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Gordon Freemeow

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Status Updates posted by Gordon Freemeow

  1. Get on MSN, cause I love you. :3

  2. Your avatar has a cute girl on it.

  3. -Dry humps your leg-

  4. I'm not a spy, I'm just very active in trying to find mysterious things, or interesting observations. I'm a regular Haruhi. LOL.

  5. Trying to uncover some interesting info, I think I've found some that is note worthy.


  7. Well at least the staff of this site actually talk to the members. I remember the last few I was on there were so many blokes that the staff had no time to talk to individual people.

  8. Some thoughts I've been having for a little while now, I'll talk about it on MSN, as I'd rather not have them public knowledge at this point.

  9. Just going through a bit of mental confusion, what about you?

  10. Nice to see you again.

  11. Ello. Nice to meet you.

  12. Thank you. It's a pleasure to meet you, love.

  13. I'm managing I suppose. How are you?

  14. Ello, nice to meet you.

  15. Ello mate, happy belated birthday to you, and it's nice to meet you.


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