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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I'd love for there to be more FE7 characters and references in FE6, although the cast is rather large already. Personally, I'd like it if you found Nino and reunited her with her children. As much as it would be cool to see an older Lyn, unless they make canon spouses for the FE7 lords, it would be more difficult to add her. What's all this talk about Roy or Lilina getting a sibling? What purpose would that serve? Concerning FE7, I don't see the need to add many characters but I wouldn't mind the avatar becoming playable as long as his importance stays about the same. For PoR, I would just add Vika for some Raven representation.
  2. Even worse, in Revelation, his siblings literally tell him his flaws are endearing and that he should never change. ---- As for what I think a well written character entails, in may be some or all of these qualities: -Character growth: It's possible to be a developed character and not change, but they're usually more compelling when they do. For a non-FE example, look at Jaime Lannister and Theon Greyjoy of GoT fame. -Flawed, but not to the point of being unlikable: Flaws create conflict for characters and can inspire growth. Micaiah is the good kind of flawed (her dedication to her country leads her to do some morally dubious things, but she was always well meaning). Corrin is the bad kind of flawed (his spinelessness and undeserved self-righteousness made him insufferable). -Relatable personalities/actions: This will vary depending on who you ask but characters need to be respond to things and be motivated in a way that feels real. Take Ike in Path of Radiance, for example, I'm sure many could relate to the anger he expresses when Sanaki is messing with Elincia, or his drive to defeat the Black Knight. Xander, on the other hand, acts in extreme ways that are engineered purely to create conflict rather than be a logical response to a situation (if you choose Birthright, despite loving and trusting Corrin, Xander goes berserk and assumes Corrin is a filthy traitor that hates his family).
  3. Why do people keep saying Brave Heroes are seasonal? I also use Polivia and Flat Marth for PA!Olivia and "Marth".
  4. Free summoned Minerva, Lyn, Sakunyan and Celica. All but Minerva had agreeable natures. In the category of "Good things you didn't ask for specifically", I got a spare Hector on the LaD banner (trying and failing to get Minerva) and a +Res, -Spd Effie (the perfect nature for the DC build I gave her) while hunting (and failing to get) Lancina. And while I was bummed about Lancina, I got a perfect nature Nephenee on the next banner so all is well that ends well.
  5. She might have a different opinion if a multiplier helped an underdog Ike defeat Lyn.
  6. Heh, I can imagine a lot of Hinoka and Ryoma fans will join Team Betrayal to crush poor Soren. Don't turn into a rage monster, guys.
  7. Soren wins! Team Ryoma, I can Tellius you're feeling a bit Soren about the results. It was your Birthright to win but Soren defied his Fate. Try to have some fun though. It's just a game and the results don't really Ryomatter.
  8. Not me, but I'm wondering now how Romeo and Juliet would be different if Tybalt could be calmed down with a hug.
  9. Peace? I hate the word. Just as I hate hell, all lobsters and...well, I can't hate Oboro. ---- I'm looking at people using Light's Blessings to save them from bad match ups and meanwhile I'm using my lv 1 Soren (bad nature, never trained him) for multiplier battles, getting easy wins. Excellent strategy, Soren.
  10. Emblem Ward sounds nice. Someone came up with a better "Calming Breath" just two posts below mine, lol. What is even left at this point!? Minty Breath?
  11. CYL Micaiah I like the amount of detail. Neat.
  12. I'll put this in spoilers so people can scroll past it if they like.
  13. Those units were also following the BST parameters of other units in their class and didn't have character locked skills (besides CYL, which people assumed was a one-time thing). Inevitably, we'll get more min-maxed characters, but they didn't need to raise the bar on what those classes can do.
  14. Soren's advice was sound. Their options were to harbor a fugitive for no real gain or to fight the Daein army that was handily winning the war. It doesn't work out that way because the soldiers were planning to ambush them anyway.
  15. I'd be curious to see how often Serenes matched the general voting patterns. I recall Lyn was leading the poll for the CYL Gauntlet and probably would have won if not for the upset.
  16. I said 8. The more real and detailed the world, the more likely I'll be able to dive into it. There are some exceptions, such as FE8 that told excellent character stories to make up for the lack of worldbuilding, but unless you do something really impressive, a lack of worldbuilding hurts. Fates probably has the worst of it, having 3 major countries but almost nothing to say about them and no other writing to make it stand out (in a good way).
  17. A fully upgraded castle is what, 20 orbs? That's a drop in the bucket, even for F2P and it is a permanent upgrade. For someone like you who has limited access to the game, this should be your first priority. Crystals/Shards can be used for leveling but they're an inefficient method that should only be used rarely (or for SI purposes). Insanity is a strong word. I would use "alternative sanity".
  18. There is no way they would pass up Halloween for a special banner. I think it was on those players for not being patient. This, pretty much. A lot of people will say "You shouldn't assume", "FEH players were spoiled", "Gaccha games do this all the time so I wasn't surprised", but our expectations were in line with how IS managed new releases. We could never have imagined they would be so scummy after such a long streak of reasonable behavior. I think for many a player, the spell is broken and we won't trust IS to make player-friendly choices any more. In regards to powercreep, I believe she is. She's not as oppressive as Sigurd/B Lyn, but she is still a reasonable threat that outclasses most sword units. She is kind of like Hector in that there are various units that counter her, but if you don't have a counter, you're dead. I'd really like to see this CYL powercreep phenomenon end.
  19. 1. The Laguz have zero reason to want to help Daein. 2. A handful of soldiers from various nations isn't going to stop the most powerful nation (barring Goldoa but they're mostly neutral) on the continent. If Germany were the first stop to defeat the Nazi war machine, you can bet that's where everyone would be headed first. The Allies had to fight them in their conquered territories first. You're moving the goalposts. Now you're saying that an invasion is okay but the order of liberating/invading matters.
  20. There would still be a conventional counter-invasion of Germany and Japan even if nukes/carpet bombing weren't a thing, which is the situation in Fire Emblem. Crimea is not "the West" in Tellius. Expecting them to go against Begnion would be like expecting France to handle the Soviets on their own.
  21. Hm, well spotted. I'll have to review the RD script again. How do you feel about World War 2 then? Should the allies have left the Germans and Japanese alone after pushing them back to their own territories?
  22. To add onto this, geographically, you need to pass through Daein (or travel by sea) to get to Crimea from Begnion (there are mountains dividing the two countries). This is a plot point in Radiant Dawn.
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