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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. The point of the comparison is that it's a trivial amount, but thanks for doing the math, I guess. In theory you could be earning 30 coins over the whole event, but that is unlikely. 10 coins is from holding at least 19 areas. Let's say all teams are fairly evenly matched and hold the same amount of areas. That's 5 coins per round, 15 for the whole event. Still a long ways off from upgrading any seals.
  2. I feel the matches are heavily stacked in favor of the defending team. Not only do you need to kill the enemies on and by a fort but you need to then attack the fort, which might now be blocked by the very units you were using to fight the defenders. Without Galeforce or Dancers, it is hard to even damage the fort before they warp more units to it, which are probably hard counters to the units you have there. So yeah, in order to preserve some actual momentum for your attacks, I would appreciate: -make teleporting take up an action -make player reinforcements spawn at the start of your turn rather than the end of it One team has to be winning by an extreme majority. Something like 10:1 players. I've only seen it happen when a team was down to their headquarters so every person on that team was focused on two battles. On the other hand, the coin rewards are absolutely pitiful. I can make 27 coins per week off of Arena/AA. VGs give 135 for very minimal work. This gives.... at most 10 (that's 19 areas) per 44 hour battle. This is the equivalent to the 15 daily greeting feathers.
  3. I'll be happy to take any unit I have never gotten before (maybe slightly aggravated if I'm low on orbs and still didn't get my focus unit). But for ones I do have: Fodder Hector (he pity broke me twice, one time while hunting for V!Hector), anyone with Emblem skills (the dragons, Hinoka, etc), Brave Ike, Dorcas, Elise, Hardin, Sigurd and anyone with DD or Swift Sparrow. Better Natures Amelia, Deirdre, Eldigan, Elise, Micaiah, Minerva, Morgan, Myrrh and Sonya. I'll take merges on any units I use but generally, I would prefer new characters. 80+ orbs is a lot for +2 stats on a character.
  4. That fresh new event is out and as with most things, the reception is rather mixed, perhaps leaning towards negative, if I'm reading the general thread correctly. Here I'd like to suggest and discuss what changes can be made to make the mode more interesting and fun to play. One comment I've frequently heard and strongly relate to is the frustration of your team performance being highly dependent on, well, the team. Being on a good team will let you roll across the map and get you additional rewards but not so good teams makes you feel like it's hopeless and your individual contributions don't matter. I think the solution to this to to take out the "pvp" part of the equation and just make it another single player experience. So how would this work? Let's say you choose a team and then the other teams are controlled by a computer. You will get say, 30 stamina per day which you can use at any time (battles don't happen unless you are actually playing). After each battle, you fight, the board will be updated with the influence of each army for each area where a battle happened. You might find that while you were attacking one area, another of your territories came under attack and you should consider devoting resources in order to put things back in your favor. Influence from the player would be scored as normal and the computer would score according to a difficulty level you set (playing vs a higher difficulty would result in greater rewards) times the number of stamina they spend. After a 2 hour interval ends, any territory in which a battle happened would be assigned to whichever army contributed the most points. The main goal of these changes is that your contributions matter because you are picking how your "team" spends all it's resources. You are no longer competing for the limited top tier rewards, you are being rewarded for how well you play and manage your resources. You are also able to play the mode at your own pace, as the mode only progresses when you play it. What doesn't change is that you can still use ally units and the units you face are the ones other players have built. Some other changes I might recommend are making it so that units use up their action when they warp, so reinforcements can't instantly slaughter enemies attacking a fort. What changes would you like seeing?
  5. Of course. Finally a usable Reinhardt! Time to retire that garbage 3* unit.
  6. Is this from a datamine? If so, the last two sound great. But why the first one? Does every TT need a "Obstruct" tier skill?
  7. I think it's good to have a strong presence for the central antagonist. If the protagonists constantly outfox him, it's diminishes his threat value. I do think his teleporting is unreasonable, and it kind of spits on all the strategy and time it took to get to Gunthra. I'm sure it will be revealed that "Loki is super smart and knows things, that's how she knew where Gunthra is, and told Surtr", which is a major cop-out.
