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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. The question I have is "what is the point in having two types if only one of the students even gets a major crest?" Other characters (Catherine for example) probably have Major crests too but they seem like an outlier, which makes me thing there will be some way to upgrade minor crests into major ones.
  2. That was something I was wondering about too. I don't remember which publication it was but when they talked about Rhea, they said something like "She looks really serene but maybe...there's something a little shady about her.....HMMMMMMMM." It could be that she's a pretty benevolent person but she's involved in a church coverup or something. Maybe she's a well intentioned extremist.
  3. If the game is even nearly as long as they claim to be, I hope that I can play through it without growing tired of it. I remember playing through just the first two routes of Fates and getting so burned out on it that I didn't want to play any more. I never even finished Revelation (that said, Revelation is a dreadfully boring story so that could be the reason). In regards to the world-building, I'm a little wary because they talked up a big game for the Fates story as well, and we all know how they turned out. But I'm cautiously optimistic. From everything we've already seen, they seem to be taking a lot more care with establishing the world and characters. It's a rare thing for me to be genuinely excited about a new game, but this has me excited. I'm hoping it can meet if not surpass the amount of world-building in Tellius and have as few narrative snags. I don't think anyone genuinely believes this. It's just a hyperbolic comment to say that Fates did a blank on one of the most fundamental things in building a setting; naming it. It's the biggest red flag that they didn't care, something you can understand without even playing the game.
  4. Hah, now you can pay extra to not look at F! Byleth's fashion disaster. Jokes aside, the outfits look nice although I'd prefer Byleth with pants for both genders. I hope that if there is more story content it's not going to be like Fates where core plot elements are sectioned off. The Starks join house Targaryen, Lannister and Baratheon. DLC is Coming.
  5. I see. Thank you for your insight on the matter. I can't claim to be an expert on consumer behavior for Japan either but considering we're having a global release, I had hoped that NA would keep in stride with the amount of material Japan is releasing. There is a LOT of information that is still Japan exclusive and I wish NoA shared more.
  6. You quoted two posts in the last 24 hours that said "the marketing has been poor until now/recently". That's what the conversation has always been about. E3 2019 is when things finally kicked into gear. All of the Twitter stuff is posted to the website so it's still very accessible. I'm glad you feel vindicated for predicting that there would be heavier marketing later but maybe you can respect people for being concerned about the series instead of mocking them for their lack of faith in the marketing. Many of us didn't want to have a repeat of SoV's middling reception, which I'd blame at least in part on lackluster marketing. I want TH to be the face of FE now (assuming it's good), not Awakening and Fates. I'm glad they're pulling their weight and then some, lol. -------- (Tagged you at the bottom since editing on mobile is a bitch) As a person in marketing, I'm curious to know why you think the Japanese management of hype building is different from NoA. Why do they bother with the gradual flow of news if you say that's actually detrimental to getting people interested in the game? It's a different country and group of fans, sure, but there must be some basic elements of consumer behavior that are universal. @Kiran_
  7. There is a whole lot of conjecture here based on your limited anecdotal evidence. What makes you think people aren't interested in regular updates? You think less is more? Could it be that more is more? You can have both gradual promotion and then a huge final push in the month leading up to release. Yikes, no. Silence is the slow death of hype. When you don't get more info on something, it becomes "out of sight, out of mind". I'm a casual fan of a number of Nintendo IPs and I forget they exist if they don't actually promote the games. Let me cut you off by stating that the original point was that the marketing was poor pre-E3 2019. So everything you listed after that point on the timeline is irrelevant. It's not being contested. Japan has gotten pretty much everything we did AND MORE. It's no contest. Their website, which I would assume is a place casual fans would want to check out if they googled the name of the game, is regularly updated with lots of juicy information. What does our website have (even now)? Tumbleweeds and the sound of the wind blowing. I've seen you post on more than one occasion things to the effect of "ToLd YoU sO" when your argument rests on things that happened mostly after E3 2019, a period no one disagrees with having adequate marketing.
  8. Are you able to defend this position? The NA website is an absolute joke compared to the Japanese one. It offers little more to English speaking fans than "The game exists! Buy it!" The dedicated fans on places like Serenes and Reddit have been in a steady stream of hype ever since the JP twitter starting posting weekly updates, not to mention the Famitsu releases. When we saw the E3 trailer, it blew our socks off because we were already engaged with the development of the game and excited for how the trailer changed our perceptions and expectations for the game. I think a casual fan or worse, a person who has never played a Fire Emblem game, would be scratching their head after seeing that trailer. It's like it came out of nowhere. I can't fathom why NoA thinks saving all of the promotion for the game for the last month or so is a better strategy than what Japan has been doing on their end.
