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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Wha- seriously ? Sheesh, now I feel dumb. ... does it change the credibility of what I said above ? :o
  2. Some fighting games have a very good story and lore like Soul Calibur (sans SC4 and 5) and Blazblue. Holy crap blazblue. Of course, it's the gameplay that matter, but a good story is a very nice bonus. I remember spending a lot of time reading SC2's backstories. Eh, how is DOA story-wise ? I only played one game and I didn't loved it gameplay-wise.
  3. Eh, I didn't even knew they existed, and I didn't find much informations about them. Just the bare minimum. :/ I'm not even sure if that's official.
  4. Eh, there was some MRobin/FRobin shipper, no ?
  5. Eh, don't remember much about EO1, and didn't touched EO2 that much. It's been what, ten years or so since EO1 ? I dunno. I just remember that I don't like Fenrir.
  6. Possible answers: *zero fuck given and attack her* 'But I love you ! (truth)' 'But I love you ! (lie)' 'You. Are. Not. My. Family. Stop talking about it you weirdo.' 'Yes, yes, I'm a traitor, you're perfect, get in line'. 'Oh hey, remember about Sakura ? I KILLED HER I still have her head. >:D' 'Oh hey, remember about Sakura ? SHE BETRAYED YOU GUYS FOR ME ! >:D' 'Oh hey, remember about X ? 'insert random evil thing' >:D' Oh holy crap, best darkfic ever. So much potential, I'm actually smiling. (+1000 dead whataver living thing you hate.)
  7. Eliwood and Kamui would be total bro I think.
  8. Worst case scenario: You ressurect her as your undead slave. Best. Romance. Ever.
  9. More like welcome to EO. Seriously, all first bosses are always a pain in the ass. Still, the music is a cool as ever. I though I would miss the first mazes dungeon music, but no. Love the japanese feel.
  10. In D&D there is a class called Sorcerer that can cast spells naturally, without any tome. Because one of their ancestor was a dragon. Or a demon. Or an angel. It doesn't mean that his parents or his siblings are Sorcerers, or even special, it just mean that the dude had a special ancestor, and he got lucky. Heck, it doesn't mean that when a dragon and a human have sex, the kid will be special. There is also a prestige class called Dragon Disciple, accessible for characters with the feat dragon bloodline and know dragon language, the point is to willingly tap into your dragonic heritage to become a human-dragon. Which is as fucking badass as it sounds. And in some case a vicious gamebreaker. There is also the Reavers from Dragon Age, peope who gain powers from drinking dragon/wyvern blood with Lyrium or some crap, and apparently, the descendants of Reavers gain some sort of powers. But bioware is know for their shitty writing and enormous retcon, so you might as well forget this example. What I mean is that sheer dumb luck is the best answer... It's also be the worst yeah. One person being able to transform because one of his ancestors did a blood pact, well I think it's possible. The blood can dispear in one guy, then reappear in another, it can also mutate. Though I give you that, it can take A LOT of time to mutate, but sometime not at all. It's random. In FE5, there is a moment were a girl (Linoan ?) talk to a dude, and zoop, the dude awaken her naga blood, Naga. Blood. Wtf. Long ass post is long. Also lol, in another topic I said that comparing real life and fiction is iffy, and I do exaclty that here. Granted, it's not the same subject and all, but shaddup, it's funny.
  11. It's not that I'm all 'one side of the royal familly being killed', no, I just consider this to be the minimum. Maybe one or two recruitable anyways why not. But really, that would screw up the drama and the impact of the 'choice'.
  12. The end result is not surprising. That kind of things happens a lot, strange isn't it ? :p
  13. In one of the picture, Kamui had somekind of monster mask ... maybe he'll end up being a super sentai or a kamen rider ? ... where is the rope ? I need it so I can kill myself. :o
  14. He/she/Idunno look like a dancer or trickster with his sword. Weird.
  15. Yes, they kill villagers and destroy villages, but that's it, and like in all FE it's not that developped. I really doupt that it will be darker than that in If. If we can even call that dark. Like I said, real life and fiction are not the same. EDIT: Ah, crap, I realized my mistake, in my previous post, I wanted to say that in Awakening, there was no rape, and not that much people killed. Please forgive me for this mistake.
  16. You do know that we're talking about a fictional world, right ? With a (probably) very J-RPG mindset ? I doupt there were any rape, or even murder, in Awakening, despite the utterly ridiculous number of bandits or such.
  17. That would be so freaking awesome. I'm actually drooling for it. ... Well no I'm not 'drooling', but you see what I mean I hope.
  18. Hmm, the game is surprisingly easy I said. ah ah. :p Berserker king told me to say hello.
  19. Who. Is. That. Woman. On. Your. Avatar. Seriously, it makes me crazy !
  20. What. Gee, thanks Obama, so much for upgrading magicnology. :o Everything is fine and dandy for now, as long as I'm too reckless. Auto-taunt is a good skill. My Dancer and Nightseeker are very strong, given my Runemaster Volt Rune and Lightning Rune, which does damage to an entire line pleasantly surprised about that. And the musics are simply fabulous. Except for the main town, it's a tad annoying. :p
  21. Wait. Does that mean that twintails-chan could be sexually attracted to Camilla or Milla ? As for Sonic 06, never heard or it, I'm serious, never. I heard some things about a human girl kissing Sonic in a video game sowewhere, that must be about it.
  22. I was speaking lore-wise, but it doesn't mean that your explanation wasn't helpful. Thank you very much ! I didn't even noticed, but I have three dancer. And apparently, speed boost is bugged, doesn't change much but still. Yeah, that's why having more than one class can be a bad idea, EO love to cancel your effects like that. So it's decided, I'll use this team. Fortress/Dancer, Nightseeker/Arcanist, Dancer/Nightseeker, Medic/Dancer, Runemaster/Imperial Tell me good luck, I'll need it. :p
  23. None. They would probably create their own faction, or try to get the hell out of this mess, then fail to do so and create their own faction anyways. Especially if like us, they don't know much about the situation. Some nice idiot like Chrom would probably join a faction, but they're just minority, good riddance for this one :p
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