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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. If tanking Lyn is the only thing he can do, I'd probably get more mileage out of a Raven user. I guess he's doomed to a life of mediocrity.
  2. Gamepedia had IVs posted. I'm not sure if the datamine suggested them or if they just inferred what they were based on the neutral values. It could be a CYL/Fjorm situation where we get a free one + more via a banner.
  3. I'm looking at New Years Corrin and his stats don't seem that special. Too slow to be an attacker, too weak to be a good Brave Bow user and resistance too low to tank mages (and he'd probably get doubled anyway). But damnit, I want to make him work for the sake of his art! So here's my build idea. +Res/-Spd Guard Bow+ (res refine)/Distant Defense/Quick Riposte/Filler/Distant Defense (seal) That brings his stats to 39/44/26/52/42 when attacked at range, and with QR and him getting doubled, he could turn 1 proc Bonfire. It would be an incredibly niche unit for Arena and useless if the enemy has no ranged units but.... it's something? Any better builds?
  4. Hm, a free unit eh? I'm pleased that I'll be able to get him, but also saddened that he doesn't seem to have the stats to be good at anything.
  5. Lyon: He has heroic intentions but his lack of emotional strength leads to his eventual possession. The game leaves it ambiguous just how much of his actions and words are his own, and he has an interesting relationship with the two protagonists. He's a truly tragic figure; perhaps the only character death in the series that really hit me hard.
  6. Does the Wind Blessing give an afterimage effect like the Water Blessing? And if so, is it a different color?
  7. They were characters voted for directly by the fans, that's a significant difference to IS deciding for us what characters we want available.
  8. I think I could have accepted the Nohrians getting their seasonal characters first, but it's unreasonable that they're getting multiple seasonals before any other characters. This banner in particular is obnoxious in that they turned an explicitly Japanese celebration into a chance for more Nohrians. What's next, Nohrian Tanabata?
  9. Seasonal Xanders and Seasonal Chroms vs Seasonal Camilas and Seasonal Azuras pls
  10. Depends on the weapon. I kept Summer Corrin's tome because it synergized with other flier buffs, but Bridelia is 100x better with a Brave Bow than her default weapon. A lot of seasonal weapons are gimmicky and don't work as well as the meta builds people come up with.
  11. Hard pass for me, I'm afraid. If I had to roll I'd go for colorless and red (don't have Ryoma, Sigurd, Bride Lyn, Innes and my current Elise is -Atk) but I've learned from the last banner that legendary banners aren't that good unless you roll on everything. Also, unlike the last banner, the characters I don't want specifically aren't that great for skill fodder. Too bad I won't get the new character. Blessings is just not something I'll be able to use as a F2P player. I think everyone should wait until the next content banner before deciding if they want to roll here.
  12. Favorites Lyn: I rather enjoy her story segment but after that she's not really important to the plot. She still has an awesome team dynamic with Hector and Eliwood, but she's more a tagalong than the other two. Her outfit is also a bit fanservicey. Micaiah: She's a little too okay with some of the things Daein does, such as the Laguz hunts. Sothe calls her out on it, but one wonders how she can be so devoted to a nation that has such glaring flaws. Dislikes: Corrin: He's a good and flexible unit that can actually use the hybrid classes well. F!Corrin has some cute designs and I like having a manakete lord (even if the story does nothing with this). Xander: Story!Xander is an inconsistent garbage person, but Support!Xander has some of the best supports in the game that show him to be a mature and loving brother.
  13. Except that is who Peri is. She is a gleeful murderer who has killed, and in the present expresses the desire to kill people who are innocent. She's the retainer of the crown prince, the same guy who denounced Hans of being a murderer. There is also the matter of the war itself. Hoshido is painted as an innocent nation and the Nohrians (all of them, right down to the Awakening trio and the 'hero of justice' Arthur) are a-okay with taking part in a war of aggression. There is a throw away line in Birthright about their food shortages, but for the most part, they seem to be invading just because they can. They can object to massacring prisoners all they like, they are willing participants in everything else.
