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Posts posted by dragonlordsd

  1. For the character thread, I believe that it would be good idea to have three separate threads, a Hoshido Character thread, and a Nohr Character thread, as well as a Third path character thread.

    I don't know this for sure, but it's possible that even with characters shared between paths, there may be differences in when and how you recruit them, and since you can only play one path at a time, I think it'd be easier for people to find what they're looking for if its divided like that.

    I don't think that'll be necessary for skills, items, or chapters, because I don't think there'll be quite as much crossover/confusion, but again, I'm just speculating.

  2. Yeah, I think it's a good idea to have pinned threads that are only updated with specific information, such as:

    Character Recruitment Thread

    Support Thread

    Class Thread


    It may also help to create a different board for guides or other technical information. But idk, I haven't set up a forum before.

    I think the biggest problem right now is we don't yet know enough to know what we need. For example, are there going to be special rules about supports that would justify giving them their own thread (eg, Chrom marrying Olivia requiring a certain series of conditions, or Pent and Louise) or are they all going to be straightforward?

    Similarly, are there going to be specific conditions to recruit characters (Douglas, Raven, etc.) or is it going to be ridiculously straightforward (Awakening).

    I mean, do we even know if there are going to be side missions yet?

    Edit: I'm also willing to manage a (hopefully) minor thread if needed, but I'm not importing and I can't speak (or read) a word of Japanese.

  3. I know she was the first person I thought after reading about Pieri.

    Lately I.S. is making many references to Batman.

    Come on people, we already have a joker, a Robin, a Batman and now we have a Harley Quinn... who's the next Batman character to appears?

    One complaint about most, if not all of the Units revealed so far, is there any who weren't a member of the army beforehand? One of the good things about Awakening's units is that they all came from different places, only a few like Sumia, Sully & Vaike were in the Shepherds before the events of Awakening. The only ones I can think of the top of my head are Tsukuyomi & the palace workers(Felicia, etc)

    It is a good point, but at the same time maybe they don't want to reveal everything. where's the surprise if I.S. reveal all the playable characters?

    My bets are on Nightwing or Alfred.

  4. I don't do subtitles. Ever. Seriously, I hate it when things aren't dubbed. I want to actually be watching what's happening on screen, not constantly looking down to try to figure out what people are saying!!!

    Freedom Wars was the biggest offender of this. It really hurt the game that you couldn't understand what your squadmates were saying because you didn't have time to read the text at the bottom of the screen, and suddenly a giant tiger rips your body in half because you missed the alert.

    Also, second what Sentinel07 said. Female Japanese voice actresses are nearly universally awful. I still have nightmares about Orihime's voice from Bleach.

  5. I could do, if nobody has any objections.

    I figured SoC or somebody would create a central topic on the forums though : P

    Yeah, I just thought it'd be handy if there's a particularly good one, or one that shows off specific features of the game, especially since this game is going to be so large.

    But it might not be necessary, so we'll have to see.

  6. It says "by using items in the arena," so likely you're expending a finite number of items to keep participating.

    Nevermind, reread the details. IDK.

    That said, I assume infinite resources must be present, if there is any sort of city building present, much like any game with a world map in the series has opened the possibility of infinite xp.

  7. I saw this in the topic "About Kamui" and decided to give it its own thread.

    Basic questions:

    Do you want costume DLC unrelated to classes (in other words, to give characters bridal gowns, you don't have to change them into a "bride" class)?

    How do you want them to be implemented?

  8. It didn't help that the Grimleal worshiped a dragon out to destroy humanity. And that none of the recruitable Plegians ever really focus on the oppression Chrom's father performed on their kingdom.

    That's my biggest problem with Awakening, we never get a "normal" Plegian person to really stand up to Chrom. All you get are weirdos like Henry and Tharja (nothing against Henry, I'm sure he'd agree with the description).

    Yet it's specifically stated that Chrom's father (I don't think he ever got a name) carried out "purges" against Plegia without provocation, slaughtering thousands of people. I believe Chrom mentions something to the effect of that multiple purges were carried out over a period of years, and that his father's reign was a "dark era" or something like that.

    Which then brings the moral question of, is it ok to kill people preemptively? It's an exact analogy to the Inquisitions in Europe, where the Catholic church slaughtered thousands for worshipping a dragon (haha, revelations reference) out to destroy humanity.

  9. Do we actually know why Nohr wants war though? Is there a confirmed reason for it? I know Nohr doesn't have a lot in terms of food and crops right? I would have assumed it was because citizens struggled to live like this and it couldn't go on for much longer but Garon doesn't seem like the type to care for his people, not really.

    Also if Mikoto could come up with plans like that I doubt she would give up a child that could write literally, move mountains, it also leaves the question of how Aqua was raised by Hoshido instead of Nohr.

    The biggest question we don't know the answer to is who struck first. (Lol, I keep thing of the starwars "han shoots first")

    Did Hoshido strike first or did Nohr? Awakening did something interesting in that it was Ylisse that struck first, and essentially went all Spanish Inquisition on their neighbors, but unfortunately, that whole subplot got really glossed over.

    That was my biggest disappointment in Awakening, was the fact that Chrom never had to face up to how evil his father was. Every other game in the series has had great plotlines with that (Eliwood suspecting his father of betrayal, Ike learning the truth about his father) but in Awakening, it was completely left hanging. Gangrel taunts him once, but no one ever actually confronts him about it.

  10. Yeah, I agree with Augestine's points.

    The only way to fairly implement gay characters is to go back to the old system, of only having a few supports available. I don't know if that's necessarily better, though.

    I don't care if they're present or not, so not being able to have as many support conversations is a negative for me.

    Bi characters, on the other hand, do open up a lot of possibilities without creating as many problems.

  11. Technology actually is a really valid point; Hoshido, being peace loving, had no incentive to develop their weapons further. For Nohr, where every day is a struggle to survive, so you need to develop; natural selection is at work. Its kind of like how Europe had more wars than Asia, which was dominated by China, so when Europe and Asia met, Europe won all the wars for a while.

    Good point. But I doubt we'll see that reflected in the story.

    Would be interesting, though.

  12. Hi, I'm the artist here. And while I haven't replied to your permission ask, you've already posted it here. Please refrain of doing so.

    But the main point why I even bother coming to here and reply is, there's a lot of comic / art in this thread that's reposted from artists on tumblr (presumably without permission) nor credit so please pay in mind next time. Source and credit properly (linking) where you find the arts, and ask for the original artists permission if they state so.

    Don't be a jerk. It's hard to trace back original art to its source, especially given that it's the internet. If you want us to give credit, just ask.

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