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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Wait. What the... ? I want to ask, I honestly want to ask, is this a joke topic, or is it seriously going to be in the game ?
  2. *insert The Game Theorists joke* Wasn't that already more or less established though ?
  3. Please. She is also in her panties and have a huge ass Silver Axe. It's important to mention everything.
  4. If I remember correctly, in the trailer Ryouma said something like 'That's right, I'm your older brother' and Ryouma look like Mr Arrowed with some differences, so... Oh yeah, and the cutscene itself and the POV of it. ...Garon couldn't possibly grap Kamui by the face like that if Kamui wasn't a toddler, right ?
  5. Again ? The only thing that surprise me is not even the cleavage, it's the poorly designed footand belt. That's supposed to be a official artwork ?
  6. So far, I like her, but considering that we don't know much about her... Maybe I'll dislike her, but only after I obtain the game
  7. When you say plenty, you mean plenty, official, or plenty, independent stuff ? There is a big difference. Also, Attack on Titan, it was a blink and miss moment, I had to look closer to even ask myself 'Oh, they are in love ? Maybe there is more and more acceptance toward it in Japan, doesn't change the fact that, one, it's illegal, and two, it's still treated poorly. Ie what Neko and HF said. Not gonna repeat it. :p Am I the only who find that talking about homosexual marriage in Fire Emblem is somewhat stupid ? I mean, Fire emblem is a series where making children is a gameplay-mechanic. Gameplay. Mechanic. Also, it's a medieval setting. I doupt that this time was kind to homosexual people.
  8. It's because I'm Nohr isn't it ? I'm not apologizing. Either Nohr, or the third path. Screw Hoshido. :p
  9. 'Who gives a shit about the world ? Everyone just need to die'. They want justice ? Easy, Dragonbreath on everything. It's super effective. :p Nah but seriously, Kamui probably just forgot about it, but will remember at one point for some reason. The death of his dad shown in the trailer is a cutscene from his POV after all. Or maybe he never forgot about it.
  10. Covenant of the plume ? Oh boy... Take Etrian Odyssey III or Golden Sun II instead
  11. Not really, Neutral being the only 'good' solution that didn't make you feel like extremist dick is something recent. Lucifer is disapointing in this game, eh ? Very ugly too.
  12. Oh yeah, I recently just heard the Mystery version of Chalky Woods. Freaking awesome !
  13. It was only a matter of time before that kind of thing happens. Doesn't make it less painful for me though. :p
  14. The bit about a nuclear war was me joking. Along the line of 'to the risk of enraging the fanbase'. :p Though the Valkyria, Valkyrias ?... Are apparently a metaphor for nuclear weapon, in fact, I think that one of them go kaboum.
  15. I heard that Valkyria Chronicles had a shitty plot. To the risk of causing a nuclear war, I want to ask: is that true ?
  16. Well, Hoshido seems to be pushed as the 'morality right', that's something I am annoyed at.
  17. RIP Amrita II A pain in the ass to farm. Mere seconds to go away. Finally defeated the final boss after what, my fourth try, I think ? All my team level 64, sans my Imperial/Bushi who was lv54. Compared to other Atlus games, EO4 is really not that hard. especially in comparison of other EO, like EO3, if you told me I could survive a random encounter easily in EO4, I would've been very surprised. I'm not even talking about the Auto-Spread = Venom Throw, even before that, it wasn't that hard. EO3 bitchslapped me in the face. Very fun dungeons mechanics though, the third stratum can go to hell though. It's fun two sec, then it's just a pain. Not that I'm complaining, with Atlus games, you don't need to play fair, a gamebreaking strategy is merely a good one. So, I'm going to do the post-game, and I wanted to ask, what do you think of Etrian Mystery Dungeon and Etrian Untold ? Untold kind of turn me off because of the NPC and a much more implemented storyline, but if it's good. Mystery dungeon, well I played some Pokemon like that.
  18. You know what else I fear ? Huge amount of Yaoi fanfictions. I said that to joke, but yeah, it can be annoying.
  19. Shadow Dragon doesn't count, since you could legitimately and perfectly ignore this feature, feature that despite the limitations forced was well implemented. Well, I say that, but I never used it, I always though it was more for the expert to use, because, you need a certain experience and knowledge to temper with it correctly. Finally, there was no skill to grind for hours. What do you mean, you were kidding ? :p Thank you ! And sorry for the inconvenience. Level 11, holy crap. Well, it's probably a beta screen ? After all, Kamui have a skill that he don't have anymore in more recent screen ?...
  20. Uh I didn't thought about that. If the caps are 30, the skills might still be viable, and since IS seems to want to improve their image.. Hm, will they really lower the cap that much though ? EDIT: If I may ask, what was Kamui's level ? Could you also show me the screeshot please ? If it's not too annoying to find.
  21. Maybe it won't as bad as Awakening, and like I said, it's a step in the right direction, but it still seems bad. :/ I got the impressions that most personal skills will become useless in later chapters. I mean, -3 Strength against a unit with 50 Strength, it just don't work. Maybe those skills evolve or something ?
  22. Reclassing is dumb, it sould not exist, it should never had existed. Rage moment assumed. Well people knew who was the Black Knight in Tellius. It's not the the first time that a dev do that kind of thing. Why naming it something so boring ? Well, they apparently love boring main character, I guess ?
  23. Fabulous Charisma. Dragonblood give a lot of stuff, in d&d, Sorcerers gain powers and spells with their Charisma score. Are we sure that the characters knew, knew ? Also, Kamui is young, why doesn't Marx or Leon have it this skills ? Uh... Maybe they have it, or a even better version of it.
  24. Maybe they want to use his draconic heritage as a plot-twist in the game or something. I agree with you though, it's kinda lame.
  25. Elitist, elitist, uh... I'm confused, because i have a hard time imagining them doing that, especially for just one version. Same with the skills. But it seems like a step in the right direction I guess. Kamui is a dragon, so maybe it's because of that, that he is charismatic. If in the end, he is as charismatic as Naruto or Robin, feel free to laugh. :p
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