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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Not gonna lie, I found him thanks to a walkthrough, I was amazed of the stupidity of it and how much it complicated the secondary objective. Good thing Stefan was very, VERY good.
  2. That wouldn't be the first time that some game make a huge emphasis on choices, only for it to be a lie. Like in Neverwinter night.
  3. Davecontrolive's lore video about it. Always very to see ! With spoilers of course.
  4. Your avatar is awesome. As such, you got to be the greatest person ever.
  5. I though about a more SMT-like choices, but eh, it will probably be just a Yes/No choices... A man can only dream. Dishonored kind of screwed the idea, but in Fire Emblem, this is perfectly possible to do, a lot of chapters resolved around the 'don't kill the enemies'.
  6. I want choices. A lot of em. Everywhere. I'm not joking.
  7. Pretty much what Ranger said. The support start off as Cynthia being Cynthia, and Severa being even worse than usual, then, in the middle of B-support, the randomness and stupidity start. A shame, Cynthia was more mature than normal in the C-support. This is one thing to be called out of your behavior, this is another to actually listen to it, and this is again another to actually do something about it. Severa's is rarely called out, and if she is, its ignored, she never listen, and never do anything permanent about it. Imo, this is best shown in the Severa/Laurent Support, long story short: Laurent gave Severa a shopping list, and he is annoyed because Severa bought way more than she should, and because of that he had to do a lot of various budgets cuts. 'This is war, this kind of behavior is selfish and unaceptable', or something, which makes perfect sense. Severa's counter-argument ? That he is a jerk, that he is boring and that shopping should a fantasy. What. Yet by somekind of strange voodoo magic, they managed to find a perfect balance, and Severa gets a lot of thanks for that. The dialogues and characters just bend over for no reasons. This is, alas, a very recurring thing in Tsundere characters, like Zero No Tsukaima (BLEH.), or Viridi from Kid Icarus. Apparently, that kind of exagerated tsuntsuntsuntsun is a huge-fetish in japan.
  8. I find that kind of strange to give Kamui a sacred/legendary/piss-colored sword, when he's manakete, yeah he probably won't get the dragonstones right away, but it's still stupid. Seriously, the mere fact that he is a manakete make a lot of things obsolete, possible-customization included. Maybe Yatogami is somekind of dragonstone or something ?
  9. Duty bound. A few characters. Yeah. I can actually see that. But only if it's a very few of them, seriously, the choice is even more dumb if you can get half of the characters from the opposite side on your team anyways.
  10. Doesn't that just screw up the point of the 'choice' even more ? I mean, if they're on your team no matter your 'choice'... Just, what ?
  11. I will be the main antagonist. Gonna kill'em all ! Nah, probably a dragon or something like that. The dancer being the bad guy is a good theory. If it's the case, I hope I will be able to strangle her. I don't like having my character played with by some god or goddess.. :p
  12. The thing is, a nation cannot be 100% evil. How do I want it ? Heh, I dunno to be honest. But I do want choices. Gee, apparently it would be very evil from me to kill my ennemies ! :p
  13. Heh. If they are FE7 style, sure why not. Otherwise meh.
  14. First, nice avatar ! She only get called a jerk, not only is this a huge understatement, but I wouldn'd call that getting called out., especially since it doesn't happen nearly enough. Holy crap, she was horrible in that support, I know it was more or less supposed to be funny, but I think the trope 'Dude, not funny' apply there, or at least in the C and B Support, then it become complete and total randomness. Mind you, I blame mostly Cynthia for the randomness.
  15. Don't like their design much too. And I can actually understand why people would rage over their feet, no matter how strange this sound.
  16. Most of the characters from FE13 have a gimmick that make them infuriating, Severa just so happens to have the worse gimmick of the lot, that I just so happens to hate. Seriously, just because she's a tsundere doesn't mean she can act like such a b-word. It's really Tsundere just for the fetish of it, in full tsun-mode with 100% bitchiness, with most of the supports instantly taking an stupid turn with her. And of course, she never get called out on it.
  17. Even if I did said 'to believe', I was speculating more than anything too. :p We're all speculating here, plus stating our opinions.
  18. More reasons for me to believe that there will be 3-tier classes and no reclassing. Though to be perfectly fair, it would make the reclassing process less tedious for Kamui.
  19. It's not surprising to see that kind of things, the scale of powers is, forgive my french, completely fucked up, since the end of the Pain Arc. With full bullshit no jutsu like Izanagi, Izanami, and violation of common sense no jutsu. And lol Kaguya being stronger than Madara, she is stronger just because Kishi needed an even more larger plot device than usual.
  20. What Ashnard did wasn't portrayed as a necessarily bad thing though, like Sothe said, it gave the commoners the opportunity they always wanted to have.
  21. He looks like somekind of zombie or something to me. He have a strange face.
  22. I don't mind, as a Mage-Fighter or something. I didn't loved that much the Tactician class, why should there be one in If ? We already have the Dark Lord for a main character class.
  23. Well, rarer, yeah. defnitely, like in older Fire Emblem, In Awakening, you could get them very soon thanks to freaking Anna. I think that being able to buying them is kind of strange. I think that Sacred Stone did it I right, if I remember correctly, you could only buy them at a secret shop. And you could buy them after the main campain if you had the Secret Card.
  24. Still don't want to be a Suzaku or a Lelouch expy. Especially the Suzaku kind. And I doubt Suzaku and Euphie would have succeeded in their global plan, even if they did succeed in doing whatever they tried to do at that moment. There is also that protagonist from that obscure Code Geass visual novel on PS2. Lost Color I think it's called. I wanted to point out something. Hoshido apparently have access to the Ninja class. Ninja, what kind of so called 'peaceful' naton would have Ninjas ? Ninjas are spies and murderers, the silent, sneaky, cruel kind.
  25. I repeat it again. More and better haircuts, better use of builds, not like the crappy riffraff MaleBuild 3 from FE13. I. Want. To. Create. A. Priam. Except for the FemBuild, it was near-perfect in Awakening I think, bonus point for the build 3, but still... In other world, a lot of ameliorations, and a lot more of customization.
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