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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. I'm sure that if you look deep into her cleavage, you'll find the truth within your heart.
  2. Dancer Girl aka Panty shot-chan is a robot. What a twist ! :p
  3. Don't exagerate, you can, at least understand the core of the story of the game. That's a thing. Good luck with the babies. btw. :p
  4. I try to not look at the vote choices, it could get risky for me. :p Heh, I dunno what the deal is, Tharja is much more skimpier than Camilla. Crap, Dancer GIrl is half naked, she even have a panty shot.
  5. I don't think they're related like that, I mean seriously, where the heck to they pull all those hair color ? Brown, black, red, blond, and Kamui is white haired, it's just geting ridiculous. xD
  6. I dunno about you guys, but I'm sure there's a 'You are not related to Hoshidan' twist. Maybe they were lying to Kamui, maybe not, but, I just feel it. And there's also the question of how did Kamui get his Manakete powers, maybe a blood pact, but I doubt it.
  7. In gamefaqs, I seen a guy saying that it would be like two SMT games, one for the Law path, the other for the Chaos path, and Neutral path as a DLC. Yikes, he's not wrong. :/ The comparison is like a slap in the face, because if we really end up having games like that...
  8. Pretty much this. I think she had way too much spotlight in Awakening, to the point where I'm just bored of her. :/ I don't even want to see her anymore, as in, never. Not as a merchant, not as a character, not to show the DLC, or the multiverse crap.
  9. You are a new member of the Souls community are you not ? Quick, somebody backstab him In Souls games, you kill things either because the story ask to, which is rare, or because they try to kill you first. In Souls games, again, the story and lore, is pretty vague at best, it's not surprising to have people not having the same version of the story, it's kind of what make them so great. Now the answer to your questions, in spoiler of course. I said it again, nothing is sure, even with all the explanations. It's like that in Souls games, And you know what ? I don't even have the game, heck, I don't even have a PS4. xD Heck, I only saw some let's play of it while craving for every bit of info on Reddit, gamefaqs, tvtropes, and Youtube. :p
  10. I dunno if there is any other Français in this forum, but as one, I can tell you this, France, looks nothing like Norh. :P Jocking aside, maybe it's not even a Rome/Japan conflict, just West/East conflict. Where was is stated is was Rome/Japan by the way ?
  11. Maybe there will not be any kind of grinding DLC. Hope. I try to have it, and strangely enough, I succeed, because, again, like the reclass system, it would be just weird. Heck, maybe there will not be any map. Pfah, yeah, I'm pushing it, but it's not impossible. And I dunno for you, but a base with a big fat DLC sounds ugly. Same with it being on the main menu of the game. Oh boy, the so unsexy picture I have inside my head. ><
  12. That guy reminds me of Jin Kisaragi from Blazblue. Not a bad thing though. NIII-SAAAN
  13. Exactly. What is it for exactly ? For a bonus/malus of one, two, three in some stats ? Just so he can be stronger or weaker in one or two things ? It's useless. :/ If they want to put class customization for Kamui, well, they could do so that you choose a weapon type at the beginning, and your Kamui will have it, and he will gain a slighty modified class set, as well as a modified skill set. Something like that. ROFL the staff wielding Kamui. :p Sometimes, it's the tiny things that make the real difference. Wow, that was deep. Well MU is supposed to be the main character, as well as you (Or at least, the japanese shonen idea of you. :P). No one want to be weak or restricted. I hate to say this but, I'm like that too, I'd rather be overpowered than underpowered. :/ They had to give us all the classes to satisfy us.