  8. A girl so concerned with her body image that she never takes off her armor, great helm included, in the presence of others. She keeps the helmet on, even in the marriage bed. He must be the anti-thesis of an avatar character. Rather than being unfailingly pleasant, he can support anyone because he has every personality available. Kotomine, is that you?
  9. Absolutely, and I wouldn't suggest mandatory demotions after a certain amount of time, rather demotions made according to how useful they really are. Units like Hector and Elise absolutely deserve to be 5* locks as they are some of the best units of their types and/or have the best skills. Others really don't need to be there. If Leo and Gray (hardly top tier characters) were demoted, we could have Zweihander and (potentially) QR3 fodder more accessible. Why is Jaffar the 5* lock when Sothe is better than him and a lower rarity. Not adjusting rarity by examining their worth is why Reinhardt is a 3* and Owen is still a 5* lock.
  10. I know, FEH is pretty reasonable for F2P as far as Gaccha games go, but they could go further without really sabotaging their business model. This change increased the availability of a number of units, but as they were all in the 4* pool anyway, you were likely to get at least one copy eventually, anyway. More merges and chances for better natures but no new blood. There are a lot of skills and characters that you're still highly unlikely to get off-banner.
  11. Flier Emblem clear for me too. Corrin nuked the sword guy, got repositioned out by Michalis, who killed Nowi when she warped next to him. Palla easily killed the axe flier and then the rest was just mopping up infantry. Like the Amelia/Tana BHB, it's likely a challenging map if you use non-fliers, but the map works against the enemies if you do.
  12. The long awaited summoning pool reform has come. This is undeniable progress (and I may finally get a Cordelia with a favorable nature for once) but is it really a solution to the problems we all had? It's a good thing that we aren't going to get pity breakers such as Merric or Peri any more, but none of the demoted characters were 5* restricted, which leaves a lot of problems left unresolved. -Many characters remain incredibly rare for lack of banners (Y!Tiki, Linde, Saber etc) -Many skills remain "premium content" because they are still bound to 5* locks. -Very few units on banners are demoting, sometimes 1 or none. The 5* exclusive pool continues to grow unchecked. (Also, unrelated to rarity, we're getting a LOT of alts for existing units, so you're out of luck if characters you like aren't already in the game.) I welcome what they've done to improve the summoning experience, but I think it's just a bandaid for an ongoing problem. How do you feel about the state of the summoning pool?
  13. I'd like this, or have comparable classes with their own exotic flairs, such as each racial faction having a sword, lance, axe (etc) infantry. They could do a lot of visual story telling by showing who is involved in a battle, just from how they look. I'm still miffed that not!Japan Hoshido didn't get any cavalry, in particular cavalry archers. No, they have to ride puppets and peacocks, those hipsters.
  14. One idea I had was for a Royal Guard special class. They would each have a single weapon that they S rank, a sword, lance or axe. They would have stats and bases similar to the Hero class, but with higher defense. They would be rare/later game enemies that are difficult to defeat, but you might find a class change item as a gaiden reward or in a secret shop. lv 1 Combat Medic: When this unit is the support unit in Guard Stance, the lead unit recovers 10 HP at the start of your turn. lv 10 Dual Guardsman: When user is the support unit in Guard Stance, shield gauge gain +1 lv 25 Bold Stance: When user is in Attack Stance or Guard Stance, the support unit can trigger Dual Strikes, but enemy Dual Strikes are not passively negated. lv 35 Twin Blades: When user is in Attack Stance or Guard Stance, the support unit's Dual Strikes do full damage.
  15. She accuses Alm of fighting when he doesn't have to, in contrast to Celica herself who fights pirates and brigands even though it isn't necessary. She gives Alm flak for leading the Deliverance, saying it's not his responsibility, even though Alm only got that job because Celica rejected her responsibility to lead. Ignoring the wishes of others is an example of her selfishness.
  16. Thanks for the write up. I had always liked the compassion he showed to others but he has quite a character arc to go along with it. He is definitely a solid foil for his isolationist father.
