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Everything posted by capmalachi

  1. It's completely ridiculous I know but I get really paranoid about... pretty much anything involving downloads. Don't worry about it though, the internet will get all that information up soon enough, and in the meantime I'll try to stick to making builds for the characters who's A+ supports I remember. Anyway, decided I'm going to marry Yuugiri in a Hoshido run, and decided to have a look at the Kanna that'd result in. I decided to go for a +str and -luck Kamui to result in the best overall mods for Kanna without gimping Kamui himself, but I'm having trouble deciding on an alternate class for Kamui. Fighter would give access to berserker, which would work great with Kanna's +6 str, but cavalier would give some great skills as well.
  2. Maybe if the weapon were otherwise really powerful it'd make sense, but that lance... isn't. It has decent might and hit, but it can't crit and lowers your stats after battle as well.
  3. I was trying to work out a good build for a Lazward!Shigure, but then you guys started talking about him getting rod knight and screwing up all my thoughts on the matter. :P Ah, I'll save what I had written up and come back to it later, maybe. I really need a list of the kid character's A+ support options as well. Edit- And the adult's A+ options, for that matter.
  4. Oh look, a new ship. Seriously though I actually really liked that one. Might be one of my favourite supports so far. please don't ruin it in the localisation
  5. If it were me, I'd do it like this. Male!Kamui marries Zero, they go visit Nyx, she does some magic voodoo shit and bam! Baby Eponne, biologically related to both of her male parents. Then they go again and get Kanna as well. This is just as realistic as pretty much anything else in this game as far as I'm concerned. Nothing about the child system makes perfect sense anyway.
  6. Everyone x everyone (that they can S rank) eventually, no matter how many runs I have to do. The only ones I have any real attachment to are Ryoma/Kagerou and Shinonome/Matoi, so far. There are other pairings that I really like but they can't S rank. I do have a list of pairings that I created for the sake of making the best children, but that's only for one playthrough.
  7. ... really? I mean, this is a kid that somehow exists no matter who their mother is, created in a world full of magic, and you still think that time travel, alternate dimensions and reincarnation make more sense than just letting the gay couple have the same kid they would if they paired up with literally anyone else? Hell, we don't even have magic and we aren't far from figuring out homosexual reproduction in the real world.
  8. I'm not surprised. Fortunately that one was fairly obvious, but if they put a bit more work in to it they could easily get a lot of people believing them. Edit- Kanna/Midoriko was pretty cute, in a puppy love sort of way.
  9. Hmm, the classes she has available in that set up are spellcaster, oni, priestess, dark mage and bowman. That's a good selection. Oni doesn't give us much unforunately, ogre strike would normally be good but the shining bow can't crit, and really you don't want archers getting hit in melee in the first place so counter is less useful than on other units as well, although probably still worth picking up at least. Spellcaster gives breaking sky and flamboyant, those are good. Priestess gives magic counter and renewal, also good. Bowfaire, raven strike, prescient victory and sun god from the bowman line are all decent. Dark mage has good skills in vengeance and lifetaker, but ideally bowmen shouldn't be taking that much damage so it depends really. There's nothing really useful in the pegasus line for Sakura to pass down, so maybe grab battle command from Elise's strategist. Benoit can give pavise or Luna, they're both good. Okay, if you think you can avoid getting hit in the first place via careful positioning and using your melee fighters as shields: Bowfaire Breaking sky Flamboyant Battle command Raven strike/prescient victory. If you're not confident you can pull that off (to be fair, I wouldn't be): Bowfaire Breaking sky Flamboyant Pavise/magic counter/counter Lifetaker. That'd be my recommendations anyway.
  10. Since this is literally just a copypaste of Cordelia's english support with Robin with a few words changed here and there (and they don't even make sense), I am 100% sure it's fake.
  11. Yay! :P Thanks, it was pretty sweet. I was going to marry them anyway, but it's nice to see that their support is decent.
  12. Ah, that's unfortunate although not entirely unexpected. Does that apply to snake venom as well? If so, I'm not sure that snake venom is really worth it. At least deadly breath will affect multiple units.
  13. I'm personally having trouble deciding which of snake venom and pavise is actually the best to have, should probably make sure you take luna though. Can someone clarify how deadly breath works for me? It says it reduces the HP of enemies within 2 tiles by 20% but, one, is that 20% of max or current HP (this goes for snake venom too), and two, does it include the enemy you're actually fighting?
