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Posts posted by Ryan7556

  1. Well on Tv Tropes in the name's the same section there was this:

    General Ike, leading allied multinational forces against a destructive madman. Is this Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance or Dwight D. Eisenhower?

    About the Nations themselves I also saw some WWII similarities, here's what I noticed:

    Crimea - One of the Western European Allies, either France or Britain(or both),they're losing the war at the beginning

    Daein - Germany(Nazi Germany more specifically), being the most militaristic nation on the continent

    Begnion - Soviet Union, they're the largest, red, and located on the easternmost side. They also have a large military.

  2. Blazer, I've read over your instructions on those modules you made. Lately I've been currently editing FEDS and have been getting the modules correct for level editing. I've also made it easier to be able to choose what types of classes and weapons you want per unit. Would you want me to upload the completed modules when I'm finished with them?

    I'll have modules available for all chapters in the game.

  3. Thanks for translating that readme end. Though, I want to know something specific. Which chr file would I copy into the hex to get the forrest throwing axe animation? All the chr files are labeled in japanese it looks like. How would I copy the respective chr file contents through use of a hex editor?

  4. This is what eharper256 told me:

    Simply, to give a Pirate a sword, you change one slot in there to

    Class: Pirate

    Weapon: Sword

    Offset: 36 3A 29 27

    (Offset: Weapon Anim/Head/Body/Leg or Horse, I believe, though some combinations will always fail. The animation used for Axes is the same as Swords. Some classes do not have bow and spear animations.)

    As so:


    The main problem is the fact that you cannot have orphan animation pointers. That is to say, you cannot have an entry at 0D stating Pirate, Sword, blah, then another one at 4E stating Pirate, Axe, blah. They must be together. You notice in the screenshot that Pirate Sword and Pirate Axe are next to each other, yes?

    If you don't follow this rule, you'll either crash the game or have screwed up animations. Hence, to add new weapons, even just one or two, you'll to have to reorganise every single offset so that things fit and you cannot add without deleting due to the limited number of slots (plan it on paper!)

    Some animations will not work(like if you gave forrest knights bows), but axes and swords use the same animation so you could give a sword to a unit that uses an axe, like the pirate demonstrated in the above picture. However, throwing axes have their own animations so they won't look right on some units(like forrests).

  5. I've been editing FE5 with nightmare and something strange happens if I edit any setting of an item(weapon), for example if I even slightly increase/decrease the uses or power of a short lance, anyone using it seems to get ridiculous stat bonuses. I don't know why this is happening, is the item editor just broken or am I doing something wrong?(This problem is happening with every weapon/item)

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