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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Huh, Idoun's you waifu ? Sex must be awkward. It's up to you to decide if I'm talking about the dragon part or the emotionless part And lol how she destroyed Zephiel. Latona staff ? Don't know how to use it. And yay Thunder Sword.
  2. ...Touche. My Guinevere just wasn't strong enough at the time. -- Tethys and Isadora, yeah, their initial position is a pain in the butt. One of my favorite map though.
  3. Whaaaat the ?! How did you killed dat guy ?! I feel pathetic... Lyn's promotion waiting time: Worth it. Totally. Though from what I remember, it's possible to do it before the end of the said chapter, but I'm really not sure.
  4. Poor Fateborn, Xtreme steals his job. :P Are you doing a no dolls run ? It's crazy how much you're doing the game without them. You know, the game throw at you so many units that are so similar to each-other stat-wise, it's crazy. And you can't even use a quarter of them. Huh, loading another savestate ? One more recent ? .
  5. You know each time someone brought up something I forgot about FEgirls, I'm like 'Oh yeah, I remember now.'. Bah. It's hilarious how brutal the Lagdou ruin and the tower of valni are compared to what they are in the original game, just the first level is a chore, and if you want to levelgrind your weaker units... well prepare to have a relationship with Lady savestates. Or maybe it's Lord ? I dunno.
  6. Where the heck was I ? You started this LP and I wasn't even here ! Man, I suddenly want to play FE8girls again ! You are going to looooove Ninian man, big time. Though I don't understand how a sexy cleric that can dance and summon a bunch of creepy dolls can be considered a "Holy woman". It's like sweet, shy Olivia who can become an Assassin. Weird. Wind Sword is a very good weapon, especially with the Hammerne dolls. WyvernKnight Guinevere is the best. Xtremekiwi: The Witch class flat out ignore the Terrain, like Tricksters, It's like she is flying, it's just crazy ! Don't hope going through walls though. Apart for that, everything you said is correct, congrats for remembering all of that ! I'm not sure how you can.
  7. Really ? In this hack, everybody can support a of people, but I though that if one had more than five, it would crash. Lyn don't have that ? Weird.
  8. To the risk of looking like a noob, why are you supposed to be a masochist ? You seems to pown the hack. And LOL for AxeLordGuy. Or let me guess, it have something to do with a FEeditor of something ? And LynLordHector is just fa-bu-lous.
  9. Oh yeah, there is a pseudo-english version, forgot about that too. The RNG seems to be more lenient in FE8Girls, than, by exemple, FE7if, who tend to kind of hate your ass. Still very impressive though. 2% Crit with only 51% Hit.
  10. No S-support heh ? Well, I'll have fun with no Nah/Inigo pairing then~~ No offence to those who like the pairing of course, and hey, I'll probably end up doing a lot of pairing I don't really like anyway. ...I would like to see someone doing Apo before Lucina's recruitment. Maribelle/Virion seems pretty good to me, though it's disappoint me to not have Dark Mage, I don't mind losing Vengeance too much. Now for Inigo, yeah, he's kind of a meh. Olivia/Libra appeals to me more, but Kellam give him Luna so... So yeah, I'm going for Maribelle/Virion and Olivia/Kellam. Thank you for the help ! Any thought for my MaleMU? I thought about marrying him to Cynthia., but it's probably not a good idea. Oh boy, the grinding I will end up doing...
  11. The tactics nerdz thingy ? Straight to the trash can. Everything else like the skils ? Sure why not. Though it would be more of a Mage Fighter than a tactician.
  12. This thread sure is handy Soooo, could you guys help me, pretty please ? My pairings are: Chrom/Sumia Nowi/Vaike Donnel/Sully Gaius/Tharja Gregor/Cherche Stalh/Coldelia Lon'qu/Miriel Frederick/Palne And to think I could have paired Fred and Olivia. sigh. The thing is, I really don't know who I should give to Olivia and Maribelle, between Virion, Libra, Henry, or Kellam. For MU, I intend to marry him to a second-gen, I'm not sure which so i'm open to any suggestions. Also, It appears that my flaws/assets are +Luck/-Strengh, I don't know what did I smoked at the time. I do intend do Apotheosis, so, worst case scenario, I redo the game.
  13. So Kamui is 12, and Dancer girl is 18. Yay for shota ! Seriously though, I agree with Anacybelle, I don't want a kid lord too. I just hope they will actually work on the adult build more. You know, a Dragon protagonist, that would be pretty badass, gloriously unlikely and broken, but still pretty badass.
