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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I'm sitting on 47k feathers at the moment. My eventual projects will include: Promotions Alfonse and Anna: 40k Might do my neutral attack Reinhardt as well since my first was -Atk. Skill fodder Quick Riposte (x2), Live to Serve (x2), Triangle Adept: 100k I'll keep the healers in mind as well. I'm impressed/surprised that so many people are focused on doing merges. Feathers are abundant but 20k is still a large price for +2 stats. The only 5* merges I have done have been for getting better natures.
  2. Morally grey characters or villains probably need to be badass regardless of their gender to be appreciated. Corrin is potentially male, but as he spends most of Conquest (the only route with something that could be considered close to morally grey) letting people walk all over him, he isn't well liked. Micaiah is similar (but better written) to Corrin, so they fall into the same "not badass enough for players to ignore their flaws" rut. Rudolf is just...confusing. It's clear he's supposed to be sympathetic, but his motivations are so bizarre, that most players probably just went "Huh?" and ignored him, for better or for worse.
  3. This. I might shell out for a set I REALLY like, but I couldn't afford to be a collector.
  4. I don't think any Fire Emblem story has been a masterpiece but sometimes they excel in one particular area (world building in Tellius, villain writing in Sacred Stones). A lot of the stories have generic story premises and rely more on character moments (Blazing Sword was full of these) rather than an amazing central plot. Other games try to create deeper themes or a grander scale but end up tripping over themselves (aspects of Radiant Dawn, SoV and all of Fates). I do think they should keep trying and not settle for "serviceable". Empty stories like Shadow Dragon and Revelation are painful to play, but complex and poorly considered stories are just as bad. What they really need, I feel, is some feedback on their writing decisions. It baffles me some of the things in the latest game could have escaped quality control. Personally, I'd like to see more politics and human based conflicts. Thinking about human motivations and how people react to events is more intriguing than "Those wacky dragons are at it again".
  5. I'd like a large conflict that is 1. Primarily human focused and 2. Has things happening all over the continent, not just whatever wherever the protagonists are currently fighting. I'd also like to see the developed villains with agendas that go beyond being evil.
  6. I think some of OPs ideas are unrealistic but I like a lot of the ideas. Aesthetic choices can help worldbuild, such as outfit designs, class choices gender ratios. One idea I had was each faction having their own class sets (each group would have a basic sword user, axe user, etc), which could inform the player about which groups are participating in a battle without it even being spoken. Concerning the issue of blood, I don't need my game rated Edgy/10, but seeing no blood when you should is painfully jarring. Take for example a certain character being impaled on a sword in SoV. There was no blood on the sword and a... mysterious white liquid dropped on the ground between her legs. If that sounds ridiculous and lewd, that's because it is. Treating heavy scenes with kiddy gloves creates a mockery of it (also, look at a certain suicide in Fates). Again, it doesn't need to be gratuitous, just present.
  7. I could see 4-6 per year as reasonable. At least 1 per season with wiggle room for more variety. I'm sure Swimsuits, Halloween and Christmas will be reoccurring events so another 3 themes that change every year would be agreeable. Old seasonal banners should get reruns on their anniversary. The biggest problem with too many seasonals is nothing getting added to the permanent summoning pool. It's bad enough that we're getting more 5* locks than new 3* or 4* characters from the regular banners. Unless you whale, you probably won't get multiple copies of one seasonal so you can't even appreciate them as skill fodder.
  8. Beat it with Effie/BLyn/Ninian/Olivia. Effie has DC so she tanked the left side while Lyn and the dancers went to work shooting up the right side. Agreed.
  9. Just my personal list. I have Deirdre already (and most of the characters I want from that banner) so I'm thinking more about valuable skill fodder (Deirdres are friends, not fodder).
  10. You're not being very imaginative. Lances don't have automatic vantage vs swords despite their reach advantage, and a lance could just as easily skewer someone with an axe as with a sword. Should we reconsider that triangle too? The game isn't a medieval combat simulator.
  11. This shouldn't be ignored. Micaiah doesn't WANT to be a sovereign, and wants Pelleas to grow into the role. She could have bucked, but she'd be undermining the very person she put on the throne. Had Micaiah never questioned it, like a certain person from Fates, I could agree with the criticism, but her initial cooperation seems appropriate enough.
