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Honey Bunny

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Everything posted by Honey Bunny

  1. You left out Oni. Despite having some aesthetic similarities with Barbarian they are an entirely different class with different functions, and promotions.
  2. I knew all 150 (heh, god Pokemon has grown hasn't it?) before my ABCs. Yeah... Pokemon quite simply was my childhood, and is the reason that I like both anime and videogames now. Other people may have had Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, or The Muppet Show, but my childhood belongs to Nintendo. Whenever my mom had a migraine, and needed to shut me up she'd put in a vhs of Pokemon, and boom I was suddenly quiet. Damn it, now I wish that I loved the games like I used to. *sigh*
  3. Empoleon? I believe you've misspelled Feraligator. It's been a long time since the main line pokemon games have interested me, but I still have a soft spot for the series. Plus I've been wanting to get into fighting games for while, so this game is looking perfect for me.With those last two reveals I'm seriously hyped for this game. Both Charizard, and Weavile look super fun. Here's hoping Scizor makes his way into the game.
  4. If I'm reading this right it would seem that Corrin is just unbelievably dense on Nohr route. That's troublesome, and certainly not how I'd figure Nohr would go. The not leading the army bit doesn't bother me though. Seriously, the army already has a commander: Xander. There isn't much reason for Corrin to command. Thanks for elaborating Neon. (By the way, I think you did a great job at describing without going into specifics.)
  5. Wait, Corrin's choices are hard to identify with? Is this because people treat Corrin as a self insert, or just that Corrin is an idiot? If it's possible, would you mind explaining what that means without too many spoilers? I know that's got to be a hard request to do since it directly has to do with spoilery material, but I would really appreciate if you could. When has excessive hype resulted in anything, but disappointment? Watch Dogs, Sunset Overdrive, Assassin's Creed Unity, Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny, and the list just goes on and on. That's the reason that my hype only ever extends to, "Yeah, I think I'll buy that game" even with FE.
  6. Yep, I expected the sales to look like this. Personally I think everyone should note that while Nohr sales are lower than Hoshido it still looks like enough to be considered a successful launch. Hopefully once all those Hoshido players are done with the game they'll also get Nohr digitally. Over alI I'm happy with the news, and hopefully the weeks to come will bear similar good news.
  7. Monster Rancher. I'm probably biased due to the series' connection to my childhood (I'm definitely biased), but that doesn't stop it from being an all around cool series. In general it did a lot of unique things that I haven't seen a lot of other series do. The big example would of course be the series gimmick. Basically the game is about raising monsters on a ranch, hence Monster Rancher. How you get those monsters is the really cool bit: you take out the disc of the game, put in the disc of any other CD or DVD you own, and depending on what it read the game would generate a monster. It actually was based on what you read too since the same disc would get the same monster every time, and certain discs would get you a special joke monster. There is no other series to ever capture that feeling of wonder, and excitement I felt waiting for the game to generate me a monster. Once all that was done though the actual raising of the monster wasn't half bad either, but I understand why the games could be a little off putting to some people. Still it was a cool series that anyone should try out. Except Evo, and the mobile game. Those games suck, and I blame the death of the series on them. If anyone would like to defend those games then you're a bad person, and your opinions are wrong. End of discussion. Also FE needs some love.
  8. Huh, learn something new everyday. I guess that's a good enough reason, but it just seems sort of...lazy? It doesn't really feel like a strong reason to me, even though I know it works. Ehh, it'll probably grow on me, and a sword wielding ninja is cool. I'll be going Samurai on my Nohr run too. From everything I've seen just adding Astra to the Dark Blood skill set turns it into an absolute powerhouse. Oni is going to be my Hoshido run just because I am now an avid Oni fan-bunny. Making them wield kunai only would have differentiated them. Sure it's the exact same weapon as the Ninja, but Berserkers wield the same weapon as Fighter, and no one seems to be complaining about that. I actually like that Maids/Butlers get S rank staves. It gives them an actual reason to exist, and fits the whole 'Live to Serve' theme they have going. Giving them kunai makes it so that they can defend themselves, but also keeps them firmly in the support role. What bothers me about Butlers/Maids is that they lose a mount upon promotion. There is no way around that too, their only base class is mounted.
  9. I really don't get why Jonin get swords in addition to S rank kunai. With Butlers I understand that it's because they'd be completely defenseless otherwise, so IS gave them a second weapon. That makes sense to me. Why do Jonin get swords in addition to kunai, it's not like they're defenseless with them. Far from it, with their 1-2 range, debuffing, and high speed/skill growths. Normally I'd think It's because the damage output of kunai is pitiful, but Snake Venom more or less fixes that. Then once they become Jonin they not only get Kunaifaire, but they also get Lethality. So, why in the world do they also get swords? The reason I've seen thrown around is, "Because they do". That's the same reason my brother gives me when I ask him why his imaginary friends would need such a mess. I am honestly really confused as to why Jonin get swords, and I would be happy to know if there's something I'm missing.
  10. Oh dear, it's worse than I thought then. Corrin's the chosen one, eh? That's...troubling. There's only one game I've ever seen that didn't let being the chosen one go to your head, and that was Dragon's Dogma. Even TES was victim to the player worshiping that you talk about. The only difference was that it delayed it. Several things could be said about Dragon Age, but that is one thing it does right. As long as you actually choose options that give the protagonist a consistent personality (other than sycophant) then there are going to be people who won't like them. I'd be all for changing MU from self-insert to customizable character. That's how I tend to use customization anyway. Most people do seem to use it for self-inserts though, and I don't quite understand why.