  14. I dunno, the eyes seems pretty... important, they're slitted too apparently. Doesn't mean that I don't want to change them though, Green eyes like good ol' Sephi. The only thing I really want in customization is a better and completer(?) character creator. To have a good Build 3 for MaleKamui. The Build 3 in Awakening just looks like a dumb riffraff, not helped by the haircuts given for it. Speaking of haircuts, I want more of them, and better one, like long hair, for the guy. Yeah, I'm like that. But some haicuts are awkwardly implemented. I dunno, FemRobin was almost perfect, but MaleRobin... Is that too much to ask for a Priam looking guy ? Much better than a Riffraff or a shota. So yeah, I hope it will be done better. The problem with NormalKamui, is that they both look childish, and MaleKamui's design is strange, something is wrong with his neck. Now for the reclassing, to be honest I have a hard time imagining it in If, especially for the Norh side. It just sounds like a needless pain in the ass like in Awakening, as well as being a waste of time. I can imagine the class system like a mix between Sacred Stone and Radiant Dawn. Like, you promote your first-tier unit, you got to choose between two second-tier classes, then you can promote your unit a second time and, you got to choose again, but between two third tier-classes. Giving you great customizations, without the stupid mindfuck of Awakening. It's kind of make sense to me, and there is six skills slot, so you'll gain two for each class, like in Awakening, giving you good customizations, as well as replay value. I don't hate reclassing... but yeah I dislike it, here I said it. It's realy dumb to say that but, I just want to play a good game, not grinding. Especially for skills, holy crap. --' Call me narrow minded, but I just can't find anything better than my own idea of classes. The Asset/Flaw... for me, it's just a useless gimmick to be honest, I don't see the point of it. Especially when I forgot about it two seconds later. :/
  15. Hmm, what I want: S-rank support for waifu/husbando/incest time and for stats bonus. paired ending, and no children from the future. Heh, maybe they could put some/a lot of the 'choice mechanic' on it too ? Would be cool. Also, a Harem. It's important. I'm a f#cking dragon, got to repoopulate the species. (That's the version I'll give to the peasants for shit and giggles. :p) And the outfit that is not at all fanservice. :p Not complaining too.
  16. For now, better transformations. I don't want to be a Pokemon. Or a Fish. Or a Eldritch something. I want to be a real f#cking dragon. None of that J-RPG crap. Still curious and interested about a Manakete-Lord though.
  17. Pretty much this. Not that I'm against the concept of Infinite Durability, that's mean they have an idea, and I'm interested in it. The concept of boxes is very strange to me, why using it, when you could use the usual upward/downward arrow ? And why showing the boxes in the inventory ? Maybe it have something to do with the losing armors mechanic ?
  18. It would be a wet dream come true. I'm not joking. I would love to be a Manakete Overlord. I have enough of this 'Humanity must walk forward together' message, with everything not human forced into screwing themselves or losing their powers. PoR and RD were the only FE who changed from the usuals. What. Really ? I didn't know that.
  19. It's too soon for that, the Gods are still working on Robin/Robin. :p
  20. Yeah, I'm kind of worried about it too, and not only because of the Black and White morality a la Awakening. I got a strange vibe, if Norh is really more like older Fire Emblem, and Hoshidan is more like recent Fire Emblem, well, it's as if they mocked us with 'You want a real Fire Emblem ? Well go the dark side', it seems somewhat... upsetting to me, somehow. Still hoping for the true Grey and Grey morality that we all love to be here
  21. Well, Awakening had it, yeah, it was poorly done, with time-travel explanation even crappier than usual, but it had it. Not opposed to the idea too, but they have to do it well.
  22. Sheesh, I was fanboying over what Ambulz said, then you had to say that. ! xD Brothers and sisters ? I know that japanese fiction always try to push japanese ideals into non-japanese things, but still, that's pushing it. Or maybe it's just brothers and sisters, as in, your comrades in arms, or something ?
  23. Hmm, I enjoy The Witch's House way more than I should. There's also Mad Father. And Ib too, I like Ib, I hope there will be some new ending in future update. Though the last one make laugh actually. But I don't want to talk too much about Horror RPG Maker game, I'll end up depressed. ^^' One true RPG that I really, really enjoyed, despite the fact that it wasn't translated yet, is Nocturne: Rebirth, made by Cogwheel and created on RPG Maker XP, and the guy really used the ressources he had to the maximum. Good, nay, great battle, kind of have a Tales of feeling, even though it is active time battle, and really challenging. One thing that I love is that, even if all of your familiars are dead, it doesn't mean that the battle is over. You can still win with only Reviel and his skills. So yeah, I definitely recomend it. But I can't undertand too much about the plot, I don't know Japanese. ^^' Well, that's not really true, I know some things by just looking the cutscenes, and craving for some information in the google-translated japanese wikipedia, sooo... And with time, I could recognize the skills and I know the japanese kanji of the element, to there is that, I'm not lost in battle, helped by the english translation of the skills when they are reusable... But still waiting for the english patch. :p
  24. Ah ! Foolishess. You are all just too WEAK ! You don't even have the willpower or the strength to take BOTH of them ! >:D That what I'll do. With a preference for Nohr's one. More seriously, I dunno why I should care the red haired for one sec, just like all of Hoshido's characters (with one or two exceptions), she just seems pretty bland for me. No matter, it doesn't matter, Camilla onee-sama is my waifu. :p If she is not onee by blood, no matter, she have a Onee-sama feels all over her. And even if she was my sister. LOL,, incest => Wincest yadayada. Or I'll take all of them anyways, harem path is the best path.
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