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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. As much as it would be cool to see Oboro in a fancy kimono, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for a Radiant Dawn banner. Micaiah has waited long enough and all these new armors makes me want to Thani bomb someone.
  2. The question isn't "Why did they use THAT artwork", it's "Why did they decide to implement armor skill sets on units that clearly don't look like armor units?" Much better than Defiant skills, actually. Defiant skills were field buffs which made them vulnerable to Panic and didn't stack with other hone/fortify buffs. They also activated at the start of your turn which made them very unreliable. The new skills will activate in any combat at a higher HP threshold, with twice as many stats and they can stack with other field buffs while being immune to Panic.
  3. Now I want a Robin just for that. Amazing synergy.
  4. I suspect Tharja and Robin were originally intended to be infantry but IS later decided they wanted an armor banner and didn't want to throw away the art they commissioned. That said, it's common knowledge that the less a woman wears, the higher her defense, in anime/video games. She might have the highest defense in the game!
  5. Hm, interesting new skills, I wonder if they will be armor locked like Wary Fighter. I was about to roll for Amelia for Armor March but I'll wait to see these new units first. And lol, winter bikini.
  6. Unless you're Hans and you survive through most of the campaign for some reason.
  7. Michalis is the MVP for sure. Just get a blue flier to kill the first sword pegasus and Michalis slaughters the rest.
  8. Lynhardt has always had a counter (TA GronnRaven with bowbreaker) but it was annoyingly specific. As far as dragon meta goes, I haven't really struggling with most I've faced. You just let them attack you and they go down pretty easily.
  9. That much is true. There is also Poison Dagger that affects manaketes that are also weak to dragon-killers. Still, a point remains that unless all laguz gain a stat boost or unique function, there is no cause to lump them all together with a common weakness.
  10. I think people should keep in mind that we don't need to keep 100% fidelity to the original game mechanics. SoV doesn't have tomes, but all their mages use them in Heroes. Laguz can use beaststones and generic strike weapons instead of body part specific weapons. The reason for this is so that a single unit doesn't have multiple weaknesses. If there were all encompassing Laguz Slayers, bird laguz would have a weakness to them and bows despite not having any other strengths above other fliers.The same could be said of dragon laguz if they are weak to manakete killers (which are technically effective against breath weapons, which would include dragon laguz). You could make a beastslayer that only effects beast laguz (as in my mind, the beast would have a unique class that can move freely through trees) but the bird and dragon laguz are not unique classes.
  11. I said Anima/Sword (so grandmaster?). Dragonstones and daggers should be options too.
  12. I think it always takes more than hour for Priscilla to catch up after Tharja gets the multiplier. You guys probably have this in the bag. I'm rallying hard for Priscilla though.
  13. Birds can be blue, beasts green, herons colorless and dragons whatever you want (like other manaketes). Dragons can share breath weapons with manaketes, and beasts/birds can share strike weapons. Herons could have a unique property of dancing anyone they heal. For beasts, I propose they have infantry movement but not be obstructed by trees. In exchange, they will have a weakness vs horseslayer weapons (to be patched over as 'beast slayer' weapons).
  14. It depends on your definition of weakness. Is weakness about personal strength or their effectiveness? I'd say she is wise beyond her years (though she isn't completely above it), speaks with conviction and fights against oppression even though it only makes more enemies for herself. Yes, she gets captured by the corrupt senators, but there is only so much a person can do. Sanaki is also like 13-15 years old.
  15. It's also short for maiden, ie unwed virgin. Mae mentions a pub to Saber, which could imply she's a serving girl, but my interpretation was that she was simply identifying a young woman.
  16. There are two ways i could see this happening. The first would be a well written story that effectively uses characters on multiple sides to tell a nuanced story of a conflict. Fire Emblem has stuck too closely to black and white conflicts with moral paragons as the protagonists. A good story needs developed characters that believably exist in their world. Which brings me to my second point, worldbuilding. A way they could improve world building is to have fully explorable towns and other locations. SoV had this to a degree, but we could go deeper. I'm imagining a "Tales of" level of free roaming within towns (you can cut the dungeons and routes connecting towns to save on development resources) with many NPCs to talk to and items to collect. They could even go as far as lore books ala Dragon Age. Optionally, I'd ask for story/gameplay where your choices can result is serious consequences.
  17. A few things, casual sex doesn't make one a prostitute and if she's a maid, that infers she's a virgin. Probably not a sex worker then. The meaning of "thanks" is ambiguous enough to possiblely mean sex or just flirting. Good on the localization to make it subtle. That's the best tone for Fire Emblem. I'm pretty sure age restrictions are a modern invention and are only included in games so they can't be accused of encouraging 'underage' drinking.
  18. I don't have trouble keeping up with it but I haven't been 100% dedicated to the series either. Didn't buy TMS or Warriors (not having a WiiU/Switch is relevant, but I wasn't terribly interested either way), and it took me forever to complete the main campaign of SoV despite buying it at launch. Heroes is pretty easy to keep up on, and I'll likely get a Switch when the next Fire Emblem launches.
  19. This is a pretty serious issue, I feel. It's even worse if the sole user of an inheritable weapon is a 5* lock, such as Gray/Faye/Katarina.
  20. So correct me if I'm wrong but considering legendary weapons require Dew to upgrade, and Dew comes from stones at a 1:1 ratio, it will take 2500 medals and 200 stones to upgrade 1 legendary weapon. I was pumped for old legendary weapons becoming useful but who knows how long it will take to grind for even 1 weapon.
  21. Ah Heroes, this game we play where not only do we gamble for characters but also optimal natures! While +HP/-Atk might seem to come more often than not, what are your most common boon/banes in actuality? Looking at my characters, I found some surprising answers. Of the 63 5* characters I currently have (13 of those not having variable natures), my most common boon was Speed and most common bane was Resistance. The next most common boons and banes were HP and HP, interestingly enough. 38% of the characters have good natures, 34% have decent natures and 28% had poor natures.This data is obviously skewed to the positive as some units (7 of the 63) were promoted from 3* or 4* units and other bad nature units have been used for merges or skill fodder. The only 5* I use with a bad nature is BIke (+Spd/-Atk) whose stats and kit are good enough that I don't care. I included a poll to see what other people have been getting. Good/Decent/Poor is rather subjective, but I leave that to you to decide how beneficial/harmful a nature is.
  22. Does Heavy Blade take into account in-battle buffs (such as spurs)? Would Bonfire have increased damage from Close Defense? What is a better nature for Celica, +Atk/-Res or +Spd/-HP? +Spd would bring her to a comfortable 41 spd with just the Ragnarok buff but +Atk could be used with Heavy Blade.
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