  14. I really don't remember, it's been a while since I played it. What I can say, is that the maps are huge, some of them come from other FE games, and the ennemies are powerful. There's some rather nasty surprises, like the Prologue of the map pretty much told you. Oh boy, Dancers are simply hilarious. From the get to go, Dancer can dance but also use staves, very practical. But it's promotion allows you to summon up to five Dolls a la Summoner, that can do the same things as their Mistress, dance and use staves, though of course, like Ghosts they can't trade. The weapon they have depends of the level of their summoner, so yes, you can have a Doll with a Hammerne staff or that red staff that can heal a lot of people. Hilarious like I said. Dolls are also pretty good scapegoats. Too much ennemies ? Dolls. A Doll don't have a good enough staff ? Make it kill itself. Oh yeah, it reminds me, they still didn't finished the Eirika part ?
  15. Great LP indeed ! FE7if had a lot of good idea, the problem is that the difficulty is just a pain in the ass. I sait it again, It's impressive that you completed it like that. FE8 Girls, also called, Fire Emblem with Girls only who will grind a lot edition, it have a lot of good idea. I'm not exactly sure how the difficulty works, but unlike FE7if, if you're too weak, you can grind, it's more closer to Awakening than Sacred Stone sooo... I love some classes, like the Witch, the Thief Sage, the King, and the Whisper.
  16. The bridge ? I didn't see that. So it would be why this Gans guy called him naive ? Because said prince thought it would be a good idea to stand on the tiny bridge made of wood, alone with only his Jagen behind him and said bandit in front of him ? It would super-lame. Nice theory, it make sense, thought having a main character that naive is pain in the ass, but if it's the beginning... Though I'm not hoping for something as suble as Marth's development in SD. Gee, I'm having some flashback of FEA's Chapter 7 all of sudden.
  17. RIP Jaffar. Again, you just raep the damn thing once again, it's amazing ! The number of playthrough you must have done must be scary. And holy crap, 76 HOURS ?! Ahah, just you wait, there's something even more mindblowing.
  18. Debate ? Where ? I don't see any debate. I'll be happy if the Avatar wasn't a dumb naive gary-suish wreck. And he was just that in Awakening. And in FE12. Thought for Awakening, I blame the crappy writing and story more than the character itself. Oh boy. Kamui even sorta have a shota face, if he is the Avatar, this is going to be painful.
  19. Depend. A big fat depend. We don't know anything about FEif yet, if it takes the Awakening way or a more classic way. Didn't they already did this "decrease experience" the more you use class change in FEA ? For me, if we can change into a crapton of classes at will, I don't see the point in having third tier classes.
  20. Nino, right, my bad. Yeah it's like that. I was being sarcastic in my post. Because seriously, in a romhack like that, between the Sage, and the Assassin, if you don't have the Assassin, it's not surprising, and it's bad news. Coming with custom overpowered weapon that you can touch yourself to have. And it's only the beginning.
  21. Dude, just, dude, you're awesome. it's the hack that need lubrifiant, not you: You almost maxed all your characters ! Nina is a cute little miss badass, but the fact that she couldn't promote was kinda of a cockblock to me, I don't even remember if it does matter. Ah ! Athos is such a pussy compared to Nergal. Seriously, 30hp, what the heck.
  22. I remember, I've played this rom hack, I completed it thanks to the power of savestates. It was a pain in the ass but I did it. You are going to love Lloyd's chapter. But holy crap, you know your stuff, I didn't know half of what you know. The only thing I knew was that "original" characters is a must use, but besides that ? Nothing. From what I've seen, the plot was changed, but I don't know much about Japanese, so...
  23. *sigh* I wish I had the WiiUversion, my 3DS already have a hard time with only 4 player. Jealous of the fun you guys must have. And god, the epic Thoron...
  24. Oh boy. Love me some Fire Emblem incest. Sister => I'll do the pairing instantly for the lulz. Mother => I'll do the pairing instantly for the evilz. ... Seriously thought, I would love to have the opportunity, I mean dat sweet Eltoshan/Lachesis-like drama ! But I don't think we will be able to do the pairing if it's incest. Fire Emblem is popular now, as in, very popular, as in, must be both very stupid and politically correct popular. It's like the SMT series, do you know about older Shin Megami Tensei ? Compare with present SMT. They screwed my best pal Lucifer into a alien smug bastard. --'
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