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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I think gameplay wise, you spread yourself too thin to have several factions that are playable so I think two playable groups should be the max. Naratively speaking, I'd love for there to be several factions. The two things I'd really like to see are: 1. antagonistic forces that are not inherently evil or are allied to the big bad. They would just be acting in their own self interest. 2. Things should be happening in the world that are not directly related to things the protagonist is involved with. For example, while you repelling an invasion by A nation, a large battle betwen occurred between B and C nation, changing the balance of power on the continent.
  2. I suspect it will just be the Book III trailer, new banner and refines. Not much to do with 10 minutes. I thought 3.0 was delayed to not overlap with the Smash hype but uh... Maybe they blew their load with the AR Feh channel.
  3. I should specify my first Fire Emblem, Blazing Sword then. Mercenaries became Heroes, Fighters became Warriors and Pirates became Berserkers. I never stopped thinking of Heroes as being more associated with swords, even when they became a promotion path for Fighters in FE8. Fates seems to agree with this interpretation too with Heroes having a higher sword rank cap than axes. It's just a feeling for me though. Fighters ought to promote to axe focused classes.
  4. I ended up choosing Berserker/Hero as my favorite and least favorite, despite Hero being one of my favorite classes. I'm a GBA vet so Fighter means to me Berserker/Warrior. Heroes belong on the mercenary tree.
  5. The localization gave a "totes legal adults" line to Elise and Midori. I suppose they didn't care about the likes of Percy.
  6. What's the issue with Lucina? She's a technical adult in that picture. I'd say all the siblings couples make for an uncomfortable pairing with Corrin, especially Camilla. She's probably the only sibling canonically attracted to him and in their support Corrin says he wants to her stop with her advances, until he changes his mind abruptly in the S support. I know that some people like the contrast between the shy Florina and the brash Hector, but their support is honestly one of Hector's weakest and outside of the time her pegasus fell on him, they never really have meaningful interactions. I don't really have a dog in the race for whom Hector should be with but Lyn has way more dialogue to support a potential relationship. --- On topic, Cordelia x Frederick is just sad. Cordelia is settling and they BOTH know it.
  7. Bolded: Does anyone really think the series should have such ludicrous violence? I only speak for myself but I only ask that the serious content (this is a series where people get impaled but there is no blood) is given the respect it deserves. That said, sometimes the imagination can be a more potent than showing something that would have to be tame to pass a rating check. The tortured Laguz and Scarlet's fate are scarier to imagine than anything they could show us. In regards to Micaiah, while her methods were extreme and frightening, the most shocking thing to the characters is that Micaiah was willing to massacre an army that had no intention of fighting her. It was an attempted mass murder by a leader who is thought to be kind and decent. It's not really morally gray for Micaiah to use this specific methodology (no one considers fire tomes to be unethical). Begnion had a gun to her head and winning the war efficiently is what she needed to do. Her moral grayness comes from her choice to protect her nation at all costs, but that's entirely the fault of the blood pact forcing her hand.
  8. Maybe. They do seem like they're almost trying sometimes. They had the hype Book II trailer and in game notifications presented the first real fight with Surtr as the "climax" of the story. They also had a recap video of the Book I and II plots as if they told an epic saga. It would be weird to intentionally write a minimalist story but also boast about how cool the story is.
  9. I'm slightly worried. The story telling in recent titles doesn't inspire confidence. Fates was a narrative disaster and the new elements in SoV didn't fix or enhance the archaic plot of Gaiden (but it had excellent presentation, so credit where it's due). I'm convinced that Heroes doesn't even have a writing team and every story chapter is something Intern-kun throws out (bless his heart, but he should really just stick to information leaks). I'll be cautiously optimistic for the writing, but I fear the series will continue on its path of ridiculous player worship dragging the writing down. From what I observed in the trailer, I'm more concerned for the aesthetics of the game. The character models and musou style enemies look atrocious, as do some of the combat animations like that part where enemy soldiers are blasted into the air as if they were bowling pins instead of living people. Someone mentioned Advanced Wars before, which is an apt comparison. It's a silliness that doesn't jive with this series at all. I think I could enjoy the game if it had two of three parts, good story/gameplay/aesthetics, but I already have a low opinion of the aesthetics and IS doesn't have the best track record for stories lately.
