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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I suspect characters will be able to upgrade their crests. Almost all the characters have minor crests and without Genealogy style eugenics, I can't see a point in having those characters stuck with minor crests the entire game.
  2. Like others have said, I'm not as much a fan of his super flirt personality but I do like the situation described with his elder brother. I suspect the house leaders are only children but it would be cool if, say, Edelgard had a similar situation with a older sibling and the drama of that sibling being 'usurped' was played up. Are you sure you're not Bernadetta's father? Because you sound like her father.
  3. Is it worth it to invest in Seth for support in an Arena core? He's definitely a good support unit (that I was planning to use with NY!Laegjarn for chill support, once I finish merging her) but I'm wondering if he scores high enough to be worth it. Currently my arena core is +10 A!Tiki, +10 Fae and +10 Ares and I'm floating in T19.5 unable to make it to T21. I have about 22k feathers available and I'm wondering what my next step should be to rank up in Arena.
  4. Hello, sirs, ladies, and non-binary manaketes. I wrote down the dates for the Revival banners if y'all want to plan ahead for your rolls. Check it
  5. Speaking of ships, it was not lost on me that Ninian and Roy share a banner. Mother/Son/Cool Aunt banner let's go!
  6. The revival banners are pretty cool. There are a number of gen one 5* units I'd like to get better natures for and being able to plan ahead save for particular characters will be welcome. I hope they get rerun indefinitely. Still would have preferred that these characters were demoted but you can't have everything. Does it seem like the songs are super expensive? 180 for a single song seems like a lot, especially considering you probably need to buy the building just to start. I guess they're trying to get people to pay orbs to speed up getting the AR currency.
  7. Figures. I'm still salty about that bow. Caineghis, a unit designed to counter ranged units, shouldn't be hard countered by Alm. It's not right! Bridelia will have to be my savior like she is for 70% of PVE content. Huh, interesting idea. A shame I don't have Special Fighter fodder. I suppose Winter Celica and/or Halloween Jakob could pull off that build but then I'm not sure if they'll survive Ophelia who is also a terror.
  8. On topic again. Do any of you fine folks have a good counter to L!Alm? Maybe I'm just too lazy to number crunch but he rofl stomps my 'super' tank and I don't really know how to deal with him besides praying I'm not in range of his attack and hope to kill him on player phase (not easy with dancer shenanigans). TA Gronraven user? Because you excused yourself of the mistake by calling it reasonable. It's not the first time you've blamed the game for your own faults.
  9. Claiming "bad game design" and then backpedaling to "well, it's a reasonable mistake because I can't read" is pretty pathetic, to be honest.
  10. Not to alarm anyone here, but my uncle at Nintendo has sent me concept art of the grass gym leader as well as in game footage of the Sword legendary. Very real.
  11. Pretty underwhelming skillset (dat artcreep tho). Dragon effectiveness is very niche beyond helping you slay Dumas in AR. Her weapon might give her monster stats but her kit makes me think she will be an offensive unit, not a super tank so positioning your units to buff her might not be convenient. Being a flier makes her vulnerable to Alm and Lucina as well (both bow and sword forms, lol) It feels like Duma and Naga should be switched. Dragon effectiveness is useful against enemy dragon super tanks for AR defense and Duma's ability to destroy structures would be more powerful on offense (probably too powerful but I digress). I do want her for the extra lift bonus but I don't have a big need for the Bold Fighter (Hector and Tiki). Wish she would have been red so I could get her on my quest for Hrid and A/S Solo.
  12. I'm not sure I agree with their decision to lock the true ending behind your progress in the fishing mini game, or requiring you to be at least A rank in fishing skill to save a certain character from dying. Skinship 2: Electric Boogaloo is going to be the best mini-game, let's be honest.
  13. A Skull Knight. We Berserk now. I think villains who look pure evil (especially if it turns out they're anti-villain) can be pretty fun but FE stories usually aren't served well if the main villain just evil and nothing else. I want a villain with political motivations but I'm pretty sure the villainous cast will be primarily if not exclusively alligned with religion.
  14. Fates and Awakening had fairly balanced gender ratios to facilitate shipping/eugenics so it's a reasonable trend to assume will continue. Before these titles, the cast was more slanted towards males. Caspar was indirectly confirmed to be a noble by Dorothea's bio. I'm not sure why you think he would have a special class though.
  15. While you're probably right, a part of me wonders if we're getting a reverse Forrest situation where it's actually a girl but based on identity issues, they dress like a male student. Ignace sure looks androgynous.
  16. Well, obviously there is some magical component as crests enable one to use special abilities sometimes. Perhaps one ability to to project that image, as other magic (maybe by checking blood) can be used to detect them.
  17. They could have written their account better if they were serious about making propaganda. "Liberation King" is generous for a guy called Nemesis I'm not saying this other faction is evil, but if the church is aligned against it, it makes one wonder why the church would say "these crests are good and these are bad" if they're all from the goddess.
  18. This feels like a strong theory but at the same time if all of the crests are said to be gifts from the goddess, then why would half of them belong to an 'evil' faction? Would they be the fallen angels in some rebellion against the goddess or something?
  19. This sure is an enduring archetype in the series. Likes: Swords Dislikes: Things that don't involve swords
  20. Edelgard: Your family name turned out to be "Legend"? Avatar: Why else do you think my dad named me "A-Fookin"?
  21. It's cool when some characters don't have surnames (contrary to nobles and well to do commoners) precisely because they're nobodies. I'm fond of the "Given name" of "place name" for characters who don't come from prominent families. I wonder if Byleth will get a surname once his divine parentage (we know the mom is someone special, who ya foolin' game?) gets revealed.
  22. I had a thought. All of the students introduced so far have surnames, whether they're commoners or nobles. Several of the nobles have 'von' between their names but strangely Dimitri and Lorentz do not have this, instead they have middle names. I wonder why that is. It's not specific to a single country. I don't think a company has been named dropped before in the series but the existence of companies isn't exactly advanced for the economy. Trade guilds have existed for hundreds of years and a company is just an association of people who work together to make a profit. Fates probably had a company that owned and ran the opera house even if they never specified who. It's cool world building anyway.
  23. Looks like we have another interesting backstory. Her being the sole commoner in the house will make for an interesting dynamic. This makes me more interested in Petra now. An earlier screenshot gave her a stilted way of speaking as if she's a foreigner but if Dorothea is actually the only commoner, then Petra being a foreign blue blood might have a special significance. We see Dorothea's expression change in her portrait in the video. I wonder how many expressions and variations each character has. I think it's better this way. A big world is nice but at the same time, when characters have relationships prior to those they created at the school, the world feels more connected and real. That Manuela was her teacher rather than someone her own age is even better.
  24. Ain't that the truth. Even for Ryoma who outright lies to Corrin about being their real family in order to get them to switch teams, when he makes this Titanic announcement to Corrin, it's just an excuse for them to bang. One of the cool things about Radiant Dawn is that some characters could actually switch teams from one good guy faction to another because their convictions and loyalties we're more nuanced than just "I'm on team good" (like actual humans). Doubtless, making friends at school and fighting alongside companions will start creating strong bonds (can I get a #relatable in the chat from all the Japanese high schoolers?) but if those bonds are way stronger than family or country, they'll have lost me.
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