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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Hm, I'll probably throw some votes at Oboro so she can maybe get good art this time. I hope we see some new blood (aka not people who already have alternates) but I expect Tharja and Camilla to win on the girls side. The males might have a chance for a shake up but I wouldn't complain about an alt Hector. It's actually rather difficult to think of who else to vote for. I have a number of units I'd like to see in the game but they would be fine in their default outfits and I can't even begin to speculate how IS might re-imagine them. Nevertheless, I will try to make Minerva Emblem a reality. I hope they don't split the vote next time. I could see the two version's of Ike appealing to different types as there is a noticeable difference in their designs, but for most other characters who appeared in PoR/RD, there isn't enough reason to treat them as unique characters.
  2. Would that I could give you both my Deirdres for one of those Micaiahs. I managed to get Julia, Deirdre and Sonya but all three of them had bad natures.
  3. We are the hype. I hope they give him a solid artist. My heart couldn't take it of he got the Lloyd treatment. Innate Close Counter tome mage pls.
  4. Could it be Myrrh's time to shine? Hone Dragons come at last? I'm happy for another mini, anyway. TT is a good way to grind HM and SP but I like getting it done with in shorter time.
  5. The way I envision it, they would have 12 attack, have standard melee refinements, would increase special cooldown by 1 and be available in the 4-5* pool. They would be weaker than unique DC weapons but much more accessible.
  6. I'm not sure if this counts as an arc or just a subplot but the Nino/Zephiel stories in Blazing Sword were very touching. The Bern plot is some Game of Thrones tier politics and the tragedy of Nino and Zephiel is poignant. Honorable mention to Lyn's story mode which takes a orphaned teenager on a journey where she is able to meet a colorful cast of new friends and be united with her grandfather. Radiant Dawn has strong moments (and a few hiccups) all throughout but part two has one of the best character arcs in the series. Also, yay, more politics in FE!
  7. In FEH, there are ranged and melee units, and with few exceptions, melee cannot counter ranged nor can ranged counter melee. The units who can counter both are quite strong and can be difficult to take down. So far, only Manaketes can inherit weapons with DC, and for other units who want that flexibility, they have to rely on rare skill Inheritance. I considered this a positive as the game is more interesting when units have weaknesses (things they can't counter) that can be exploited, but it does leave a certain "class" high and dry. That is the melee res tank. There are a number of melee characters with low attack/defense and high speed/res such as Clair, Fir and Caeda. While they can tank a magic hit better than most, their inability to counter makes them inadequate at countering mages. Some people will remedy this with sacrificing a Hector for DC, but as a 5* lock, most players aren't going to be seeing many of him. If Inheritable DC weapons (which could have lower attack and/or increased special cooldown) existed, these units would now have a niche in the game. Would this be a good idea? Would the meta be flooded with handaxes, javelins and throwing swords?
  8. I recently acquired Wrath fodder and I'm wondering how to use it best. I already gave a Neph to Lyn. What other units would like it? Is it worth it to use together with Wo Dao? --- With the Quick Riposte Seal, it is now possible for Hector to use Wary Fighter and still get his followup attack. Would it be better to give him Sol or Ignis for this build?
  9. Fire Emblem is a strategy game, first and foremost. I play my pieces against the enemy, and if I don't like how the numbers look, I use my pieces differently. I don't want my unit to under perform because I messed up an input that already happens too much in FEH. I've seen similar elements in games like Valkryia Chronicles (turn based but you can also aim your weapons for better damage/accuracy) but it would feel very unlike Fire Emblem to me.
  10. I enjoy the character but don't enjoy how she overcentralizes the meta, requiring Lynhardt checks for every team or rely on positioning luck. I actually use regular Lyn more often because she's been a lot of fun to play since I gave her Wrath and refined her weapon.
  11. I feel you. My Polivia is -Atk too. She can't damage anything unless she procs Glacies and as a colorless, she isn't good at tanking either. I'd rather have any other dancer.
  12. The existence of IVs is a mixed blessing. Some units become monsters with the right IVs or severely hindered with the wrong ones. I've heard it said that the developers intentions (allegedly) were that IVs were to encourage different builds. In the early days of the game, this didn't seem that true in practice. -Spd Hana is not going to be repurposed into anything but an aggressive player phase unit. But things are perhaps changing for a wider group of units thanks to the weapon refinery and seals. With the right weapon refinery, A slot and Seal, a single stat can be manipulated 8-12 points (using standard sword/lance/axe refinements as an example) which combined with variable natures can create viable builds never before possible. Nowi and Effie are both units who have proven to have interesting build options because of weapon refinery and seals. Nowi can get to a 39 speed (impressive for a unit that was almost exclusively enemy phase oriented before) and Effie can turn into a formidable mage tank with Berkut's Lance (Res), DC and DD seal (before Brave Lance was the undisputed strongest build). Again, some units will never function well outside of a particular build, but what units do you find flexible enough to alter their builds depending on their IVs?
  13. 126 orbs spent sniping blue for Micaiah and I got pity broken by Nephenee. I also have 4.5% pity on the New Years banner in my failed attempt to get Airzura. This game doesn't want me to be happy.
  14. No + mark by Sothe's dagger so it's unique. Your mochi is safe.
  15. Micaiah at last, and she looks worth the wait! I'm really happy for what they did with Thani (Lynhardt &Tharja gtfo). Sothe looks pretty decent too. I'm going to echo the disappointment that Zelgius isn't wearing his Begnian armor and for how indifferently they spoiled RD. I don't think I want to spend orbs on him, even though he powercreeped BK. Too bad his B skill is locked, Warp Powder looks fun. I hope I have enough orbs for Miccy. I got wasted on the New Years banner and still don't have much to show for it.