  10. As hard as I am on Fates for how terrible the writing is, people need to give the "1 game for the price of 3" narrative a rest. For starters, all three routes together are $80, which is the price of two 3DS titles, not three. Second, there is enough game content for three full Fire Emblem games. The writing is bad and some maps are shamelessly reused but I'd say you're getting your money's worth. Three mediocre games for the price of two is fair in my mind. Now, should or will Three Houses go this direction? No and No. Fates suffered horribly for stretching the development resources so thin. It wasn't even them being overly ambitious, the whole thing stinks of pushing deadlines they couldn't possibly meet and we got a story that felt like the scaffolding of an actual story. I'm not worried about Three Houses failing (in this manner). Fates having three routes was its gimmick and nothing I've heard suggests to me that Three Houses will be split into purchases.
  11. The way I see it, in PoR he's openly hostile to Beorc, only allying with them for convenience and betraying them when it suited him. While that is indeed a sinister disposition, most of the people he does bad things to are bad people themselves. He never aligns himself with the values of those evil factions, he just uses them. If there is any doubt that he's more aligned with good than evil, you can recruit him on the last map of PoR. You say the blood pact justified his actions in the first game but I think it only serves to explain his actions in RD. He's still a self-serving jerkass. It's a lot different than Micaiah who is a saint when she's not being forced into war.
  12. To be fair, while Micaiah is morally gray in RD, she only goes that far because she's pushed by the situation with the blood pact. With no blood pact, Daein doesn't go to war, and Micaiah wouldn't fight Ike, Sanaki or the Laguz alliance. I think he was always a sneaky good guy in the sense he supports the surviving herons. He does seemingly betray Reyson but if we're to believe his words, the real double cross was against Oliver and Reyson was never in real danger. I don't think Naesala would have changed much without the blood pact. I'm not sure I understand. You say they don't need to show gratuitous violence but then you say that they should show that stuff. I hope you can appreciate the irony of coming into a thread to fling mud at the fanbase (who are having a civil discussion here). What are you contributing to the discussion?
  13. Does anyone know the summon rates for pulling Laegjarn on this banner? I'm curious to know how many merges I could pull on this banner with my 260 orbs
  14. Fates being an isekai harem anime is always my favorite comparison.
  15. I think the series could go for a 'Game of Thrones lite' direction. All the politics, complex characters and developed setting, but they can leave the darkest elements up to implication. What I want is a world I can get immersed in and characters that feel grounded in reality. Out of place levity/fanservice can really take me out of a story. Maybe I'm just a grumpy, old man that wants anime to get off my lawn, but I could do without some of the shonen tropes used lately (ex. the protagonist 'died' but his nakama wished really hard and brought his spirit back) A good story will balance it's serious and comedic elements well. As long as the story doesn't compromise its serious scenes and themes, I can be happy with it.
  16. I'm not sure why the lord needs to be weaker than most other units for teamwork to be a thing, nor how that's even realistic. Why would a commander be weaker than every individual in the army? Did he skip leg day? The lord doesn't need to be a juggernaut but most people don't want to babysit a unit that a) is a required deployment and b) will result in a game over if they die.
  17. Mage probably. A Wyvern rider or Malig Knight would be pretty rad too.
  18. I don't believe for a second that Micaiah's popularity was completely independent of her martial success. A savior isn't just someone who heals a few random people, it's someone who turns the tide on a dire situation. In one of the quotes you provided it says that she successfully raids Begnion forces, returning crucial resources to the people. That she can keep doing that is what snowballs into Micaiah becoming a peoples hero. Why would anyone care about Micaiah's abilities if healing was the only thing she accomplished? Could have happened but it didn't. We can bring up a lot more questionable plot conveniences than this. How is it that Ike is never seriously injured or loses even a single friend despite fighting through two wars? How convenient is it that he stumbled on the one patch of Goldoa where he met the crown prince instead of any other dragon that would have just roasted him? The answer, that's not the story the writers wanted to tell. There is no direct logic that Micaiah being well known means she MUST be betrayed. So they had intel from a non-supernatural force concerning a person of interest and they act on it. The only thing Micaiah's power did was speed up the decision making. The story does make use of her powers, but an almost identical story could be told without it. I think this comes down to preferring mundane plot devices vs ones flavored with the supernatural. Ike's story is pushed forward through natural circumstance, luck and strength of character. Micaiah's is pressed forward by magical gifts, luck and strength of character.
