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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. You know, when I heard about Eirika/Ephraim rumor, I was like 'Sounds legit', they were pretty close, and the incest subtext was here. And you know what ? I was pretty much fine with it. I was like sure why not. Pretty much the same with Lachesis/Eltoshan. Now if Camilla will be romancable ? Most likely. She is with Aqua the boobs and the legs of the game. They did that kind of thing a lot in FEA. The same kind of 180 degree that is.
  2. Well, when you see that can recruit an freaking army (Seriously, just how units there was in this ?) in Blazing Sword, for the sole purpose of searching Eli's dad, then stopping such an incredible powerful and large army that it will be forgotten in 10-20 years... Yeah, the story wasn't the most shiny thing ever. But the characters were great. Imo anyway. No joke Sherlock. :p You can't take Nergal seriously, but you can take seriously a underdeveloped crawny guy with a stupid haircut, a man cleavage a disapointing spell, and no backstory whatsoever ? And who's speak nonsense every five second ?... Eh, they both spend a lot of time doing the last one. But Nergi did it right. :p And this explain everything. Kamui stole a chololate toast. The thing is, chocolate is very hard to find, and Garon is addicted to it. That's explain why he has such a strange skincolor: he ate too much chocolate.
  3. In the name of everyhing that is holy, I hope not.. Enough of crappy useless content.
  4. Wow, so much for Nintendonium. When you think that a gameboy took a nuclear bomb to it's face and still works... If I may ask, what is the point of this box called Nerf case ? Is it a protection ? Just a box ?
  5. They didn't do anything with Validar period. :p Which is freaking pathetic actually, when you know that he is supposed to be Eh, for me Nergal was great, he had badass moments and a good, detailed, backstory.
  6. Don't forget that she is a time-traveler who do nothing really worthwhile. ;p Kind of like your common peggy-sue when you think about it.
  7. Nevermind, for some reason I read 'stepford smiler' as 'stepford sister'... Still thank you for the answer, and for tolerating my stupidity.
  8. That's what they want you to believe. Nah, but you see what I mean, it's always humanity, human society, human ideals, and screw everything not human. Of course, they never said that directly.
  9. Stepford sister ? Huh, what is it ? Could you tell me more about it ? Clearly, it's Kamui who is in the wrong. Kamul: 'sup dad, since we're in the beginning of a Fire Emblem, I had to gain some gold, it's in the script, so I took some from the royal treasury. Apparently, I got to do a rebellion against you or some stuff. Sorry gotta go. See you at breakfast tomorrow. Eh, I just hope they won't be all 'This guy kidnapped you, killed your biological dad, destroyed half of the world, always cheated at poker, loved to read lolicon doujin, and is overall an asshole, but I really feel bad for him.' Like, you know, there is a moment where you have to stop the friendship and rainbow bull.
  10. Considering the waifu/husbando gimmick was apparently the main selling argument, it will most likely be in If.
  11. Well, the series is kind of all human supremacy with the dragons, or anything not human for that matter, getting the short end of the stick. That's a tad a annoying, and I'll find it even more if they pull a 'Dragon bood dispear and Kamui lose his power to live happily with his (human of course) friends' ending. And you're going to tell me 'but the laguz/branded', thing is, they were badly written and not developed.
  12. ... There is a fetish about that ? *sigh* My innocence...
  13. There seems to be something wrong with that phrase somehow. :p Nah, but I'll probably retire/rest or something later on, I want the bonus in stats/skills point to worth it, except if the game REALLY bitch slap me in the face. Eo is so, so maso. :p
  14. Huh, that would be badass. Maybe she is just blind, or have a different eye color. Like that one chick from Rune factory. It would not stop me. :p And hey, it never stopped people from waifuying that evangelion girl.
  15. I probably going to make them rest at lv 50, the bonus seems to justify the waste of time. All the Fire spells seems rather boring to me, so I didn't put points in Fire Rune, but the moment I have a boss who do a Fire-All-magic... yeah... :/ Etrian Odysey is the kind of game with a shitton of skills, but not much SP, the problem is you don't necessarily where to put those SP. Like in EO3, there's the Monk. It's the main healer, but you can waster SP in fist skills. Or the Fortress, he is the main buffer, the protector of the group, the PV bag. And you can give him physical skills. Which is something that a normar RPG player who don't know anything EO would do actually. And in the end, even if you do have an idea of where to put those points, you're still going to have a hard time. I shudder to think what it is to play a EO 100% blind.
  16. Yeah, compared to Awakening, it seems like a huge improvement, that's why I don't complain much about Camilla. Sadly, I don't think we will ever go back to this Golden Age. :/
  17. I, ah, how to say this ? Love that the games that i bought fully belongs to me. One day, saying this will be strange. -_-' Like seriously, I buy a game, it's mine. No need to go into crappy streetpass/spotpass content or free-to-start, I honestly think it's dumb.
  18. Runemaster is just freaking badass ! My team is lv32/33 right now. Yup, definitly almost level 40. My Runemaster build so far is this. I take that it wasn't such a good idea to put all those point in Glacier Rune ? :p Still awesome spell. EDIT: Oh screw it, here my full team build so far. Orange, Female, Fortress, Front Olivia, Female, Dancer, Front Ninja, Female, Nightseeker, Front. Is Speed Boost worth it ? I know that the Dancer version is glitched but not this one apparently. Pomme, Female, Medic, Back Not proud of this one I got the impression that I could do or have much better. I don't see the point of Revive. I have nectar for that. Well, there IS Auto-Revive later... My Runemaster is called Sucre btw. French-word named harem ftw Seriously, french words are awesome in a english game, they sound just right.
  19. I met some of those NPCs, and you got to explain me how the heck to they manage to drive a freaking airship alone. And I'm not even talking about the fighting. When I see that, I kind of want to do a solo run one day, eh.
  20. Meanwhile in the future... :p You know it's going to happen sooner or later.
  21. Need to farm some goldy sheepies. Because murdering animals is the best solution. :p Also, Ice Rune lv3, Glacier Rune lv7 and Runic Flare lv6. It's freaking awesome especially for FOE.
  22. You know, Hoshido is pretty... buddhism (buddhist ? I never know.)... And there was a monk in real life that decided to burn himself alive as a sign of protestation... ... There's just no way I could ever do a joke that isn't offensive about that, huh ? So I'm not apologizing, since I didn't do a joke about it. :D
  23. Eh.... the very, very first Mario on the Nes, don't have much memory of that time, I was very, very young. Then after that, Secret of Mana, Zelda III and Super Mario World, best games ever. That, however, I remember.
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