distant past, from a distant country, doesn't justify betraying the people you knew all of your life, like big-boob-onee-chan or cool-blond-big-bro. Then again, I don't see how it would be possible to make Hoshido appealing in only 6 chapters, as in at all. Without the messiah-bullcrap theme like Emmeryn, or couse. Like 'ogm they're SO purrrfect.and they sparkle and stuff'. Like, you know, something an average plot would have. :p
  8. Meh, I dislike them. It's like Archers, they're a waste of time, imo, and I can invest my time in much better units. It was hate at first sight, I would say. :p Though I dislike them more than Archers., And they're awesome lore-wise. Lot of plot holes though.
  9. Well, the question is complicated. 'cuz Robin is not only a main character, he is the main character of his game with his own classes. While Elincia is 'just' a main character. WIth just one scenario on her own, but with and her own classes. Micky is the main character of her own game, though in the end Ike is more like the main character or both game. It's complicated. And we can go far like that, though yeah, in the end I agree, Elincia's not a lord. Oh boy... I started something after talking about Elincia, didn't I ?
  10. Oh boy, if they put censorship in the mix, a lot of things will burn.
  11. Magic build Flynn is the best build. You can't tell me that a restrictive phys/gun build is any better than the versability and power that the magic build give. Especially in a game where hitting weak points is a core mechanic. Recruit a Archangel, level it enough and it will evolve, level this evolution enough, and it will evolve again. Etc and etc. I sure got lucky on that one, I didn't even tried to recruit one. EDIT: Well, yeah, there is the angel too. Ah, I'm too dumb. But still practical.
  12. SMT was really not that much all 'Law VS Chaos', it was just a tiny team-building choice, and a tiny end-game choice. It had nothing to do with the extreme, or the bullcrap that they put in front of our face like in Strange Journey, SMTIV or DS2. Same with Neutral, it was just doing what both factions told you to do, or giving them the finger, now it's all 'humanity is awesome', maintaining the status-quo, or such bull. Pfeh, how boring and dumb. Nocturne and DS1 had every path you wanted. Like Der Langrisser. In FEXSMT, the SMT part looks more like Persona, they are not that good story-wise. :p Gameplay-wise, SMT or Persona, you're gonna lose a lot, though SMTIV was just freaking easy for me.
  13. Male: Hector and Ike. Not surprising. Female: Lyn is my first, Lyn is the best. I like Eirika, apparently people dislike her, but I don't, she is... simple. ... Does Caeda and Elincia counts as Lorde ?
  14. Yeah, it annoys me that a lot of people think of it as the freaking messiah, which, technically it is, it saved the franchise, but you see what I mean. It doesn't mean it's the best. Awakening being the best Fire Emblem... *snort*
  15. Huh. Why should I judge them ? If we both look at each other I say hello, most the time they say hello too. Rarely, they don't.
  16. So many Castlevania joke possible here. :p But Kamui fit the bil. Maybe he is somekind of demon king or something.
  17. Black Lord, White Lord... it sounds racist. :p How predictable from me to do that joke I'm fine with Dark Prince, I wonder if I could be a dark messiah like Julius though, I always wanted to burn children !
  18. Summer ? Oh oh, I wish ! It would be the perfect birthday present.
  19. You ARE a dragon. Or a prostitute. I'm not exactly sure about that one to be honest. Midnight Sun reference here. Kind of stupid to pick a fight against a dragon. By the way, why does everybody call him Lobster ? He doesn't look like a Lobster to me.
  20. Oh yeeees, I want some Imouto's blood on my hands... It make sense to me. From their crappy POV, Kamui betray them for 'strangers'. Though Ryouma seems much more nicer about it. He's all m'okay, come at me bro, showmeyourdetermination, while Marx is all 'Justice ? Lol, I'll give it you'. It's the other Hoshido I'm worried about, like blond-archer-guy. He was saying 'YOU TRAITOR' in the trailer, Kamui was RAISED in Nohr. No reason to give a damn about Hoshido. To me, it's a nice piece of troll logic. Maybe he is supposed to be a 'generic' loyal solder ? Like, with the personality of it ?
  21. The Nihilist ? Ah. I'll explain, but. Warning spoiler SMT4. Honestly, they're just somekind of... boring macguffin. the story would be better without them, it's almost as the same level as the Multiverse from FEA. They even do some of the DLC's. Just because. Sheesh, i want to rant about SMT4's story now, but I'll refrain. :p Still a good game, you should probably try it ! Kind of easy though, especially for a SMT game. Mage build ftw btw.
  22. Heh, both Light and Lulu are assholes protagonist with a bad season two. I'm surprised that no one talked about CG's pink swords. He would be a very interesting protagonist actually ! For me it would be the same as the Nihilists from SMT4, not interesting, probably very poorly done, and just a big waste of time and potential. Seriously, the stupidity of it all was simply amazing.. Plus, I would find that vaguely insulting.
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