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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I get that. It was a flaw in the system but I wish people would take a chill pill and appreciate what's available. Lyn isn't a bad pull. I could understand the rage if a common unit without value won. I don't think anyone realized just how lazy and uninformed the typical voter was. I'm kind of curious just how much the starting screen swayed votes. If they people really didn't understand that you could scroll down, they wouldn't be able to get two votes per day like the rest of us so those first screen units wouldn't be getting as many votes, in theory. I really don't want to believe that the majority of voters, not just a lot, the majority, were that dumb to cause lesser characters to rank so highly.
  2. Jesus, the FEH subreddit is a cesspool right now. (Opinions here are calmer.) Like, I get it, you wanted Hector. I voted for Hector. But people are acting like Lyn ran over their dog, denying her value as a unit and as fodder. Hardly anyone is giving Azura shit for being bad fodder and AR cancer.
  3. Can't deny that her skills are niche and that the other characters have better fodder (such as the much maligned LLyn). We really should have been able to choose but IS has money symbols for eyes. Either way, booking her until you have a use for her niche skills is better than feathering her . (I wouldn't notice. Pretty much everyone I fight in AR has her already. Lazura was a mistake.)
  4. Her Duel skill could be given to another blue flier and acrobatics could be interesting. Either is still better than 1k feathers
  5. Imagine being so casual you vote for the first character you see on the selection screen. I think the complaints about Lyn are a little overblown. Yes, Hector would undoubtedly be better fodder but Spd Tactics is very rare and useful. Unlike other tactics skills which are available to everyone through seals or on 4* units, the only way to get Spd Tactics without premium units is to use Seth. There have been a lot of skills that cator to mixed movement teams so more common tactics fodder is good for flexible team building. Compare this to Lazura who doesn't have any skills with much value if you already have her. I don't have Myrrh, Azura, or Duma and Lyn would be welcome as fodder or a merge for me. I think I like Duma the least. I would have preferred H!Mia or Leanne or even F!Grima for merges.
  6. Neither did Fates, and here we are. I doubt they'll do it again, but it's not like there isn't precedent. It's okay because it turns out you're not related to your own children. You get a letter from your future self saying "she's adopted so it's okay to bang your daughter". And she still calls you Dad! That's wholesome AND sexy! I threw up a little in my mouth.
  7. That was my impression too. Lycia seemed like a confederacy with Ostia as its most powerful and leading territory. Hector was the heir to Ostia much like Claude is the heir to the leader of Leicester. The lack of a formal king doesn't suggest a democracy, but it probably means the other territories have more autonomy in their self governance.
  8. Kind of unfortunate that the girl gets an awkward 'sexy' outfit compared to the guy who gets to look regal. I miss the unisex tactician robes from Awakening. It's still an improvement over Camilla. Now the design works from the waist up instead of just the shoulders up
  9. I wouldn't get it. I got them for Fates and SoV and both were a let down. The art and sound track (as in the whole thing, not just the sample they give here) will be available online later which just leaves the steel case and a callender which aren't worth a $40 mark up.
  10. Brother! Yeah, I've noticed that a number of character creators (even the older Miis which you'd think would be more inclusive) lacked a orange/red hair option and it's just...why? You have blue hair as the stock protagonist trait but I can't make my avatar a redhead because that's too exotic? The plus side of fixed avatar models is that they can actually show up in cutscenes. Fates' first person cutscenes were just awkward. Like... wow, I can see my hands and forearms...sure glad I was in this shot.
  11. This is the same series that encourages you to marry your pseudo-siblings. The only taboo too heinous (apparently) is immediate blood relatives, and I think that's a matter of Japanese law preventing them from depicting that degree of incest. We're absolutely going to get to romance the students in this game. Concerning Persona, my understanding of the way it's handled is that it's the student coming onto the teacher and the older partner is a woman, which (double standard it may be) probably makes it more okay with people. In this game, you're the teacher so it's probably an abuse of power to romance students.
  12. It seems like a lot of the cast can freely reclass based on their skill levels so while their default art will remain a school uniform, at least in combat, they'll use class outfits which have more armor. Definitely not ideal to make everyone either choosing from a school uniform or uniform class outfits though.
  13. Student: Teach, I'm failing all my classes besides axe mastery. What am I supposed to do? Counselor: Have you considered a career in brigandry? It worked out for me. Student: What does that entail? Counselor: When you're a professional brigand~
  14. Hmm, I'm more than a little concerned with all this avatar-centric story stuff. I don't think they can do worse than Corrin but I still expect we'll be getting a lot of brown-nosing. I was never a fan of school academy settings either. Whew, fantasy high school. Sure is anime in here. Also, I share the sentiment of the cutscenes being disappointing compared to other games in the series. Even Awakening had this shit down and we're back to janky SoV cutscenes. On a less cynical note, I hope the gameplay is exciting at least.
  15. Kind of a tricky question to approach because I might prioritize one element depending on the situation. While playing a game, I might have a 'favorite' character to use because of their utility (who can deny that Camilla is good in Conquest?) but loving to use isn't the same as loving a character. In general, having a strong visual is going to make the first impression and the depth of their character will come second (hello, Helbindi). I like some characters primarily for their design (hot damn, RD!Mia!) but am completely indifferent to their personality. Overall, the lasting appeal of a character is going to be a combination of all three, but I'd say the writing is weighed heaviest. I haven't played Blazing Sword in ages and I'm completely neutral on Hector's appearance but he has outstanding character depth and that matters to me. Lyon looks nice, and he's barely playable but his story is one of the few that made me genuinely emotional.
