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Everything posted by dragonlordsd

  1. Technically, he has committed confirmed treason, but only in the most extreme possible definition of it. He did provide information to a foreign power (Russia) that he did not have approval from congress to release, but it was so minor that it would certainly not warrant the death penalty. That said, I do agree with you. Under no circumstances should we sentence someone to death based on political actions. Killing your critics is one of the surest signs of a dictatorship.
  2. Fair enough. If that is what you value most in the game, I can't disagree with you there.
  3. Agreed. We know far to little to make any real judgments, and the game isn't out until next year.
  4. As usual we have the "edge-off" where two children try to see who can be edgier by randomly insulting things. Also, you mean, it was "enhanced" by good story and artwork. Positive traits don't "hold back" things.
  5. Oh, not this crap again. I mean, seriously, political intrigue is way more interesting to read. Genealogy's plot was good because it stuck to people fighting other people, and didn't constantly rely on deus ex machina.
  6. Yup, yup, misread your comment, my bad. Yeah, you're right, I think it's her. And for further clarification, she has NEVER worked for Atlus. So there is no connection on that end.
  7. No, Soejima is the Persona artist. Chinatsu has never worked for that studio internally. Edit: whoops, misread. Thought you wrote "that's not the persona artist."
  8. Soejima? Really? Isn't he on RE Fantasy? Ok, wait, is THIS RE Fantasy? Or is this a major conflict of interest?
  9. Her death is an equation: (personality + importance) - (wafiu*sqrt(otaku))=% chance of death
  10. I legitimately have no idea what you're talking about. The graphics look exactly the same as the cgi that's been used in the custscenes for last five games they've done. It's got a very heavy feel of Kozaki. I mean, if you dislike that it's fine, I'm not super sold on it either, but it's not a different direction. Seriously, I thought from the thumbnail that it was just older Nowi.
  11. I'm 99% sure dude is an avatar, since blonde girl asks him what she should focus on, and the player is presented a choice. I hope I'm wrong, though.
  12. I'd be amazed if they did that. The only reason they did 3 versions for If was because they has already fully built the engine and most of the graphics for Awakening, so they didn't have a ton of work to do. This is very obviously a different engine and graphics style, so doing multiple games would be a lot of extra work.
  13. My fast assessments: 1. Gameplay looks exactly the same. In spite of the fact that each unit is now a company, the gameplay they showed looks exactly identical to a normal game in terms of grid based combat, hit, crit, etc. 2. They're leaning really heavily into the RPG side more, but it still looks pretty close to valentia. I'm guessing it's a more extreme version of that. 3. The battle map has multiple view modes (you can turn on and off the background soldiers)
  14. My guess (and again, I'm just a guy on the internet guessing about things, so don't put too much stock in it) is that there's a significant amount of backroom dealing going on. In spite of that, I don't see any major changes occurring. Kim doesn't respect Trump enough to actually follow through on any promises (I don't think any world leaders do), so unless Xaoping drops the hammer on him, it's going to be just more empty words from both sides.
  15. Mostly withdraw their support. North Korea has heavily relied on China for decades, as China is more or less the only country that will openly do business with them. This doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is. Although North Korea is a total dictatorship, they still need a lot of things they can't find within their own borders; resources, technologies, etc. China is more or less their gateway to the outside world. China, in turn, gets to use North Korea for a few things. First of all, they share a border. This allows China to perform a lot of covert movements without getting caught. They can hide pretty easily by simply stepping across the border. Additionally, North Korea is more or less China's only ally in all of Asia. Japan is under U.S. protection, South Korea, Thailand, and Taiwan hate them. Not sure about Vietnam and Laos, the war was about 30 years ago now, so they may have put that behind them, but they definitely aren't friendly. The Philippines are US allies, and of course, Burma/Myanmar were at war with them until about 2 years ago. Given China's recent military movements, having at least one friendly nation is helpful to them. And of course, North Korea is one of the few remaining major Communist dictatorships in the world, especially now that Cuba is opening back up. So, that's why China supports them... for now. There's always the danger that Kim will go to far and become either a liability or, potentially even a threat. At that point, China would simply cut them off.
