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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Let's hope she is a 'good' yandere then, unlike Tharja. You know, not a stupid 'humoristic' gimmick, something sublte and good story-wise. *gasp*
  2. I actually agree, it can be very interesting. We just have to see how they do it. :p
  3. My head... it hurts.... Somebody create a waifu emblem so I can get out of this mess... Yeah mages doesn't seem as bad as before. You got to explain me how magic works in this setting. Hexes, Alchemy, Ki in EO3, now it's rune. How does it works ? Say, what do you think of this team ?
  4. It's not because it necessarily promotes 'inferior strategy', I dislike it because it's one step forward the pure stupidity. Plus a lot of others details... Yeah, it's a choice, but I don't have to like it. Nor do I have to like that this feature will be what some/a lot of people will know about If. Lunatic+ is luck-based, not skill-based, and yes, you are forced to use Fred. The first chapters at least I give you that. I ask again, how do call a difficulty mode where all the ennemy's skills are randomly, distribued, to the point where you just have to reset so that in the next try you have a chance ?
  5. Eh, doesn't seem to be the case to me. Camilla seems way too much melancholic for that kind of thing. As well as the Onee-sama part.
  6. It's not related to my skill at all that I'm forced, yes, forced, to rely on Frederick to win first chapters of the game on L and L+. How do call a difficulty mode where all the Lunatic+ skills are randomly distribued ? Okay, so what ? Also, please forgive me for my lack of understanding, but what does 'gitting gud' means ?
  7. Personally, the thing I noticed the most was Camilla's ass. And nothing of value is shown with Hinoka. Another thing that make Nohr the best choice. Zombie dragon eh ? Badass.
  8. In Awakening they had Casual, which means than when one of your units die, they come back next chapter, I facepalmed at that but I had no real problem it was a choice that I was more willing to ignore, and it wasn't so bad. Now Phoenix Mode, one of your units die, they come back at the very next turn, the hell ? So no, I really don't think it's unfair to say they noobified Fire Emblem more and more. Especially since those new things will be representing Fire Emblem in the future. Also I believe that Lunatic and Lunatic+ are pure BS difficulty, I don't want them to force me to do x thing, RNG manipulate, reset the game, or whatever. I want hard mode to be hard, if it's not the case, they do their job wrong.
  9. Pokemon ? Not hard ? Huh, what about Black/White ? Those were rather difficult. Somewhat. I don't really care in the end, I won't be using Fetus mode, but this doesn't change the fact that once again, Fire emblem is noobified to death, beyond what Awakening was. Yeah, we don't know everything, I can admit that maybe It's not so bad, but right now it's pure BS. But it can be fun to goof off with it, for probably 10 minute or so. Yay...
  10. Okay. Okay. What the flying hell ? Weapon durability, I'm fine with that, good things can be done with that and I'm interested, but Phoenix Mode ?! As if Awakening wasn't easy enough ! What next, no PV mode ? Yes, it's optional, but it doesn't change the fact this is a pure BS option to have. And I know it's a video game, but crap, I'm genuinely insulted, no matter how childish this sound. Phoenix mode, more like Failure mode. ....let's talk about other thing than this enormous BS, okay ? I have a huge headache, now... And maybe it isn't as bad as it sounds... *snort* The Kamui's are rather emo looking, no ? Why does Camilla have a... dildo between her breasts ? I'm sorry but it looks like a dildo to me. or a scroll ?... Revenant Knight, what a strange name. Necrophlia waifu confirmed. So we'll have the opportunity to manipulate the map, okay that sounds cool actually. Oh and, thanks for the links !
  11. ...Miriam doesn't look like a girl. :p Nah, but seriously, spritual successor of SoN ? Hype hype hype.
  12. I kind of dislike Medicas and others healing item in EO, except for TP healing, but yeah, since I can subclass them later... I remember fondly my Monk/Princess from EO3 in back line, plus my Princess in front line, I basically had auto-heal in the two row. Yeah, from my past experience if you don't have a Protector, with their buff and tank skills, you gonna have a bad time. I never liked mages in EO, they just seems like a needless pain in the ass to me, if I really wanted a specific drop, I used a elemental jar(?) or something. That, and dat TP blackhole. I'm sure people will want to kill me for the last one.