  17. I think it can work, as it did in Tellius, to give one example. They should definitely be careful of spreading themselves too thin but a small handful of nations should work. They can start with a general characterization of a nation (using classes, gender ratios, unique appearances, etc.) and then show us the outliers and variations of those story tropes. To bring up Tellius again, we know that Daein has a lot of racists in it, but we also learn that there were a bunch of people who were okay with Ashnard just because he offered some social nobility. The really important thing is to have characters from each nation who show us not just the "what" their nation is up to, but the why. It's not enough to know Nation B is assisting Nation A in the invasion of Nation C, we should know what Nation B stands to gain, maybe their history with Nations A&C which would lead them to this alliance.
  18. The thread wasn't to say she was poorly written (the main flaws with Celica's writing are often discussed and acknowledged), I wanted to examine what her actions say about her character. Stubbornness and selfishness don't need to be mutually exclusive. Selflessness is indeed a defining element of Celica's character, but as my analysis points out, a lot of the things she does are out of her own interests over that of the many. She wants Alm to stop fighting, even though Zofia needs a leader and she herself refuses to step up. Her unwillingness to compromise isn't merely stubbornness, it's outright ignoring what most people want so she can do things her own way. Celica is a hypocrite, even if she doesn't realize it. Her drive is understandable but her choices kind of strain belief at times, as though the game made her act as she did to forward the plot more than being a natural result of her character. Things like her fight with Alm, where Alm is the calm, rational one and Celica is hysterical and unreasonable, and her trusting Jedah, don't reflect well on her character.
  19. Lyon could maybe be a bit more genre savvy when tinkering around with a stone containing Satan. Micaiah is really slow and would be pretty garbage if she didn't have Thani's effectiveness vs armors and cavalry. Lyn takes a lot of pampering to even be decent. Takumi is mega annoying in Conquest and despite his justified anger, he comes across as a whiny pissbaby.
  20. Xander: He has some of the best supports in his game, showing compassion, wisdom and strength of character that we don't see in the campaign. Iago: His mask thing is pretty cool and makes me wonder what happened to the side of his face it covers. Corrin: A fun and flexible unit that adds a lot of replayability. F!Corrin is pretty cute. Celica: She makes a good foil to Berkut and Jedah, and her flaws have consequences. You could almost forget she's a selfish, overemotional, dangerously naive trainwreck. Love the outfit.
  21. Spent about 300 orbs and got: 3x Sakunya 2x Bow Lyn 2x Fjorm 1x Lute 1x Summer Elise Rolled mostly Blue and Colorless, hoping for Robin but I didn't get her. I'm strangely content, however. Robin would have been cool but I don't think I NEEDED her none of the banners scheduled look like they would interest me. I can patiently wait for my stash to grow again. I will be less composed if I try and fail to get Laegjarn.
  22. I agree with this, but at the same time, I sense the game wants some kind of themantic duality that isn't properly communicated. Alm and Celica are counterparts, one from the Rigelian royal family and the other from the Zofian royal family. One walks the war path and the other seeks peace and sanctuary under a god. After this it gets confusing. Celica is very Mila-like but Alm is not Duma-like, instead that role gets passed to Berkut. Alm has a big role in putting an end to the age of gods and uniting Valentia, and Celica's role is to open some doors and get captured. Their brands are that of Mila and Duma, and Duma even tells Alm and Celica together that they need the best qualities of both deities if they want Valentia to prosper. I don't know why Celica even needs to be there if that message wasn't to imply that she and Alm aren't two incomplete halves, that united will be the balance of values that they need. Anyway, this isn't the crux of my discussion. What I really wanted to talk about was how the shadow behind all of Celica's saintly martyrdom and selflessness, is selfishness. Maybe that's obvious to you, but I think it goes unremarked by the game. What people say of Celica in game is that she tries to shoulder too much of the responsibility, not that she avoids her responsibility, subverting the wishes of her subjects and friends because she's on a mission to save her childhood love interest. This isn't a thread to bash Celica, rather an analysis of the nature of her actions.
  23. This is very rude and dismissive, and I honestly thought better of you. This is a strawman. I wouldn't say that a leader should ALWAYS listen to their subjects, but leading the defense against a foreign invasion is an absolutely reasonable expectation.
