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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Some people have a great deal patience, like me. Some other, very lucky people have a japanese 3DS. Not like me.
  2. I don't want to be a Suzaku or a Lelouch. :(
  3. Something I dislike in recent SMT games, is that in some of them, you got multiple endings. One of them being generally the Golden Ending 'We save everybody' and stuff. And yeah, it make sense, it's a Golden Ending. but if there is an ending where everything is great and good, without any kind of bitterness. Well what's the point of doing the others path then ? Plus they generally bring the statue quo back, and it annoys me a lot. So yeah, I hope the DLC won't be a canon rainbow path. I mean, come on IS ! Give us some actual, badass stuff.
  4. Ah, Indeed, I'm looking at it now, and there is nothing about it. My bad. I'm sorry. Ignore the part where I wondered why Greil was clueless.
  5. And even then, he refused to use Ragnell, wonder why, didn't he knew about it and the BK's armor being blessed ? Apparently, Ragnell was his sword in his time at Daein. And he just rushed like that with Urvan ? If he really didn't know, and if the BK really wanted Greil to be full badass mode, he could have just explained everything to him. Questions, questions. :/
  6. Hawkeye's design make more sense, and is better than FEA Berserker's design, as well as FEA's Fighters. Valke included. Seriously, Hawkeye wears a simple tribal necklace, Vaike wears a collar and chains that seems out of a prison. Or a bondage club. And I'm not even talking about that weird wood-armlet. You know though, I do wonder if the temperature in FE's deserts is really that high. yeah, they're slowed down, but they doesn't seem to have any problem with the heat. Heck, look at Stefan, he is wearing a turtleneck, somekind of thick coat, AND somekind of kimono-thing... L92: Great avat and sign, bwt.
  7. I did some research as in, read some support, notably Stefan/Mordecai, and apparently, this whole Laguz can detect branded wasn't in PoR at all. But yeah, be it in PoR or RD, it's stated that both Laguz and Beorc hate the Branded, the Beorc fear them, while the Laguz doesn't even want to acknowledge their existence. Not surprising to see Soren reacting like that. He take after his mom after all.
  8. Soren's a branded, yet, no Laguz is ever shown to be uncomfortable arround him. Tibarn even call him just a child. It doesn't help that we don't know what most characters really thought about the Branded. While I do love my 'Ike and Greil are branded' theory And the Ike/Soren shippers shoud love it, maybe they have just some sort of branded blood somewhere, like, enough to have branded powers, but not enough to actually be branded. Wait, both Ike and Greil touched Lehran's medaillion, no ? Maybe they got their powers because of it, the swordman style being something Greil did on his own, and Mist didn't get any special power because she is just too heron-like for the medaillon to affect her in any way ? After all, Ashnard did get even more powerful after touching it.
  9. The problem with novelizations is that the author need to be really good to make it interesting, especially if he want to adds things like pairing. It can be good though. But even then, it generally takes a lot of time to read, I don't find that interesting. The thing that annoys me the most, is when the author has an interesting For Want of a Nail idea, but do everything he can to still follow the established canon even if it doesn't make any sense to do so. It wouldn't be so bad, if they didn't do it in the exact same way, using the same dialogue from the game. Then again, it's a problem that all fanfic have, really, just take a look at the Naruto fics, oh god the wave arc... Fanfic really are my guilty pleasure.
  10. Now we only got to kill her wyvern, and take his place. .... I really hope she is not a zoophiliac for her wyvern, like Cherche was for Minerva.
  11. I think it would be very interesting if he was the oldest, he IS a manakete after all, but wouldn't he understand that something was amiss though ? Maybe Ryouma was lying, or said he was the older brother just for appearance's sake or something.
  12. Heh, I don't know that to vote. :/ I think that they still should be gender-locked, I guess ?... Though if reclassing come back, and if Pegasus knights are no longer gender-locked, holy shit, I'm going to have fun with MaleGaleforce. Well, if Dark Flier make a come back that is.
  13. Shesh, I didn't do a post on this ? Strange. I don't want that reclassing crap to come back. I never want to see this EVER again. It just destroyed the series. Branched promotions is perfect though. I want actual difficulty, not RNG manipulation, or over-buffed ennemies. That's not difficulty, that's BS. I want normal mode to be normal, and I want hard mode to be hard. None of that Lunatic BS. I don't want the game to be a grinding game, where the only reason I'll have to is because of the DLCs. Being able to finish a game in 8 hours normally is already bad enough, but being forced to spent 70+ hours on grinding for the DLCs, or something else, is maybe worse. I want more complicated objectives, as well as a larger variety of things you can do, like stealing, breaking walls, maybe even doors. I don't want DLCs, that are just dialogue, especially if the dialogue 'given' are dictated by popularity, it is just cash-grab. In fact, I don't want DLCs at all. That's pretty much it for what I really want/don't want. Though I think that S-support are a good thing stat wise though, even if it it does narrows your options.
