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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Ah, so it is. I wonder how those Arena changes will affect my place in it. I hope I don't drop for not getting enough bonus unit kills.
  2. I'm feeling the squeeze on team space too. Every week is all the teams playing Survivor with the least synergistic team voted off the island the team slot list. Farewell team throwing-together-random-strong-units-makes-me-a-good-tactician, you will be missed.
  3. I demand compensation orbs for them not making good on their promise.
  4. They did say early August so tomorrow would be appropriate. I'm most looking forward to skill set assignments and possibly new seals found in the datamine.
  5. I wouldn't be too certain. Corrin was added as DLC after all. Less than the timing of her game, I think the biggest thing holding her back is the devs themselves either being too tired to add more characters and/or them thinking they already did Fire Emblem its due. With Chrom of all people
  6. I hear that. Chrom seemed to get in because of memes more than his merit to the roster. We already had two Awakening reps, why a 3rd? I suppose there is still hope for DLC characters. I'll light a candle for Lyn.
  7. I'm already a happy camper with Ridley confirmed so it's really...nice to be able to just be happy that other fans are getting long awaited characters even if they don't appeal to me specifically. I know K Rool was long requested so congrats to them (and my condolences to those character deconfirmed by assist trophies). Seems like Metroid is getting a lot of love this time and I'll enjoy playing as Dark Samus and Meta Ridley. The prime games were the best. Lots of stages and music and a killing edge! RIP Lyn, I would have liked her as an Echo Fighter. I'm looking forward to a adventure or story mode.
  8. That's fair, but even if you wanted to keep the banner 50% Fates, they could have done 2 Hoshidans instead of 1 + one Nohrian. Xander already had two alts and they could have included Sakura or a Oboro.
  9. I don't think this is them "fixing" a mistake. The Nohrian siblings have always been more popular and more promoted by IS than their Hoshidan counterparts. The Nohrians even got a spin off manga, not to mention Xander being the only non OC besides Anna to be in the FEH story. I don't think it's too much to ask that the Hoshidans get a full banner to themselves, especially when it's a Hoshidan themed event. 1/4 characters for both Hoshido events is sad.
  10. Having used Polivia, I can tell you being a dagger dancer is pretty bad, although having a color might improve that. Dancer BST is not going to help you when going after high defense armors and dragons, and then you have to contend with Fighter skills, DC and adaptive damage, for Armors and Dragons respectively. Kagero and Sothe might use these weapons better.
  11. Achtually, the garment of clothing you're referring to is called a yukata, which while similar in design to the traditional kimono, is made of lighter cloth to be worn more comfortably in summer, notably at Japanese festivals. *Adjusts weeb glasses*
  12. You are a gentleman and a scholar. Still can't make out the text for the weapon effects. -------
  13. Can someone be a friend and give me a text summary of the skills and weapons of each character? My internet is being super slow and won't load the video.
  14. Looks more to me like Ryouma is holding a pineapple skewer (poor Takumi) you can find at Japanese festivals. Xander is holding a uchiwa fan, another Japanese summer item.
  15. I wonder who the other two will be. We might have another 50% Fateswakening 50% something else banner like the other summer seasonal banners this year. Minerva got a yukata in a cipher card which would be cool, but I doubt Archanea is getting a second (half) banner.
  16. Oh look, more Fates royals seasonals. Summer belongs to Fateswakening it seems. [Screams internally] Hoping the other half of the banner is a different game, or if it's full on Fates, give us a yukata Oboro.
  17. Ayy, I'm not alone in the "-Atk Polivia" club! I use her from time to time for dancing utility (if all my other dancers are maxed out on hero merit) but she's major dead weight otherwise. As far as "lmao dancers aren't used for combat" goes, it's nice to have the option, and many dancers can pull their weight even if they aren't ideal. Polivia isn't going to be damaging anything and colorless is shit for tanking.
  18. Tellius or Binding Blade would be best. I'd definitely roll for Lethe or Melady if and when they show up. Thank you, kind sir. Brigand Boss needs more love in this community.
  19. I feel that. I only spent 110 orbs but I got nothing noteworthy besides a -Atk Lyn. 41 attack at 5*. End me.
  20. I did say it was an "opportunity", not that I think they'll cash in on it. That said, Loki was given a legendary staff so there is precedent to add more things like her.
  21. Saying Lucina can be replaced by Rein or Nowi is pretty silly, you could say the same about Olwen and Fae being better options to use than Lyn. Lyn has a decent skill set to counter blue and green mages (even with her skills active, that's just 34 res) but she barely does any better than Lucina vs dragons (Lucina's lower defense stat is 20 vs Lyn's which is 21). Lucina has 52 attack and 46 spd when attacking melee units, compared to Lyn's 49/41. All in all, Lyn requires team support just to function on a basic level, whereas Lucina is a better unit even without team support. I like Lyn as much as anyone, but "Can counter Reinhardt" is the only badge of honor she has, something that many other green units can accomplish.
  22. By that logic, aren't all colored range units inferior to colorless? She won't hit as hard vs green but reds will be that much easier to kill.
  23. Legendary banners would be a great opportunity to add good colorless units because you're free to give them powerful preferred weapons and unique skills. Imagine a Staff legendary with a 14 might weapon and Razzle Dazzle as their B skill. That would be enticing. Isn't it the other way around? Lucina has a strong stat line focused on offense and Lyn is a bizarre mix of skills and stats, not being exceptional at anything.
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