  19. Micaiah also has distinctive silver hair and is the purported leader of the group, which Laura is not. In the Joan of Arc example, her unique identifier was being a woman and allegedly spoken to by an angel. But it was her deeds that carried her reputation. It's seriously the same story, no powers required. I'm not sure why this plot element would be required. Is it unreasonable that she wasn't betrayed? I think you're misattributing her having powers with things working out for her. She is a protagonist so things are going to work out (unless it's Game of Thrones but I digress). Unless you can think of a specific a instance where the way forward would be impossible without her powers, then it's circumstantial. I actually think Ike has a solid character and story. But both characters work hard to get where they do. If you want to invalidate Micaiah's accomplishments based on her powers, then I'll say that Ike's powers are being trained by the best warrior on the continent, being given a mercenary company because he's the son of the previous leader, getting a super powerful magic sword and having the good fortune to meet Kurthnaga and Sanaki, the two people in their respective factions who wouldn't murder him for his transgressions. (I don't agree with those points, but there you go.
  20. As Specta said, it's not exactly cruise control to have to be faithful to an established character. There are more expectations to maintain. That's fair. I mentioned before that I would like more cross-game interaction, but I always considered the story mode to be a Fire Emblem of its own with Gaccha units filling in for your rank and file.
  21. It's true, her abilities are a boost to her inspirational power, but the most important thing is that she's going around helping people. The same thing could have been accomplished if she was using a healing staff. That she has a special kind of healing makes her more identifiable. Micaiah follows after Joan of Arc, a real life person who didn't have magical powers (though she claimed to have divine guidance). It was her ability to inspire people, to give them hope, that made her the mythic figure she is. Micaiah's powers aren't the primary factor either.
  22. If one were to look at Micaiah in context, they'd see that her abilities and lineage are barely consequential to her accomplishments. The two big things she does is liberate Daein and become its queen, both came about from her tenacity and dedication to her cause rather than a birthright or supernatural powers that made the impossible possible. You might roll your eyes at her list of special qualities but at the end of the day, they only add flavor to her story, rather than decide its course. Alm and Corrin are literal chosen ones with legendary swords only they can use. Micaiah actually suffers for her gifts (physically in the case of Sacrifice, but also emotionally for being a branded). She didn't have good fortune delivered to her on a silver platter.
  23. Every character is an OC in their first game. They're only generic anime people because IS doesn't hire (decent) writers. I don't think the writing quality would improve just because they decided to feature characters from the mainline games. On the contrary, it's easier to write a new cast of characters doing their own thing than it would be to effectively utilize a cast of characters from multiple games. I do think there is a wealth of untapped potential for cross game interaction but I think it would be better in a different mode, like Forging Bonds. There have been little flashes of brilliance like Hector in the LA paralogue or Hector in the Tempest Trial story (just use Hector, writers). But I'd trust them more to have smaller unconnected episodes to explore these interactions.
  24. I'd say add the left over Aether to your Aether storage the next week (for my case, 150 Aether + 53 roll over). If you get the final match regardless of your Aether, the player with 1 Aether will be better off than the person with 53, it's still the difference of 1 match because of a missed pot. Alternatively, the extra aether spent from one's last match (if insufficient) could be deducted from the next week (for me, 150 -1= 149)
  25. I think those are some interesting ideas, but I'd rather they just supplement the lord rather than compensate for the lord being a weaker unit in general. I'd definitely be on board with the next lord being a strategist or at least work closely with a strategist, like Robin or the war councils we saw in Tellius.
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