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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Probably to not confuse people. I agree this would be the easiest solution, but I don't think they'll go for it.
  2. I think some of these have decent explanations for them. In other words, a lot of the naming inconsistencies happened because Treehouse didn't know IS was going to introduce dual stat boosting skills and their original name choices for single stat boosting skills didn't work as well for compounds. I can't speak for how natural the Japanese skill names sound to Japanese people, but they would sound weird if translated faithfully.
  3. Someone (probably Claude) is going to comment on Edelgard's small breasts, which will make her flustered. Jokes aside, I'm hoping the story and cast will be less anime tropey.
  4. Huh, underwhelming skills for the most part. I'll try rolling for Cordelia and Tana for art and utility. Tana's A skill sure is underwhelming. I could see her using a Bond skill to combo with her super Guidance tome but a one-and-done skill seems like a waste of her A slot (Renewal is only applicable of she doesn't get hit.) A/S Bond, Fury, LaD and Swift Sparrow are probably equally viable if not more. I get that Noire is colorless for color balance but I don't know why they aren't adding new colored bows after L!Lyn. It's just...why? Did they feel no one would roll for a second bow Lyn if she didn't have a special gimmick?
  5. That's an absolutely pointless distinction. Alts are alts, or do you not think the 5 Lyns count because 1 is a legendary and 1 is a CYL character?
  6. All of your points are contradictory. You complain that Cordelia got a second alt in the same breath that you wish Ike and Ephraim got more alts. You complain that popular Awakening characters got alts, but then denounce Tana and Innes because you don't deem them popular enough. Maybe you should just admit your approval of the character choices is purely based on what you wanted and not what "makes sense".
  7. Well, considering how most banners are 3 characters where only one character demotes, it's more likely than not they will stay 5* locked whether they are popular or not.
  8. I think rather than play as mustache twirling villains who eat puppies and hate laughter, I'd prefer to play a game where you are ruthless. You would still have a understable goal, like securing absolute power (as opposed to something meaningless like destroying the world), but you would kill, lie and cheat to get to the top. It would be like playing a game as the Lannisters.
  9. These are all fair points. I generally agree think localizations should be to smooth over direct translations that don't work or rework jokes/cultural references into something more understandable in the west (the Japanese title for Three Houses is one such example of something that will be lost on many westerners). That's all it is really, a cynical disclaimer saying "Yeah, she's under-aged. We know it, you know it, but we can't be seen endorsing under-aged romance so just pretend she's legal, okay? We didn't write this shit." Personally, I think it would be better to just not bring it up and hope people forget those characters are breeding options. The "technical adult" line was tantamount to someone shouting "I AM NOT SUSPICIOUS". A bit counter-intuitive.
  10. It's hard to say how it will pan out from the one trailer we've seen. Byleth (whose gender might be up to the player) does seem to be a main character, but it remains to be seen if he's primarily a viewpoint character or shown to be the primary protagonist. At the very least, Edelgard was featured primarily in this trailer over Dimitri and Claude (that said, that's not proof she won't turn out like Micaiah or Lyn).
  11. While the handling of Fates was sometimes inelegant, it can't be ignored just how problematic the source material was. Wedding and bedding children is...frowned upon in the west, so they had to awkwardly write off Elise and Midori as "technical adults" and M!Kanna got his romance supports rewritten because he's like 10 years old. A bait-and-switch lesbian would not go over well in the west, so Soleil was written into a lesbian leaning bisexual, even though she isn't. Xander was written to be more heroic than he really was because cowardice and blind obedience are not seen positively (which ended up backfiring because his actions don't change, making him a hypocrite). Swimsuits, hot springs and skinship all got neutered because the metric fuckton of fanservice that is par for the course for Japanese media is not what the west is used to (broad strokes, but you get the point). If I were Treehouse, you would be hearing groans of increasing discomfort from me being asked to make Fates presentable.
  12. I think some of the Treehouse woes are overstated. I didn't like everything they did for Fates, like some of the name changes or supports, but it wasn't the total nightmare situation some pretend it is. On the whole, the changes were either tolerable or for the better.
  13. Hector remains the only lord who stuck to his guns axes when plot swords were being handed out like candy.
  14. I'm a little more concerned about the fact that she uses a sword. Ultimate plot weapons are usually swords so I would hate to see her axes sidelined because the game throws better swords your way.
  15. Agreed. Even if we were to look at the grand total of dragon laguz and bird laguz, we only come out to about 6 of each. Not all of these characters would be released simultaneously and several of them would likely have signature weapons, so inheritable weapons would be an incredibly shallow pool.