  16. I think I understand where you started with this. Was it in relation to the validity of a character's critics depending on the contrived result of the conflict as chosen by the writer? If so, there is definitely a matter of how a conflict is presented and which side's points, before and after, seem valid. Like, if a character had some insane plan that others called a reckless endangerment of life, it would be valid criticism to call that reckless even if the hero somehow pulled off an impossible feat. Real flaws should have consequences however. "Reckless" is not a flaw if the hero always succeeds regardless (which is why it's hard to take seriously when SoV pins this on Alm to say he's not perfect). Yes, the flaw has validity because it is acknowledged and has a consequence. Hector is grieving for his brother and lashes out at Oswin because Hector doesn't know how to manage his grief besides anger. He gives Oswin the cold shoulder (the consequence) and Eliwood calls Hector out for his mistreatment, which Hector reflects on (flaw acknowledged ). It's a pretty significant but easy to miss character moment. Fair enough. That second quote does imply she's learned from a mistake. I just wanted to make a distinction between Micaiah and arguments I've seen in defense of Corrin. People say that because people die as a result of Corrin's actions, it makes him a flawed character. But it really rings hollow when other people suffer and no one criticizes Corrin for it. Although I suppose the bigger issue is, it's not just that no one criticizes him, it's that they specifically absolve him of any wrongdoing he commits. I don't agree with your points on Hector, however. Being merciless is indeed a part of his character but it's not a flaw in the two scenes you cite. In the case of the soldier, he's allowing brigands to attack a lord and when Hector calls him out on it, the soldier tells him to piss off. Imagine if you saw someone being viciously beaten on the street, and when you call out a cop for standing there doing nothing, he tells you to mind your own business, wouldn't you assume the cop is not a good guy? That's what Hector does, and I think the dialogue implies the soldier was not going to brook interference (and we know they're under orders to let Eliwood die). The relatively lighthearted reactions of Mathew, Oswin and Serra seem to suggest that Hector didn't straight up murder the guy either. Jaffar is even less sympathetic, having murdered the fiance of Hector's friend so there is no reason why Hector should contain his anger.
  17. While I generally like how Micaiah is written, I think it's worth pointing out that other people suffering isn't a personal consequence to one's flaws unless that incident leaves a strong impact. Granted, the story had bigger fish to fry at the time but no one gives Micaiah grief for her mistake and I don't think she reflects on her actions that led to the destruction of the capital beyond that one scene. Also, while it's presented as valid criticism, Micaiah is not wrong about several of her choices. People questioned and criticized Alm and Roy's choices but the criticism was invalid because those lords were always objectively right (if only because they succeeded). I guess the point I'm making is that a truly flawed character is one that is recognized as such and for the criticism to be valid. There is a lot of good in the writing, however. Izuka is objectively correct about Micaiah upstaging Pelleas and Sothe was correct for criticizing Micaiah's morals in part 3.
  18. Fates was hard to get but it was it was from a massively marketed game and actually had something worthwhile in its collector's edition (all three routes on a single cartridge). I picked up SoV's collectors edition at a store after launch day without any trouble.
  19. It's also worthwhile to put them on the Hoshido side in the dream because the player will have a Nohrian bias by starting the game with them (granted, if you bought Birthright, you probably already made that choice). That said, (unexplained) prophetic dreams are a tired narrative tool and I hope they don't pull that a 4th time.
  20. These two character strike me as the worst. Some other ones like Athena are strange but I can at least chalk that up to stylistic choices, but Lloyd and Camilla just look pale and sickly.
  21. I see. I probably wouldn't get the 600 lift I need to advance but I would have been closer at least. Time to request they let us stack mythic and legendary blessings.
  22. Are these 5 day seasons going to be the regular? I have 300 less lift than the last time I went up a tier despite having pretty similar performance. Looks like I'll never get to T21 and above. I would need pretty much perfect play and only a single full defense loss to go up. I can't even fully bless my teams because they're already blessed to be used with legendary units. 140 lift teams aren't enough to get ahead.
  23. Fair enough, but my point still stands that it could reworked that Alm is chosen for a different reason which doesn't confuse the matter of what he's supposed to represent. Because the story definitely frames him as being Celica's counterpart instead of her superior. In regards to Alm being conditioned to not have the same flaws Berkut does, they could still have Alm dip into these flaws but not go over the edge like Berkut and Celica do. Say Alm wants vengeance against Rigel and nearly does something cruel before his friends remind him of the compassion Celica stood for. This is one scenario, and there are many other ways you could write it. I think Berkut can be a better foil if Alm nearly falls into the same pitfalls but gets saved by the support of friends. That works too. I mean, that would be all the context you need to explain why Berkut led the invasion of Zofia to begin with. @Interdimensional Observer There are certainly some interesting ideas there, although personally I think the brands being a legacy thing makes it too close to Naga and Grima's brand. Maybe some would consider that meaningful resonance it's like poetry, it rhymes since Awakening is the same world but I kind of like that SoV did its own thing by making the marks of Duma/Mila a one time thing.
  24. As far as I'm aware, the brands were created for SoV and weren't in Gaiden at all, so it was their goof to create a story element that didn't even work that well. The only thing that would need to be tweaked is the prophesy and Rudolf/Mycen's response to it. "When the twilight of the gods falls upon Valentia, the royal heirs marked by the brand of Duma and Mila will lead humanity down the path of destruction without the guidance of a commoner born." Or something. It's up to the writers to determine how Alm falls into the protagonist seat but hopefully it doesn't mislead people into thinking he's something that he's not.
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