  14. Well, he is gray in that form, he could be a ice dragon ? Or just maybe something new. Who knows ?
  15. Yep. Chances are that I'll probably end up doing that. What can we do against fate ? :p
  16. Arceus is a way better Kirin than Dialga. :p You know, I though about something, maybe he is somekind of Manakete/Taguel hybrid ? It's a possibility. that I would hate
  17. What I would call bad writing ? Easy question. Plot-holes, and things that doesn't make any sense. Especially if you can see them right away. What I would call good writing ? Hard question. I think that there is some stories, that are just way too long, and unnecesary complicated, it's important for a story to go straight to the point, without being too complicated, yet without being too not complicated; And not being too long or too short, if you got a book with a story like 'A prince got to save a princess from a Dragon' that have 1000 pages, I hope that the author is a badass. Cliche ? It doesn't matter much as long as it's not too stupid and it stick well with the storiy. In other word, you got to find somekind of balance. Or be lucky. That depends.
  18. I honestly fail to see Kamui's grace, but you're right, FE13's dragon are elegant, and are actually nice to look at. It's not really strange, I'm looking at the pictures in the wikia, and sans-Fa, they all look more or less the same, but yeah, with some variatons, like in D&D. Though it's true that the Fire Dragon card look more like the standard dragon than the others, and there's also the Dark Dragon card, who's a snake. Tellius' dragon are more humanoid, but apparently, they can be four-footed without much trouble. (I'm talking about Rajaion) They all fit the bill in some way or another.
  19. Fa is more of an exception than anything else,.and in the same game there is the fire manakete and Idoun, so... 98% of the dragons in FE are badass, in the 2% there is Fa and FEA's Seadragons, and maybe FEIf's deer-dragon. Wait, are you telling me that this pokemon dragon is graceful or elegant ? No offense, but I'm pretty sure that him and Fa are not. :p Even Tiki, from FE1, fit the bill perfectly, and she was a kid. I really wonder what the heck she did to that form, because it's a waste
  20. Imo, RD's dragons are the best looking of all the franchise, because when I hear dragon, I don't expect a dragon fish, or a pokemon. I expect a REAL dragon, a massive, powerful, dangerous beast. That you'll find in any other Fire emblem btw (sans Awakening), but it was in 2D, in RD they had all of that, in 3D, it helped a lot, especially for Deghinsea. The more time passes, and I dunno, but there is more and more stupid-looking, over the top, unnecessarily complicated chara-design, now they apparently wish to do the same with dragons, that what I meant by 'modernize' or JPRG, because that's the kind of thing you'll likely to find in modern JRPG. i.e, Tales of, Conceptions. A lot of anime and manga, like Code Geass, had that. I'm not saying that I really dislike the dragon deer though, but still, I'm worried
  21. Roy COULD be half-Manakete, no one is sure. And RD's laguz dragon are the best dragon ever. Fishy from Awakening and Deer Pokemon just can't win against it. :p Seriously, why do they feel the need to 'modernize', or rather JRPG everything ? There is something that confuse me in the translation of the trailer, thank you shadowofchaos btw. Kamui call Garon, 'sir'. Is that normal in Japan to call your father 'sir' ? And he apparently already know that he was born in Hoshido but raised in Nohr.
  22. Welll yeah. Obviously. It's kind of a given.
  23. Well like I said, we know next to nothing about the branded, they're the ultra-super-secret of the tellius series. To the point where almost nothing is done with them. GG IS. No matter how many shonen will tell you otherwise, you just can't be god-like like Stefan or BK with only training, especially in Tellius, where magic-users have somekind of limitation in the lore, where at one point, they just can't be stronger. (Tormod/Calill support.)
  24. That badass CG. Sooo, what was the message Sarka wanted to give again ? Sarka and Garath, the worse minions ever. :p
  25. Gawain created the best form of swordsmanship style ever, he teached it to the Black Knight and Ike, the strongest guys in Tellius. Apparently, he could also use Aether. I'm almost sure that, if he did used Ragnell, he would've won, hand screwed up or not. Normally to be that god-like, you got to be a branded, not some puny Beorc. Just saying, but that would cast a whole new light on him. And since we don't know much about the branded, or even about Greil and his wife anyways... EDIT: inb4Ikeisabranded. Though maybe it is the case, that would, again, cast a new light on the whole affair.
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