  16. The softness is definitely thanks to the Zofian upbringing but I don't know how he could have any Rigelian qualities considering he spent maybe a few weeks of his infancy in Rigel. Where else would it come from? Is Rigelian DNA more aggressive? Regardless, I'd argue he's not especially aggressive or war-like. I don't see Alm as being very much like Duma or Rigel. He doesn't "go in guns blazing" like Ephraim might. He fights with the same caution (unless Celica is in danger, but that's a natural response) and resolve as you would expect of someone defending their homeland. Most of the Deliverance is of a similar mind and they're Zofians. He does reject Celica's "sit on our hands" philosophy, but the game doesn't do enough otherwise to make him the Duma/Rigel counterpart to Celica's Mila/Zofia.
  17. I think the problem with Alm being secret royalty is that it casts doubt on everything Alm achieves. Is Alm amazing because he works hard, or does being a royal just make you naturally better than others? Is he a child of destiny because he has a special aptitude, or does he have a special aptitude because he's a child of destiny? Alm really should not have been a royal if they wanted to tell a "the circumstances of your birth don't matter" story. As Dark Holy Elf said, the commoners in the army finding success is also underminded by being close friends and subordinates with the emperor of the continent. Alm and Celica (allegedly) are the people who lead the armies and save the world, two royals. While there is no official statement that Revelation is canon, it makes the most sense. Heroes and Smash depict Corrin with the Omega Yato (which is the strongest, most complete form), and it's only Revelation that gets the complete story where you fight the real enemy. Conquest and Birthright deliberately avoids letting you know the truth (thanks Azura). You're encouraged by the game itself to not play Revelation first because the first two routes are the flawed ones and Revelation is the "now do it right" path. I agree that Berkut is the Duma analogue, but it puts the sybolism of Alm and Celica's relationship in a strange place. Why is Alm, Mr. Complete Package, paired with Celica who is a flawed half? Wouldn't Berkut be the other half to Celica? Why does Alm need Celica at all? The theme of the game is they need to compromise and find a middle ground between two extreme ideals, but Celica is all wrong and Alm doesnt need to compromise. Why are they bound by fate again?
  18. Does Xander ever speak that way outside of that support?
  19. Immersion is important for me. Too much modern styled speech makes the world feel too "anime" for a lack of better term; as if present day people were plucked from 2018 and dropped off in their medival fantasy playground. Mae from SoV stands out as one who speaks in a way far too modern compared to the more antiquated expressions used by other characters. Fire Emblem has dabbled in language differences such as the ones listed in the OP but generally it doesn't go far beyond "country bumkin" and "everyone else". I would like to see more variation, between different classes of people and even origin (Athena's foreigness was an interesting gimmick, let's do more with that). As a good language model, and general approach to fantasy, I like how GoT (the books, especially) used different language styles. There are archaic terms and expressions that help it feel like fantasy but it's still easy to approach. Some characters are very eloquent, and others use more provincial and coarse language.
  20. Although it would be uncharacteristic of Fire Emblem (a series that has avoided talking animals), I wouldn't mind getting dragons that are always in dragon form and sentient. One of my favorite dragons in fiction is Smaug from the hobbit. He has human intelligence and talks but more than that, his personality reflects what he is. He's arrogant, greedy, cruel and boastful. He talks himself up because he KNOWS he's a force of nature and that nothing can compare itself to him, because he's a dragon. His attitude towards the other intelligent races is like how a predator sees prey. He is evil, certainly, but it's more animalistic than mere misanthropy or worse, madness.
  21. I don't think Blade tomes and DC weapons need buffs. Is there any DC weapon user that works better with a different weapon? Probably not. Blade tomes are the same. We don't need to buff weapons that already get used the most. I think upgrading Lightning Breath was a mistake too (beyond the damage calculation change that all breath weapons get). Here are some other ideas. The goal is to let them have a distinct role from other units/weapons in the game. Yato: Damage increased by displayed buffs. Special Cooldown +1. This would reference the Yato getting boosted by Corrin's Nakama in Fates. Brynhildr: Pain+ and Gravity+ effects. Falchion: Recover 10 HP every turn + effective damage vs breath weapons. Excalibur: Close Counter + Close Def 2 Aura: Breath of Life 3 and for healing effects (including other skills equipped) to affect allies within 2 tiles. Binding Blade: +6 def/res when attacked. Also these.
  22. Any thoughts on what build to give a +Res/-Def NY!Camilla? Assume she's on a flier team and keeps Ward Fliers and Spd/Def Bond. The three weapons I'm considering are her Default Kadomatsu, Wo Dao and Slaying Edge. Her A Skill is easier to trigger on the enemy phase so I considered Slaying Edge (Def) and Bonfire so she can get to 37 def and 1 round Bonfire. The other idea is Wo Dao (Spd) and Moonbow, which would give her 47/38(+5 with A skill) offenses. The 3rd option is investing in a support build with Kadomatsu and a Spur skill for her Seal slot. Thoughts? I'm planning on giving her Swordbreaker regardless.
  23. I like dragons, and they're iconic of Fire Emblem so I support their inclusion. Manakete degeneration is a core part of their identity, but we do need to shake up their roll in the story. I'd like to see more variety, so they're not all so monolithic. It shouldn't be the evil clan of dragons vs the good clan, each individual should have their own motives and behavior. Tellius has probably done the best with dragons, providing a unique role in the setting and having varied personalities in between. I also thought the divine dragons in SoV were well done. Rather than a simple "the main antagonist is an evil/crazy dragon", the game treated Duma and Mila as flawed individuals who were reaching the end of their life spans. So where should we go from here? The mythology of Prometheus gives me an idea for story setting:
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