  16. Yeah, this is mostly a ploy, although there is a slim chance it could pass. It basically does two things: 1. It shows the democrats can force through bills in the senate. 2. It hurts the GOP because 86% of people support the bill. That said, even if this bill fails, another may pass. Net neutrality is popular enough to encourage people to flip if they get worried about mid terms.
  17. There was a video on youtube that broke the whole situation down really clearly. The whole circus can be understood by asking the simple question: What does Kim want? The answer, of course, is "to stay in power." So, then, everything he does is in service of that. Everything. So any time North Korea does something, just ask yourself, "how does this help Kim?" and you can get a clear picture of what they're up to. Also keep an eye on China, because they're the only ones who can push Kim to do something he doesn't want to do.
  18. As a professional artist, the short answer is: GOING TO ART SCHOOL IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR YOUR CAREER. ... but not for the reasons you might think. See, the thing about art classes is that they're kind of a mixed bag. I know people who learned an absolute ton from classes and I know people who got almost nothing out of their classes. Either way, it doesn't really matter, because there are two main things art schools give you that you really can't get anywhere else: 1. Connecting with other artists - This is hugely important. In art school, you'll be surrounded by other people your age who are looking to pursue the same career as you. This is a major opportunity for you to learn from them, to collaborate with them, and basically to improve together. Especially if you're looking at 3D work, you can meet a lot of people who can help you fill in gaps in your skills, areas such as rigging or texturing, or whatever you might be bad at. Also, most of your peers will have their own custom tools, brushes, shortcuts, tricks, etc. that can massively help you up your game. 2. Industry Connections - If your art school is any good at all, it should have a large amount of alumni in the industry already, often in high positions. If it doesn't have alumni it can brag about, then you probably shouldn't go there. For example, my school had some 30 graduates who worked on Frozen. Believe me, they put it on enough posters that every one knew. These connections are extremely important. Furthermore, most schools will have counselors and active programs to help you get a job. This makes sense, because the more alumni they can get working in the industry, the more prestigious their program becomes. They want you to succeed, and will usually offer you lots of opportunities to do so.
  19. I agree with you. Ryan's just tired, and honestly, who wouldn't be? Sure, maybe his district gets flipped, but people predicting a Democratic house or senate are way, way too optimistic. Sure, Alabama and Virginia flipped, but those both had extenuating circumstances. Democrats are on a major defensive in the midterms, and it's going to take a lot to get a majority. Honestly, though, they need it. No one party should hold all three branches, ever, I don't care which side you support.
  20. I assume there's something, but I have not seen it myself. I'd say check old threads from people who have already done it, there may be something buried around here. Could also PM a mod, see if they can help you.
  21. LMAO "He voted for Obama... or Hillary?" Are you asking us, or telling us? 'Cause you don't sound super sure about that. "He definitely voted for one of them... I think. Not sure which."
  22. Interesting Addendum: The raid was not carried out by Mueller or his team directly, but was instead carried out by Geoffery Berhman, US Attorney for the District of New York, a Trump appointee. Two things can be inferred from this: 1. It will be difficult to go after Mueller in regards to this matter, as it was not carried out by his office. Even if Trump wants to fire Mueller, he does have to give a written explanation for why, and there are only 5 or so reasons that can be used. 2. Berhman apparently didn't inform Trump of what he was doing, and appears to be cooperating with Mueller. This is yet another person who has sided with Mueller against expectations. What does he know that we don't?
  23. Whelp, Gents, my long saved 600 quartz went down the drain. All I got was Karna. The only 4/5 star in 600 quartz. What's sad is, I know that there's someone out there who would rather have him than JAlter. But I'm not that person. Man, Gacha games suck.
  24. People who have names that are nicknames of other names. Like, naming your kid "Jimmy" instead of "James" or even just "Jim". Seriously, give your kid some freedom in what they want to be called.
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