  14. You don't need to be evil incarnate to be considered a villain. A number of characters in Fates (Xander and Nohrrin, are among the worst) have flaws that heavily outweigh any good they do, and people who think otherwise are being fooled by the narrative downplaying or straight up ignoring their villainous actions. You don't get to work for a guy like Garon and still be a hero.
  15. As a reset player, I think permadeath is a boon to the series as it demands you don't make any critical mistakes if you want all your characters to survive. And that's where FE sets itself apart from other strategy games; you don't WANT a single character to die because they all have personalities unless they're SD characters and the player grows attached to them. Rather than think about it from a practical standpoint (ie, how hard is it to complete the game if a character dies), think of how to make deaths interesting and involving. Here are some ideas. 1. Make certain paralogues that only open up if someone died. Unlike SD, don't make it require half your army to die. 2. Give a temporary debuff to units who were able to support with the fallen character but later give them a permanent buff that gets stronger the higher their support ranking was. It will represent their grief and later their resolution to make the sacrifice of their companion meaningful. 3. Change story dialogue, supports and epilogues to reflect casualties. PoR did the first two and SoV the last. 4. Create an Ironman mode that gives additional awards compared to the normal campaign.
  16. A TA Raven user with QR can easily bait and kill the ninjas. I used Ninian plus Bridelia to kill the rest.
  17. Ayra was a big turning point for the game though. Expecting her as a TT or GHB reward was reasonable from what we had seen until then. There is no reason to assume we'll get a free Christmas banner character beyond wishful thinking.
  18. To be fair, the game is still a lot better in other ways. The game system is a lot better as a whole and there have been many QoL changes for the better. Still, gaccha games thrive on NEW content and people are starting to feel fatigue from all these reruns.
  19. This is my impression too. Other games are throwing out gifts left and right. Granblue Fantasy is giving at least 10 free pulls per day (up to 100!) for 2 weeks and FEH gives us endless repeats of old content (besides Camus and Xander reruns, lol). I wanted to think that they just spent a lot of creative energy on the v. 2.0 stuff but this is .....rather underwhelming for the holiday season.
  20. Blessings and more "Marth", it's hard to contain my enthusiasm.... Maybe there will be some awesome seals?
  21. -No outrealms, deeprealms, time travel or any half-assed crossovers. I'd like a story that stands by its own merrits doesn't have random cameos by popular characters (baring Anna) from other games. -No player/protagonist worship. An avatar is a cool idea but I don't want the world to revolve around me. -No kids or marriage before the epilogue, unless it's story relevant. -No Omnicidal dragon/cult of evil main antagonists. -No gratuitous fanservice. -No third tier class system
  22. The biggest problem with Takumi in Conquest is that his anger isn't even his. He has legitimate grivances but they're all swept aside with "he's only acting like this because he's possessed." It takes away from his character and Hoshido as a whole, because now this is a story about defeating Anankos' minions as opposed to Corrin having to accept that he helped ravage an innocent country. Sakura would make a fine boss or an embittered queen who lost everything in her childhood. There is more of an emotional arc there since Sakura started as the most innocent Hoshidan sibling. This is pretty close to what I had in mind. I would have had Corrin reluctantly support the invasion, justifying it with Nohr's food shortages but when Garon seems more interested in the genocide of the Hoshidans than securing Nohr's future, Corrin and friends plot a rebellion. It's bizarre that IS didn't write something similar. Garon was always going to be the main antagonist, so why does the story railroad you into fighting the 'good guys' until the last possible second? They went far past 'tragic villain' and straight into 'karma Houdini' for Nohrrin.
  23. Not confirmed, but no new characters were found in the datamine, which suggests a mini.
  24. Hm, I doubt I'll have a 40% Hero for this one but it's a mini TT so it won't be so bad a grind. More BK would be nice.
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