  24. Strange. I wonder what she means by that. Does she mean a civil war between people who support Alm and people who support her? That seems unlikely. At any rate, this is taken directly from SoV's script. Boey: Well, can you blame her? I’m sure she’s more than a little conflicted. If the Deliverance defeats Desaix and drives the empire back, what next? Zofia will need a ruler, and who better than a boy who cast off tyranny’s yoke? Mae: What?! But Celica’s the rightful heir! Boey: Yeah, but she can’t exactly just go and announce that to everyone. If she did, she’d be made to lead the Deliverance effort herself. Believe me, that’s the last thing Celica wants right now.
  25. In the story of Shadows of Valentia, our two protagonists, Alm and Celica, are supposed to represent the ideals of Duma and Mila (Alm is arguably supposed to be both, but that’s not the point of today’s discussion). Celica’s defining traits are her stubborn insistence on putting the weight of the world on her own shoulders, taking care of everyone, and putting her faith in a higher power. Celica has positive intentions, but I argue that despite her consistent selflessness, Celica is actually an extremely selfish person. Celica is the princess of Zofia, a burden and responsibility she feels every day. She feels it is her duty to take care of Zofia, especially her loved ones like Alm. Her quest begins in Novis where she makes her way towards the Temple of Mila. She goes out of her way to fight pirates in order to help the people who were kind to her. In this we can see that Celica is willing to risk her life for people who are little more than strangers, but things start to take a turn when she returns to the capital. Alm and Celica have a fight about how they should approach the crisis in Zofia. Alm “wants” (ie he considers it the better alternative than sitting on his hands) to go the war path while Celica insists that they should seek the aid of the gods. Both have some valid points, (the Rigelian invasion is happening right in front of them, but even if they deal with that, they still need Mila to help with the droughts and Terrors) but Celica gets frustrated and makes unreasonable accusations against Alm. In Celica’s mind, Alm is downplaying the difficulty of leadership and is being foolhardy for taking up what is not his responsibility. Her outrage is born from the strain of being a leader herself and also her worry that Alm will die in battle. Here is where we really dive into Celica’s motivations and while selfless on the surface, they are also deeply selfish. Zofia is in very dire straits, and despite her willingness to solve all of its problems, Celica cannot. Zofia needs Alm to lead them but Celica demands he step down so someone else may take up the responsibility. Celica is placing her own feelings for Alm over the security of the nation. The people chose Alm but Celica rejects that wish. The whole reason why Alm is asked to become the leader of the Deliverance (and he states this himself) is that the actual royal heir (Celica) refuses to step up. We learn the reason Celica won’t reveal herself as the princess is because she knows her fellow Zofians would expect her to lead the Deliverance herself when she wants to seek out Mila. Let’s let that sink in for a moment. Celica won’t take up the reigns of leadership because her people would disagree with her chosen path. She’s ignoring the wishes of her entire country because she insists on doing things her own way! This wouldn’t be the last time Celica thought she knew better and was willing to hide the truth. Later in her route, Celica is confronted by Jedah who makes an offer to trade her soul for the return of Mila. Celica’s willingness to sacrifice herself seems selfless but her actions are again rooted in selfishness. Celica keeps her plan a secret from her friends because she knows they would try to stop her if they knew the truth. Celica doesn’t care how sad they would be if she died, and she doesn’t even trust them enough to keep them in the loop. Celica, the girl who shoulders the responsibility of saving all of Zofia, doesn’t respect the wishes of her subjects or even the people she calls her friends. How much of Celica’s flaws were intentional? Her obsessive need to keep her feelings to herself and solve everything alone is noted by Mae and Boey. Later, Celica seems to realize that her desperation to save Zofia let her fall right into Jedah’s machinations, and she apologizes to Alm for getting angry. The game doesn’t seem to really comment about how her drive to help people is so laced with selfishness, however, nor how much she seems to disrespect the will of her people. You might be inclined to say that her actions are fueled by the philosophy of Mila, but this is only partially true. It’s true that Mila wanted to help the people of Valentia, out of the belief that they couldn’t help themselves, but Celica takes that a step further, ignoring the wishes of her people in favor of her own. It can’t even be argued that Celica is doing things “the Zofian way” because it seems the majority of Zofians would support Alm’s objective more than hers. TLDR: Celica's behavior is laced with selfishness despite her overwhelmingly selfless image. Thoughts?
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