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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Why do people keep expecting Linus to use Basilikos? He uses Swords as his primary weapon, a Silver Blade, Light Brand and Brave Sword, and never Basilikos. Granted, so did Raven but we already know what IS decided to do with him for Heroes.
  2. I hope they get upgrade options soon. The Askr trio will probably get theirs somewhere in Book 2 which leaves the other 5. It's interesting to see what they'll do with those swords to make the sword infantry stand out among the crowd. I have a +Atk and+Spd/-Res M!Corrin awaiting his ideal weapon. Can we get an art update? I'll take that over the weapon.
  3. It seems FEH only fans are having an effect on the results. That and wanting playable villains. It's kind of sad that Loki ranks so high. For the males top ten side, I'm happy with Hector leading but I'd also like to see Marth get his due. It would be brutal for him to miss out on alt because of vote splitting. I'm impressed that Celica got so high and Camilla was a given. Personally, I'd prefer Micaiah and Nino, but I don't see that happening.
  4. Happening to be one of the only two people who can use it and being the only one of those two who is native to Grado is a far better reason to call it "his" than Eirika who isn't from Grado and can't use magic. Every other Sacred Stones character besides Amelia (who isn't really associated with axes, least of all Garm), Seth (both sword and lance are taken) Marisa (both sacred swords are used by other characters) use sacred weapons associated with their country. Why does Eirika get Grado's weapon when there is a character from Grado who fits the bill perfectly? --- In regards to the OP. Sadly, Knoll will stay an obscure character, even with a little meme power.
  5. Michalis is a great, affordable option. Give him Quick Riposte, the Close Defense seal and Fortify Fliers support and you're looking at a guy with 47 defense who can automatically activate Bonfire, or even Ignis if he gets doubled. He can get even stronger with more investment.
  6. I was thinking QR for enemy phase ranged countering and killing swords on player phase with Sword Breaker (is 48 attack enough to kill many swordies?) Desperation/Brash Assault huh... Not sure how I feel about a build that only works when you're at lower than 50% health.
  7. Bartre, the least popular character in the game at launch and probably still, unless Raigh counts.
  8. Brigand Boss wins by default should an existing Brave character win top spot.
  9. In hindsight, I could see them holding off on Knoll because Lyon is right around the corner, but they still had other options. Duessel and Cormag would have been great and there is always Ewan (and Tethys if you want a unique dancer) for a red tome option. Just not Eirika, and not her using Grado's weapon.
  10. Myrrh looks amazing and I hope I can summon her (but I won't because green orbs are a myth). RIP Knoll. I actually liked your character. I'm rather bothered by what they're doing with Eirika. It's a given that they'd eventually have to reuse characters (and we already have seasonals for that) but when there are still so many original characters left to add, it's absurd to make up random "Brave" versions. Part of what makes Heroes special is that you can use characters who would never make it into another crossover because they are popular enough. What IS is saying now is "Nope, they aren't popular enough for our game either." IS can do better than this. That's like Eirika saying "In honor of my friend who ruined his life with crystal meth, I too shall take up crystal meth." I will. I want to collect all my favorites, not use 4 versions of the same main characters.
  11. I agree. I think both Jedah and Celica would be far more compelling if Jedah was cooperative and telling the truth.
  12. I think it's a matter of finding a middle ground between extremes. People don't want a flawless superman but they also don't want someone who constantly makes bad choices (Corn, pls stahp). Celica was flawed in some good ways, like her tendency to shoulder all burdens by herself but also too flawed, like trusting a man who looks like Dracula. Alm may be a cool dood but he's a little too good, which is especially problematic when the theme of the game requires him to be flawed like Celica is. Just as an aside, I think Naesala was Loki before Loki was Loki, and should probably be played by Tom Hiddleston if and when Tellius is made into a live adaption.
  13. I think there will be a stir up of the lower ranks but the top spots will be similar to what we saw before with Hector and Chrom/Ephraim for guys and Tharja and Camilla for girls. The only other girl I can see threatening the top spot is Azura because of utility in Heroes. The color balance might be pretty horrid if they go with their alt weapons. Sword Hector, Lance Chrom, Dark Knight (Sword or Dark Magic) Tharja and Mage Flier Camilla looks like 3 reds and a blue to me. They are conceptually interesting, however. I wonder if they have have a theme like the last CYL or just all do their own thing.
  14. "You got all the good names and I got all the lame names and waaaaaah!" Gosh, I'd love for Silque to be in the game but part of what made her great was Hidari drawing her. I hope the artist they choose does her justice.
  15. Mad respect for the Boss family, but honestly, who names their son Brigand? It's like they didn't even want their kid to succeed. I'm curious why SoV is getting these generic enemies when other games didn't include theirs. Why can't I vote for Glass and Batta the Beast? IS doesnt care about their fans. ----- I hope they pool votes in the case that multiple iterations would make one character popular enough to win. Otherwise a number of characters are getting screwed over. First day of voting will be Micaiah and Lyon for me.
  16. Alm is seen by some as being overly praised in game and too perfect, in a similar fashion to Corrin. Arguably he hurts the themes of his game.
  17. I wouldn't put much weight behind it, even if a Laguz did win, assuming they're getting alternate outfits/weapons like last time, you would be getting a Laguz character but not in a laguz "class". And it's not like getting an early access alt is proof you'll get a regular version any time soon. Bride Charlotte was released half a year ago, and we still have no regular Charlotte. They *could* have laguz classes in the next CYL if they debuted in some early banner, but by that point, we would probably have the regular versions of the most popular guys. Assuming that they get alternate classes, I'd be down with Selkie or Kaden getting in with the Fates Sage class. Fox wizards, yes pls.
  18. That sounds genuinely amusing. Red Tome Tethys sounds amazing.
  19. Is this a glitch I haven't heard about? What's this business about anyone being able to use Dark magic?
  20. It depends on what role they have in mind for him. Ephraim's weapon didn't boost his lackluster speed but it gave an ability to overcome that weakness. I could see them making Leo more of a support fighter with a souped up Gravity Smoke and/or capitalize on his inherit Savage Blow to make him have a Pain+ effect.
  21. I think it's only a matter of time before he gets a weapon refinery. Look at all those rando mooks. Can we get "generic pirate boss" to the number 1 spot? Time to rally the fanbase.
  22. How would it negatively effect the series? Reinhardt scoring higher could make sense because he's a good unit. When Oliver wins a CYL event, then we can call shenanigans.
  23. So when is this new CYL website coming out? They said "today" but 14 hours have passed since the announcement.
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