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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I feel like they need to sort out that whole "demon blood" issue he and Veronica have. It would be pretty lame if he just found the cure offscreen and they dropped that plotline. How does the special proc do that much damage?
  2. Speaking of which, July 19/20 will be the first story chapter since the "climax" of Book 2. Perhaps Hrid will be the next Legendary Hero and/or we'll get more information about where the story is going next.
  3. They'll definitely show the July 20th banner, and I suspect they'll reveal when CYL will be but not actually have it this month. I think they're saving Beast units for the 3rd year so I don't anticipate them. Pretty excited anyway. I want new refines (Lyon pls). More like her taking 5 minutes to finish each sentence. "Wooooow, look at all these new units! They look so cooooooooo- [to be continued next FeH Channel]"
  4. What units use the Flashing Blade seal well? I thought it would be good on my +Spd Nephenee or Lyn (both have Wrath) but when running it through a match calculator, they both had less wins when compared to the +3 attack seal. I suppose I could give it to Raven instead of Heavy Blade but... I really thought it would work well on low attack speedsters.
  5. Never bought orbs, never will. I've been playing since launch and I've gotten most of the characters I've tried for (and I like a lot of characters). If there were a character I loved and couldn't get otherwise, I might be tempted to directly purchase them but Gaccha is gambling which I don't partake in. If things don't go well in the game, at least time is the only thing I lost. All game content is pretty doable with F2P resources so the only benefit to spending is getting optimal natures/merges and staying in Arena T20 (which doesn't offer much more rewards to get me to care). Other people "getting ahead" by spending doesn't bother me in the slightest, as Arena tiers keep the whales in their own pools. I'm pretty surprised that more people aren't F2P. It's a really friendly game for people who don't want to spend.
  6. Magic definitely adds a new dimension to the balance of power. One of the biggest advantages of guns is the relative ease of training and lack of strength required. One could make a setting where magic still outperforms firearms in most respects but the number of people who can effectively use magic is much less than firearms.
  7. I think that would be pretty cool. They should show a evolution of war as antiquated methods of combat (like bow and arrows) are phased out compared to firearms. One country could fall to another because of their inability to adapt.
  8. To be fair, the Japanese on the post you linked just says "Spring" instead of Q2. It could still be a March release.
  9. Is this news? The game was announced to be a Spring 2019 release in the first trailer. I think the post you're replying to is being sarcastic.
  10. 5* +3, before the gauntlet started. 7 more to go.
  11. Grima: How was it fighting Tellius' "Greatest Hero"? Lyon: His soul was delicious! Grima and Lyon: HAHAHAHAHAHAH Meanwhile, Ike sitting at a separate table, gives them an uncertain look. Or alternatively... Lyon: Grima! You son of a bitch! *Epic handshake* Lyon: What's the matter? Summoner having you push too many pencils?
  12. We did it, my fellow Lyon bruddas. We are all Lyon on this glorious day! That poor boy sure deserves it.
  13. Okay, let's break this down. You say the dragons we see in the trailer are Archenea dragons, by which I presume you mean Divine Dragons. If you look at their concept art (which Tiki actually resembles in Warriors), they are golden, bipedal dragons with white fur growing around their chest and collar. These aren't the only divine Dragons, however. We also have Fae (who is likewise a golden, bipedal dragon but with even more fluff) and Nowi/Adult Tiki (who are leafy sea dragons). Let's ignore that divine Dragons don't all look the same, and look at similar dragons elsewhere. Magvel has traditional western, four legged dragons (who are quadrupeds) and Tellius has traditional western, bipedal dragons (even white ones). In summary, not all divine Dragons look alike and there are other traditional western dragons besides the ones we see in Archanea. I'm not sure what a white winged goddess has to do with Archanea. Naga doesn't have white feather wings like the goddess we see in the Three Houses trailer. Ashera is a monotheistic goddess who has white feathers, however. She could be a dragon herself, or she could be a being dragons served, as Ashera was. The Three Houses Goddess is described as "The mother of all life, the arbiter of every soul". That sounds a lot more like Ashunera/Ashera (a creation goddess who judges human conduct) than it does Naga (who by her own admission isn't a creator, merely making sure dragons play nice with humanity.) I'll give you the green haired sleeping loli manakete, but what we've seen so far seems to have as much in common with Tellius as it does Archanea. If I had to guess, I'd say they're playing with a new creation myth/deity separate from the other canons.
  14. Well, Lyon biases aside, I'm certainly having more fun this gauntlet. I like that there is suspense for most matches. The final hour of Ike vs Lyon was intense.
  15. Isaac for Smash. Pass it along, and eventually it will reach Sakurai. At least they switched around the protagonists so you could see who they were in at least one game. Poor Mathew in Dark Dawn will never get developed. I think silent protagonists are fine when you don't really need to interact with anyone on a serious level. It works in Pokemon or Dark Souls (I wonder how often those are compared) because the games are just running around and listening to monologues when need be. For a series like Fire Emblem where character interaction is a big thing, it just feels weird to have this guy standing there who at best gives implied answers. It doesn't make the world more immersive to me, it just feels like the "protagonist" got their personality gutted. I don't want to see a return of Mark from Blazing Sword. Another Robin who plays a supporting role to Adelgard would be the best, in my opinion.
  16. You mustn't! Lyon is evil incarnate but communism is even worse! Free vulneraries to even people who illegally immigrated from other Outrealms? It's not sustainable!
  17. To my fellow Americans, you are now given the choice between siding with Satan and Communist Hardin. Lyon may be the lord of darkness and tormentor of souls but at least he respects the right of private property! People who work hard will make it far in Lyon's demon court, unlike the lazy layabouts in Soviet Archanea. Join the Prince of Despair who cares!
  18. They aren't specific to Archanea as far as we know. Dragon lolis and magic swords may have started in Archanea but they became common tropes after that. Magvel has no connection to the Archanea games and yet it has similar dragons, a dragon loli and magic swords. What else is new?
  19. Hm, still a bit early to tell but his apparent lack of expression in his criticals does lend itself to the silent protagonist theory. Personally, I don't think silent protagonists are that worthwhile. Sure, it's easier to project yourself but that's because there is literally NOTHING there. It's not even a character any more. Why do we even need a point-of-view vessel? Can't we just follow the exploits of Edelgard without an Avatar? I remember playing Golden Sun and being baffled at how non-existent the protagonist was. "The fate of the world is in peril! What do you think Isaac?" ":(" "...Yes. Frowning is a appropriate reaction to what I just said. Thanks for contributing" ":)" --------- I think the only way to do a avatar that actually reflects the player without them being a void, is to have significant player choices in the story. Failing that, I'd take a developed and interesting protagonist, who doesn't necessarily allign with my values, any day.
  20. True, but it still make the finale pretty interesting.
  21. Didn't Shanna brute force her win vs Takumi? I don't think she won with a multiplier there.
  22. That's fair. He's my first and only Red Raven mage, so he has a niche for me. I'm sure Leo and Sophia would be viable for that build too.
  23. I wouldn't say that. I just gave my Lyon TA Sword breaker and the QR seal and he has a lot of coverage. His attack is high enough to kill most swords in one round and as a TA Raven unit, he gobbles up colorless (often one-shotting Brave Lyn). He can also (more) safely engage powerful greens like Grima and Hector.
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