  13. Alright, just got EO4, from what I've heard it's one of the easiest EO so far. Now, the question I always end up asking is, what should I put in my team ? Medic and Dancer seems to be a must have, and I really loved the Princess and Monk classes in EO3. Classes in EO is like pairing in FE4, it's a huuuuuuuuge headache.
  14. Does that mean that Shyamalan will make a movie of it ?
  15. It's Loptous, not Loptyr, burn you monster. Nah seriously, I always though that this TCG was supposed to be a 'normal' dark dragon, rather than Medeus himself. Grima seems rather Eastern, then again, calling Grima a dragon is rather iffy.
  16. I want this game to be good. Shocking huh ? Not but seriously guys, I'm not gonna say this again for what, the third time ? :p
  17. In our dream, Robin is a dragon. And the hacking. And our fanfic. Don't look at me like that, you know it's true. Though yeah, if it's so that in the end, it's somekind of persona...
  18. Morgan is a walking plot hole, with or without Manakete blood.
  19. I would say, Reader-insert and sex-scene alert. I'm not apologizing for ruining your life. Just wanted you know that, It's a badass hack. That... is all, I could continue and say that you are pretty, Oh wait, that's just your avatar, and you're a dude, no shit ? I was wondering why you were so flat. No seriously, It's a cool hack, can't really say anything more than that without taking too much of your time. Obvious spoiler ahead. You're good at surprising people. incidentally, you put some music from touhou in your hack, it means that you are a great person.
  20. Long. Ass. Forced. Tutorial. I HATE those. I can accept a little fast tutorial, or a manual, but crap, in the latest Harvest Moon, it's one hours long before you can play the true game. In Dark Souls, one minute is all you need before understanding the gameplay. Shitty. Writing. Pretty much what Thane said about it. It's because of those that I avoid most japanese RPG. And manga. It's void, they got zero originality no passion, no balls, to the point where reading a fanfic would be better, at least, I got a chance to not waste my time. And let's not even talk about the vallue dissonance, or the general stupid aesop/morality then try to put in. I dunno, but Eastern RPG seems more... tame, more subtle about it. Not that it make it better I also dislike how sometime, they put the story and the character-development together. Now when I say, together I say really, together, together. You could do math with those parallels. Linearity and the illusion of choice. In Awakening, it was clear the choices were bullshit, so I didn't get my panty in a twist, but in some games, like Dragon Age, Mass effect, or Persona 4 you really see that the choices are just fake. And boring. Then again, SMT is more about the gameplay than the story. When you think about it, Skyrim is very linear actually. In Kingdom of Amalur, for a lot of quests, you got choices, generally just three, but that's actually more than enough to be good, despite using the wheel from Mass Effect. Wait, high-school is supposed to the happiest time ? Talk about a crappy life.
  21. That's supposed to be a compliment or not ? :p Maybe Kamui is supposed to be a leg man, instead of a breast man. Thus, story-wise push us toward Aqua. Worst FE Ever. Oh crap, I say that as a joke, but I hope it's not the case. It wouldn't be the first time that a developer push a fetish in our face
  22. Well, if you find an ennemy who null Phys or Gun, you could make the MC a support and let your demons do the killing, but I still find it to be a complete waste of time and potential, since the MC is the best damage dealer of the game. Even with just a Megido. Plus nothing stop MageFlynn from using his Phys/Gun attacks for extra turns. Demiurge wasn't that bad, same for Beelzebub. The only reasons it was ever hard was because I didn't had Dekunda for Antichthon, I had to use some Dekunda stones. Or because the rng hated me, which was actually rare. I'm still trying to find the Fiends though. Oh boy, this is just going to be a pain in the ass. Say, I heard a lot of people gushing about Super Alice, is it that great ? Because it sure sounds like a complicated pain the butt for nothing to me. :p
  23. MP Recovery, all of them, are a must have. Skill Expansion and Demon Skill are close behind, try to find a good balance between them. Summon Discount is great, but not necessarily a priority Skill Augment is good too, but not that good, I dunno, I always got shitty skills with it. Everything else is pretty much useless. Fusion EXP included Imo. Mostly because a level up after a fusion just annoys me. :p
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