  14. True, true. Although mercenary is a pretty good class line that'll be good for any husband of hers, as long as he doesn't already have it of course. Edit- Benoit does actually pass down fighter to Ignis as well though, so while he doesn't have mercenary unless he inherits it from his mother, there is some overlap in Ignis' class trees. I still think he's a good choice as husband for Soleil though.
  15. No worries, let's have a look then. An A+ with Ophelia would give access to lifetaker from the dark knight class, and vengeance from sorcerer, those could be useful. Either Luna or Aegis could be passed down from Lazward via an A+ with Xander, although not both. Camilla's A+ options are Luna, who doesn't give Soleil any skills she can't get on her own, Elise and Belka. Belka's class trade is theoretically wyvern rider, unless it turns out that buddy seals with a class you share will trade the reclass instead, but since we don't know we'll assume Camilla is going to A+ Elise. From there I'd recommend grabbing battle command and passing that down, although it may well not end up being used. As for husbands for Soleil, that's rather more complicated. Siegbert does give the cavalier line which has a number of good skills in it so he's a solid choice. Ignis is also an option, he grants access to luna via great knight, and since Lazward can pass down aegis that's the really good skills from cavalier covered, and he gives general as well which is a brilliant class, although maybe not perfect for Soleil. I think I'd recommend Ignis over Siegbert, for the added access to the general class skills, pavise especially. I'm not sure about exactly which skills to use, and to be honest I'm very tired, so I'll leave it to someone else to come with an exact skillset.
  16. I'll have a look and see, but first, do you have plans for her regarding her marriage and/or A+ support? It has a considerable effect on the classes available.
  17. Mercenary is her base class so she gets ninja from Lazward instead, if I understand right. Wyvern rider from Camilla though, yes. God I hadn't even thought of Kisaragi. So many kids lol. Eh I'll probably leave him to last for working these out, he doesn't interest me at all to be honest.
  18. I was, at least. While I'm sure I'll take advantage of that feature where possible, since it relies on other player's decisions it's not something you can plan around as much. I think you can buy from your own logbook as well, but I was ignoring that too.
  19. Is Mikoto being a potential spotpass character even possible? I don't know how spotpass works exactly and whether she'd need to basically already be in game like Anna is or not.
  20. Looks good. Need to know her A+ options before I can finalise anything though.
  21. I was thinking Hoshido specifically yes. In the third path Nyx is added as a possible parent for Matoi, and is viable. She gives +1 mag and spd (and +2 str but whatever) over Felicia, however she also gives -2 skl and -1 luck and def, so it's a trade off. I think in the third path Nyx would be better, if she isn't needed for another pairing (with Odin, for example). If she is needed elsewhere though, Felicia is still a very good option.
  22. I just find it fun to be honest. Plus I've been using helping you as an excuse to work out my own pairings. Speaking of, we've had some discussion of Matoi, but it's always been in the context of keeping her red hair. But I don't care about that so I want to have another look and try and work out an actually good build for her. So the immediate issue is Subaki's -1 str modifier, but he doesn't have a mag modifier so I'm thinking we should go for a magic based build for Matoi, so what do people think of Felicia? She gives Matoi a +3 mag modifier and patches up her speed and res, at the cost of an even worse str modifier and a small amount of def. The str doesn't matter since we're going for a magic build, and Subaki has a brilliant def mod so we're still looking at a +3 even with Felicia's hit to it. As an added bonus, she also passes down the rod knight class which is harder to get in Hoshido. I'm probably going to pair her up with Shinonome since their support is adorable, and he'll give her the lancer class tree, some nice skills in there like breaking sky. Does anyone know Matoi's A+ options?
  23. Rainarok? Is that supposed to be ragnarok or is some bizarre pun or something? Two S rank bows huh, that's interesting.
  24. Elise or Nyx. Either works really, compared to each other, Nyx gives +1 str (not important), def and spd (actually useful) and passes down the thief class while Elise gives +2 luck instead and passes down rod knight. Either way you're looking at +5 mag. I'd personally vote Nyx for mods since class inheritance is less important in this game thanks to marriage/buddy seals and buying skills from streetpass.
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