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Posts posted by dragonlordsd

  1. Crimson is not on there, that Noire Dark Mage girl isn't there, and we don't have a male troubadour or female thief.

    Fates seems to be going for equal gender representation so there should be male/female equivalents for all classes.


    Well, Crimson looks like a woman, but who knows? She/he could be a guy?

    Oh, Jeez I forgot about them. Ok, good, I just panicked for a second. The website looked so.... final.

  2. Just going with what everyone else has been saying, but uh........ that's it?!? That's all the characters?!?!

    I mean, sure, maybe they haven't shown them all yet, except.... uh, in none of the videos, none of the screenshots, none of the artworks have we seen a single character not on there. I'm getting a sinking feeling....

    Edit: Nevermind, Nishiki and the Nohrian shapeshifter are not on there. So this is not the complete roster, we are definitely missing at least two characters, maybe more. Panic subsiding.

  3. Nah, I think we should have the threads ready in advance, because I believe a lot of people are going to start playing at midnight on the release date, so we could really get slammed with info.

    Well, then and again, I think, I don't know. I mean, a lot of the Famitsu preview threads have gone totally out of control, and you couldn't find any real info in them, they got slammed to0 quick, and I'm just imagining that happening on a much, much bigger scale.

  4. I thought the whole choking thing that keeps appearing was because Aqua is a singer, though I'm not sure how much importance the songs will have...

    That's actually a really good point. I forgot, her songs have magic powers.

  5. Well, we still don't know why Kamui looks like a deer. That's the weirdest part to me. I've come up with two theories:

    1. Someone on the design team really, really liked the ending of the third Harry Potter movie

    2. There is no limit to how far they will go to avoid having to give characters ankles.

  6. She's a dark dragon!!!! My current theory at least. She's the Robin of this game.

    But seriously, why is all the imagery of her getting choked out by Kamui? We've had multiple different versions of it now: First, doing the normal strangling with both hands, then doing the one handed grab, now stepping on her throat, it keeps getting weirder.

  7. Yeah but releasing 2 versions for the game is really risky due to fire emblem not being a popular enough game outside of Japan.

    Hmmm... well, I guess from nintendo's perspective, it comes down to:

    Release two normal priced versions -> more likely general audience will pay a normal price for one game, just like they did with pokemon, and not understand/worry about what they're missing

    Release a significantly more expensive dual version -> count on hardcore fans for most of the revenue.

  8. We'll have to wait and see.

    I hope Nintendo releases at least one version with both on the same cartridge, but so far all we have is speculation.

    They probably will, but on the other hand, from Nintendo's perspective, it's a tempting cash grab to not have a dual version and make everyone pay more.

  9. Mikoto's personal skill: Dragon Mom, can demoralize adjacent enemy as well as friendly royals.

    Garon's personal skill: Centenarian, takes a nap and restores 50% of his hp for every turn he doesn't do anything.


    And, on the subject of E3, any one see Sony's announcements last night? If they aren't covered in Famitsu, I'm going to laugh. Square Enix's stock price went up a hundred points in less than an hour.

    BTW, in the chart, anyone directly associated with Garon or Mikoto? I would assume they have bodyguards of their own.

    I updated the relationship thread with the assumed subordinations as well.

  10. Hard



    I'm doing Nohr, so there isn't supposed to be grinding, but if there is, yeah I'll grind a ton, mostly so I can try out every single character


    Although, confession, my first playthrough of awakening, I did Hard Casual, and then did Hard Classic on my second. Still, with Nohr's set up being more classic in nature, I think I'll go classic just to recreate the feel of Blazing Sword/Sacred Stones.

    I remember my first time ever playing Sacred Stones, when I was twelve, and I didn't reset and I let Joshua get killed because I thought he wasn't important, and then I found out he was the prince of Jehanna, and ever since I've never let anyone die.

  11. Supports were confirmed in the new introduction trailer (or the other trailer. There were two at the same time, I sometimes forget which is which), in which the protagonist and the unit they were paired up with both had the little "heart up" thing appear, which shows increasing support. So they do exist, we just don't know anything about them yet.

  12. Nope. Nothing I've heard about Hoshido has motivated me to pull away. Although Luna, Lazward, and Odin were huge negatives, I'm still gonna do Nohr first, I like western architecture better, so I want my main save file to be Nohr for the mycastle.

  13. Yeah probably. Maybe Asama and Setsuna are Hinoka's subordinates, we know nothing about them so anything is fair game.

    I think it's possible.

    So far,most of the siblings have had two subordinates, and every sibling except for Camilla has had one male, one female subordinate (camilla had two females)

    I think it's likely that either the other subordinates haven't been revealed yet, or that it hasn't been explicitly stated who they serve. (ie, Luna has been revealed to be Camilla's subordinate, it's possible Lazward and Odin are Leon and Marx's subordinates)

    Edit: A friend and I also speculated that Cyrus might be Marx or Gunter's subordinate, based on the fact that he is a new knight of Nohr, and it was just more relevant to mention his relationship to the protagonist, but again, that's just speculation.

  14. Makes sense. I agree, we don't know enough about the third path yet to give it its own thread. I don't expect any new units in the third path (but I really, really hope for some), but if it's a sort of "recruit everyone" scenario, there might be significant differences.

    The big thing regarding classes is that unlike past games, it seems (keyword: seems) there are going to be significantly more new classes, and that even existing classes are going to behave differently. I feel like there's going to be a much greater amount of new info than there has been for any game before this.

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