  11. Sounds a lot like generic anime hero to me. Sadly that's what I expected, and that's what we got. I knew this would happen as soon as I saw Mysterious Charisma as a translation of their personal skill. Wait, no! There might be hope! Does Corrin have a huge appetite? It could be that Corrin is only 90% generic! All in all though I'm noticing a trend where the worst part of the story (in many things. Not just FE.) is the main character. So, it's not like it's going to be a huge mark against the game. Just another boring protagonist.
  12. My only fear with Nohr being more popular is that they won't do as many creative classes as they did with Hoshido. I think that Hoshido will start picking up more, and more though. Eventually outselling Nohr in the end. I completely agree with you on the censoring. At the very least have it so that all the romanceable character's are of legal age, or, really, anything creepy at all. Hopefully both versions are selling like gangbusters. Who knows what kind of love Nintendo might throw the series then? Realistically they're probably combining sales though... I'm going to echo your edit. Even though whoever that character in Obscurite's avatar is looks awesome. I use 'though' a lot don't I?
  13. Well, reading everything that was said on that page apparently Nohr was the better seller on day 1, but Hoshido quickly caught up. Which makes sense really, since I'd imagine Nohr would have a lot more pre-orders and day one purchases from fans of the series. Then Hoshido sales would pick up from word of mouth. Hopefully the US release will look the same way. I'd be super hyped for a Wii U FE, or alternatively having FE as a launch title for the NX (assuming it is another console of course).
  14. Ahh, thanks guys. I'm now envious of Japan with their superior customization. Hopefully NoA will actually translate the difference in dialogue, but I don't expect it. Thanks again.
  15. According to the avatar creation page of FE:Fates voice apparently affects dialogue in the game. Is that right? That seems pretty big. If so would anyone know how much it affects dialogue? I can't imagine it'd be very much.
  16. What class is more fitting of S rank dragonstones than the only class that uses them?...Ahh, I see now, spoilers. I wish this argument could've come to a proper understanding, but my aversion to spoilers prevents that. For now we'll just have to agree to disagree, but I guess we'll find out for sure in a few months. By the way if I'm right expect some serious gloating. :D
  17. I'm not quite sure what you mean either. When I saw that part of the sentence I thought you meant that only classes with weapons that don't attack qualify for S rank + another weapon. Now I have no clue what you mean. In the third path there could be more powerful S rank stones though, and flavor seems like a good enough reason for S rank to me. As you note the other two promotions gain their weapons based on flavor, so why not give the third path the same love? If you could, would you mind explaining what you mean on "keeps with the rest of the game better"?
  18. Ahh, sorry, I guess I didn't see that part of your post. I'll be more careful next time. EDIT #2: Wait I just realized that that doesn't deal with my Jonin assertion. Their S rank is kunai, and they get B rank swords. I don't really think that the two beaststone users quite cut it though. I mean every other weapon in the game gets an S rank, but dragonstones, and just saying, 'Well both beaststones, and dragonstones have stone in the name. Therefore one counts as the other.' quite cut it for me. I have absolutely zero clue what the plot is like for any path, but the promotional material before the game came out made it seem like the third path was just cutting yourself from both nations. If that isn't true then you can tell me I'm just talking out of my ass, and I'll stop arguing the point. EDIT: I really hope I don't come across as rude. I apologize if I do, and that was not my intention.
  19. Maids/Butlers, and Jonin both get two weapon types with one of them being S rank. The idea that Corrin just gets to choose between the other two promotions is honestly kind of disappointing. Although it does make sense. Wait, no, actually thinking about it I don't think it does make sense. I mean if you look at the description for the promotions it says that they carry the heart of their nation. How can you be a super-patriot if you aren't even fighting for that country. Fair. Isn't master sealing supposed to unlock your potential, or something like that? That's what I remember reading anyhow. It could unlock all their dragon potential upon promotion.
  20. I was noticing something when looking at the maximum weapon ranks for the classes. Both beaststone using classes are able to attain S rank with their stone, and Corrin who is the only one able to use dragonstones (if someone else can use them please don't tell me. I'm trying to stay spoiler free.) can't. Could Corrin have a third path promotion which allows them to gain S rank with dragonstones? It seems kind of weird to me that the other transforming characters can attain S rank with their transforming stone, and Corrin can't.
  21. I'm most looking forward to Shura. Partly because ax+magic=awesome, but mostly because I made a prediction that Oni were magical, and guess what class proved it. Basara, Puppeteer, and Weapon Master all get honorable mention. I wouldn't mind the lowering of stat growths, but I don't see much point in lowering the caps of the skills. I've read that Corrin was able to get level 200 end-game (with tons of grinding of course), so at that point why not just throw the player a bone by having high stat caps. If I had played that much of the game and my stats were a mere 30 I know I'd be disappointed.
  22. Thanks again Thor. Corrin looks so much better now with fixed hair, and now MUs can look even more like their families.
  23. That's the thing though practicality is aesthetic. Asking where my priorities lie between the two is like asking if I prefer pizza, or pepperoni pizza. If what you meant was aesthetically pleasing then that makes more sense, but even then extreme practicality is aesthetically pleasing to some people.
  24. Umm, what? Aesthetic isn't some either/or with practicality. It's the art style of a piece of work. Practicality, over-the-topness, bright colors, muted palette, realistic characters, stylized characters, all of that is aesthetic. Personally I wish the aesthetic of FE was practical equipment, bright colors, and cel shading, but that's just me.
  25. While true I've also seen a couple studies show that a much larger percentage of the population is in the closet. Still a minority by all means, but a little fact that I thought was relevant. If we assume that the world of Fates has the same bias ours does, then the current options are about right. If it is more accepting then more options are in order. As a little side note I've seen 1% of the population being not straight thrown around by anti-gay people, 15% thrown around a few times, 5% most commonly, and once a study that showed 20% (although in that one the scientists had a very broad definition of gay).
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