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Posts posted by dragonlordsd

  1. Fe's style has gone through 4 major periods:

    The original, 90s era, which is way over the top (those shoulder plates... my god)

    The Seisen no Keifu era, in which you got a rather unusual England-in-the-1800s-but-we're-still-using-knights look.

    The GBA era, in which you got a more mixed east-west style (the generals are essentially wearing samurai armor, which is a little weird) (this is also when you stop seeing shields on cavaliers. Previously, they all had shields)

    And finally the awakening era, in which everything is super stylized.

  2. See, this is the other thing that I'm concerned about: that the "East" side is just going to be Japan. What about China or Nepal?

    You can't just throw China and Japan together as "the east," because Japan did a LOT of bad things to China during WWII.

    And not everybody treated the East like crap. Sure England, Portugal, and other European Nations did. But Germany really helped out the eastern nations a lot, which is why Japan sided with them during WWII.

    This is the kind of stuff I'd like to see make it into the game: complicated stuff.

    I think that's the kind of stuff that has always made the series good. Even in shadow dragon, the situation wasn't simple. Akenia (misspelled, I know) wasn't just "the good guys," they also did bad things to Macedon and stuff.

    Awakening tried to do something like that with talk of the "purges" and stuff, but it never really got fleshed out, which was a pain. Gangrel ended up just being a one dimensional crazy person.

  3. I wasn't terrible. I started with FE8 when I was 10, and I didn't use the tower of valni at all (I didn't know what grinding was back then, so I didn't understand the point of going through a level more than once).

    The first character I ever lost was Joshua, I didn't think anything of it at the time, but then I got to Jehanna and found out he was the prince and that just stunned me. Ever since, I've never let a character die.

    I wasn't actually a good player, though, until after I played Tearing Saga. That completely changed my perspective on the series.

  4. Sry, should have been clearer:

    There weren't any poleaxes or hammers in awakening, which I would have liked to see, just because I think that given awakening's art style, they would have been really interesting.

    Katanas are in every game, the Killing Edge is a katana, it's always a katana. I remember Naginatas from awakening, but I could be wrong, I was playing total war: shogun 2 recently, I might be getting the mixed up.

    Flails could be a subset of spears, like a spear that's effective against armor, although from a gameplay standpoint, unless they rebalance armored units (generals, great knights) there's not much point, they're weak enough now as it is. Man, I remember the good old days when generals were pretty much invincible and you had to use either a rapier or magic, or else they were unbeatable.

    But my point is that awakening had lots of Eastern stuff, like swordmasters and so on, I would like to see some more intricate western stuff, especially from non-british sources.

    For claymore, they could bring back the "blade" weapons from the GBA games, that would be interesting. Dunno if they'd actually be of any use gameplay wise.

  5. I think it's an interesting idea, but I have this vague apprehension that the game is going to be rather insulting to us westerners. I'm pretty sure they're going to be the evil ones in the story, as usual.

    And yes, I would much prefer it if there were 3 sides instead of just two. Like a European side and an Arabic side or a English side and a Roman Side. Would add a lot.

    Although I'm not digging the Katanas and Naginatas, we've had those forever, I'm bored of them. Let's see some intersting weapons like claymores, scimitars, flails, etc. Or poleaxes. Ooh, or hammers.

  6. So, I know japan is a country that never actually invented shields (which is kind of weird if you think about it. I mean, even the aztecs had shields), but I just find it incredibly amusing that no one bothers to carry a shield around. Seriously, could really help against all those arrows.

    Oh, and there's monsters again. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet. Thoughts?

  7. I think grinding is inevitable, as regards support conversations. Honestly, what I'd like is an improved version of the FE8 Tower of Valni/Other dungeons.

    My idea is that they could have a weak sort of map that you can use to grind out support convos, but that is intentionally set up so that it doesn't actually give you much exp/items.

    But the biggest thing I loved about FE8, the thing I think they did right, is randomly generated post game dungeons. I thought that was a great idea, and I'd love to see that come back. Especially if they can add optional, super hard bosses.

  8. I agree that there should be more mission types, but what other mission types should there be?

    I loved the escape missions mostly on principal, because they represented something important that awakening completely botched:

    Not all battles are winnable. Sometimes, you have to retreat.

    Awakening was so obsessed with its idiotic "change fate" message that it never put you in a situation where you truly felt threatened. Chrom just went everywhere, beat up everything, and that was that. The first half was interesting, because Emmeryn actually died, but even that wasn't because the enemy forces were somehow victorious.

    Sorry, that was a bit off topic, but it did really annoy me. I am really curious to hear if anyone has any good ideas.

  9. Here's what I would like:

    1. Longer, larger, more involved maps.

    Seriously, most missions I finished in 6 turns or less, or I didn't finish them at all and had to reload if I was on insane difficulty. I almost never used staves the entire game, because battles simply weren't long enough. Either we won outright, or someone died and I reset.

    2. Rebalancing to accommodate removed weapon weight

    Seriously, this is my biggest issue with the series right now. They removed weapon weight in 12, which, fine, that's the developer's choice, whatever, but they never rebalanced the classes to make up for that. Combined with the nerfing of Berserkers and Snipers in awakening, you end up with a lot of classes that are incredibly useless, with the biggest offender being Generals. To account for their complete loss of speed, something should be done to make the class a viable option again, like giving them much higher defense and/or strength.

    3. Return of magic weapon triangle

    Please, please, please. Put back in the three types of magic. That made it so much more interesting, and made Bishops actually usable classes for once.

    Also, and this is just a personal note, but:


    My god, that got annoying. Seriously, NO ONE CARES!!!

    Oh, and

    4. No more class changes.

    This is more of a personal issue, but I really dislike it. It totally removes a lot of the sense of identity the characters have when they can change into almost anything, especially children. For example, I paired Miriel and Lon'qu. My Loran never did any magic, he was a dragonrider/swordmaster.

    I liked it better in 5/6 when you went into a map and were like, okay, I HAVE to use Sety (or whatever his official name is now) because that's the only way I'll be able to take out this guy, or I'd better make sure to bring a bunch of cavaliers for mobility, so I'll have to use so and so. In awakening, I could just shift my best characters to whatever class I needed, and it really bugged me.

    BTW, I liked Jotari's class tree, and I agree with him about the taguel.

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