  9. I mean, it was pretty poor until recently. There was no reason why they couldn't update the NA website at the same rate as the Japanese one. Naga is exactly one character. If people only care to focus on that one announcement to get their takeaway for Fire Emblem, that's on them.
  10. The Likes and Dislikes presentation makes me think of the COs from Advance War. Incidentally, I'm pretty sure Hubert is Hawke. I'm not as sold on the voicework yet. I think the original Edelgard was better and Petra sounds more like she's an American doing "I can has cheeseburger" speech than a real foreigner. I know people are tired of Gregor or Athena types but I'd prefer she had an accent.
  11. I was referring to her mysterious crest that matches the one on the bone axe Edelgard carries. It seems to indicate a deeper level of intrigue than most characters have shown.
  12. At least for the western reception, I feel like Marianne is the female in the Golden Deer that has the most people interested. Granted, I don't have exact numbers but her story seems the most interesting to me. I mean, Oboro was one of the most popular Fates females but they just completely dropped the ball with her in FEH, giving her a lackluster starting unit, with lackluster art, and then forgot she existed. But we can still have multiple Kagero alts, for two big reasons.
  13. I am concerned for this as well. The monastery might be the most central part of the continent, but it won't necessarily make sense for the characters to return there after every battle or for battles to happen on schedule. (Thank you Flame Emperor for respecting when the kiddos are getting ready for their midterms.) I'm going to assume that the game is just going to ignore the impractically of returning to the monastery when it's inconvenient for the plot but it's kind of sloppy story telling. I think there is some immersion lost when you're deep in enemy territory, getting ready to fight the big bad and then.... you're drinking tea with your mates, hundreds of miles away. "So game, are we actually going back to the monastery? I thought we were fighting in the Nightcrawler's flying fortress."
  14. In theory, you can have deeper characterization but sometimes less is just less (like in the case of SoV) and in terms of gameplay, it can be a tad boring if every play through is essentially the same because you always field the same characters.
  15. This is what I'm hoping for. Also, I don't want to have to rely on DLC for it, but giving males a class they can use to rank up flying skill before they get to advanced classes would be nice.
  16. I'd take the accolades with a grain of salt. I don't think anyone has an objective metric for what makes someone "the strongest person in the history of ever". Perhaps one could interpret that as Jeralt having an extensive history fighting battles with the Seiros knights and him being the strongest knight in living memory. It's unlikely anyone has the stat sheet for Seiros and Nemesis to compare.
  17. It's subtle world building that even though the monastery accepts commoners, they only make up a small selection of the student body. Even the Golden Deer which has the most, only has 3. This shows that while they're relatively progressive compared to some settings, the elites are composed of people from wealthy upbringings, which not coincidentally, are usually nobles. If that wasn't bad enough (in the sense that people are born unequal), manynoble students have crests and commoners do not. Greil is the one who taught the Black Knight, more or less the strongest human in Tellius after a mature Ike, and the Black Knight seemed to have considered Greil in his prime to be a worthy opponent. I'd say they're fairly equal in how renowned they are.
  18. Like children, we believed there were times when we picked Dorothea or Mercedes, but those were simply the playthroughs when Ingrid didn't pick us.
  19. Her Bio: *I'm not 100% on what Dimitri said as it's worded strangely. I'll update after I look up the text in the video and screenshot. Caption on the video Video Screenshot Thanks to @Thane for comparing notes.
  20. So, I encountered something strange while watching an AR replay. My B!Lyn (Firesweep + Poison Strike 6) attacked a Micaiah with Steady Stance 4 and Null C Counter. Lyn did some combat damage and was killed by the counter attack but strangely, Micaiah didn't suffer any post-battle damage from poison strike. Does poison strike only activate if you survive the battle?
  21. That's me. I was very lukewarm to the game until the E3 trailer this year. It's a Fire Emblem game so I'd probably buy it anyway (I'll give the series a chance to redeam itself after Fates) but I wasn't too hot on the idea of the school setting being so central. The timeskip trailer builds hype for a lot of drama that I just didn't expect from the released material before now. I am dedicated to knowing as little as possible about the plot as possible from now on, however. There is still plenty of intrigue left provided people stop casually posting spoilers from the leak
  22. Ah, should have been more specific, I meant advanced classes that are known hybrids like Malig Knights or Dark Knights. They did mention a Warlock which sounded like an advanced dark magic user but I couldn't place that from the sprites on the advanced class section, so it, among other interesting classes, may be the super special awesome tier that people speculate about.
  23. Mounted magic classes are a curious topic. I've heard differing theories about whether they will exist or not. Some people say only magic classes (mages, priests, dark mages etc) can use magic, and we haven't seen any advanced classes that would use magic by default so either they don't exist or magic isn't as exclusive as we currently believe. I sure want to believe there will be though. Especially with such a flexible class system, it would be downright bizarre if all non-infantry mages were removed from the game.
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