  12. Maybe next time they should just make two triangles, one for ranged weapons and one for melee (ignoring javelins and the like) weapons. In regards to magic, I hope magic is divided into Anima/Light/Dark again, each magic and class being distinct. There could be a magic triangle here but it's not critical. Magic redirects arrows, bows out-range knives and knives hit mages before they can finish their incantation?
  13. It would be nice if either B Lyn (the CYL winner) or BIke (runner up) were a 40% character, as I actually have those two. Failing that, I'd use Joshua if he is 40%.
  14. I believe she is included on the 8% banner. In doing so, all colors are balanced with 3, instead of blue awkwardly only having 2 characters.
  15. The latest FEH Channel has addressed (or mitigated) some often discussed problems such as certain weapons and healers being underpowered. They announced an exciting new story direction and are holding a 8% focus banner with no off-focus pity breakers. Generous as this is (and boy did they need this after the Ayra incident), was there anything you wish was there but wasn't? For me, I wanted: -Micaiah: She is a mainline game protagonist and higher up on the CYL list than Dorcas (god bless), Lute, Mia and Joshua. I'm aware that they're probably saving her for a dedicated Radiant Dawn banner, but I want my girl to come home -Daggers: Healers have hopefully been buffed into relevance but the other 'support' class, dagger users, seems to be left in the dust. Jaffar is getting buffed but most units in this class need something extra to be taken seriously. -Summoning pool: The number of characters in the 5* pool has reached absurd levels and the 3-4* pool remains stagnant. I think it is time we had many characters (I'd argue that anyone with an inheritable weapon shouldn't be 5* exclusive) drop to lower rarities. Off-focus 5* units shouldn't be more common than focus units. -A skill shop: Related to the above, as more characters are added, the owners of valuable, commonly used skills (reposition, drawback, Emblem buffs, triangle adept, etc) become increasingly hard to pull. I believe these 'common' skills should be available to purchase so players won't be SOL for months just because they aren't getting the right fodder. The currency could be limited so it's not an easy alternative to summoning. Bonus question: Were there any units you wished were on the 8% banner? I would have liked Tana, Hinoka, BIke and Takumi to replace B!Caeda, Spring!Xander, Deirdre and BowLyn, respectively.
  16. I'm pretty happy about the changes as I use Minerva/Michalis and would like to use the Lyn/Jaffar I have. There are definitely still underpowered weapons that need to addressed but one step at a time. I wonder what the Sol Katti+ will do. Flashing Blade + Wrath on Lyn sounds pretty sexy. Buffed wolf tomes are pretty interesting too (2 of their users are GHB characters tho...). Will GronnWolf be a better meta counter than TA GronnRaven? I'm a little concerned about the availability of the new resources. If they're anything like Sacred Coins, it's going to make upgraded weapons a serious luxury item. It's good that you can buff underpowered weapons, but at the same time, other characters come buffed right out of the box.
  17. This is basically my team but I have DC Berkut's Lance DD3 Seal Effie instead. I'm honestly surprised it gets as many wins as it does considering Brave Lyn can kite DC units. My best win streak was when I had Polivia as mu bonus unit, but the team was doing well with Arvis too.
  18. I think Micaiah's paragon image is well written. Daein was is poor shape after the MKA war, and what they needed was hope. Along comes Micaiah who stands up to oppression, performs miracles and is self sacrificing. Micaiah is seen as a paragon because that's what people needed to get them through dark times. Micaiah as an person, however, expressed doubt in her actions and has her own biases (her love for Sothe and Daein over more moral parties such as the LA) that make her human.
  19. I'm going to throw my vote in with others and say write unique non-determining parent supports and limit the number of potential partners. Another issue of creating completely unique children is the question of who they would support. If many child characters won't even exist in a given play through, how will you be able to support them with each other?
  20. I agree with this. Most people asking for 3 tiers aren't thinking about the length of the game (even a long game like Radiant Dawn was effectively 2 tiers with a handful of trainees from the first act), rather they just want cool, overpowered classes. Gaiden/SoV was... interesting, having up to 5 tiers, but you blaze through those. Personally, I don't see the need for more than 2 tiers (excluding trainees), and when you give higher tiers more weapon proficiencies, all classes start to feel too similar.
  21. I have an idea for how to shake up the VG. What if instead of multipliers, the current underdog team were given more flags and had their match cooldown removed? This way, the losing team would actually have to fight harder to get ahead.
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