  16. Considering that only bows have a universal effectiveness vs a particular movement type/unit class, I would be content with Beasts/Birds only needing the standard weapon triangle to represent their elemental weaknesses (so green and blue, respectively). Dragon Laguz don't need to be any different from other manaketes, but we are currently short on red breath users. Birds would naturally be weak to bows, and dragons to dragon slayers. For beasts, I would suggest making them a new unit class that is weak to beastslayers (different weapons than horse slayers). I like the idea of them being infantry movement and have the ability to walk over forests unhindered.
  17. You don't get to pick your house. The sorting hat does it for you. No, I don't think you will or should. Edelgard seems to be framed as your main companion, and you'll join up with the others later. The way Edelgard looks up to you makes it seem like you'll have the strongest bond with her. 3 routes would definitely be a mistep in Fates is any indication. They just didn't have the budget or time to make it work.
  18. I'm glad you pointed out the queen lady not being the goddess. I thought it strange how everyone assumed that even though the mural depicts the goddess with brown hair, not platinum blonde. The queen lady has an eerie calmness to her in the battle, and she's definitely not dressed for it. I thought before that this meant that she wasn't physically there and was simply watching over the battle (especially since the voice over for that part had then talking about the goddess governing over all souls) but another part has what looks like someone specifically attacking her so I don't know. I think there is something supernatural about her at any rate. Was her cradling that sword a humanizing element or fanatical devotion to something? This worries me a lot, actually. Tellius and SoV had a more nuanced look at organized religion but I fear we'll get a "corrupt fanatical church" that we fight like the good teenage rebels we are. I would prefer that, if the church is going to be the central antagonistic group, that we see their wrongdoings as the influence of some messed up individuals, with many exceptions to the organization, rather than a secret religion of evil. I like these ideas. Human drama is generally more interesting than supernatural threats so I'd prefer the gods be relics of the past, show how humanity has picked up the pieces, and the conflicts that start because of human nature.
  19. Indeed. Cats are infinitely better pets than rabbits. I'm definitely not a fan of "last of their kind" races, or even novelty tribes who you see for one map and never again. Gameplay wise, though, I would hope shapeshifters get a variety of stones to better diversify how the class can be played. Edit: Basically everything Vanguard333 said above me.
  20. Wyvern riders, Manaketes, Dark Fliers, Malig Knights and Bow Cavaliers. Dread Fighter would be neat too. When did being assassins stop the Black Fang from having an army? Jokes aside, I could see certain classes not having formations to reflect their more personal involvement in a task. You never know. I doubt we'll have shapeshifters on the scale of Tellius (where it heavily tied into the plot) but we might get random tribes of shapeshifters like Fates did.
  21. Unless Heroes stops existing by the time FE17 comes out, I'll say no. There are already means to make your play experience more casual in the main series. Apologies if this comes across as nitpicking, but would "Echoes" really be a "subseries" even if the naming convention was carried over for future remakes? When I think of "subseries" what comes to mind is a significant divergence either in theme or gameplay away from the mainline games. FE remakes aren't any more of a subseries than Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green was for Pokemon. A series of games with simplified mechanics like Heroes would be more appropriate to call a subseries.
  22. Heh, I think I am more pleased by what I don't see (gratuitous fanservice, legal lolis, insert-crass-anime-trope-here) than what I do. It's definitely not my preferred art style. I would have preferred Hidari or Senri to come back but I'll just have to get used to it. The colors seem a bit dull, but maybe that's to contribute to a darker story tone? I would appreciate a more somber story this time around. Character design is pretty middling so far. I'd say Byleth and Adelgard are my favorites, the other two are fine (I might be the only person okay with Dimitri's hair because he reminds me of Rufus Shinra. The rest of his outfit is terrible though). I'm not really a fan of the school/military academy outfit aesthetic, for Fire Emblem at least. These designs would be right at home for a Tales of game but I wouldn't have guessed it was Fire Emblem unless you told me. Looking back, I much prefer the embroidered robes of the Elibe lords, or the functional armor of Tellius characters. I'll just have to wait and see how the other characters look.
  23. That's fair. If you personally like it, I can see why it would be tiring. It's rather subjective what styles are "Fire Emblem-y" or if there is even a single style that "fits" the series. I'm getting more of a Tales of, or SMT feel from the art/character designs.
  24. Call it what you like, but I've been a fan since Blazing Sword and Shadow Dragon is the only game that really rubbed me the wrong way for its art style. I'm an individual, not a collective with the same opinion as everyone else in the fandom.
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