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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I don't know if they were "justified" in hating Ike (the suffering they endure is thanks to Ashnard and corrupt Begnions) but it's certainly realistic for them to not think highly of Ike. It's something I really appreciated in RD.
  2. How can Revelation be better than Awakening when Revelation is the worst Fates route? Those maps and that unit balance? No thanks. I've seen a lot of fan art of Nowi with reasonable clothes and it makes a world of difference. Maybe Japan has different views on what innocence looks like but you can't really use that excuse when there are implied sexual relationships in the game.
  3. Hello there. I first learned about Blazing Sword from an ad in a gaming magazine, saw the characters, thought they looked cool and dived down the rabbit hole. You are correct that Awakening's success can be attributed to better advertising though. Concerning Lyn and Ike, I suspect Lyn's fans had her as their first lord and Ike's fans are a combination of FE7 vets who stuck with the franchise, and more fans who used him in Smash.
  4. In addition to a weapon forge, fixing the summoning pool and the ability to add +1's to limited units, I'd like an ability to purchase and/or use feathers/badges to roll on 3* characters. To clarify, there are a lot of skills that are commonly used but are only on a limited number of characters. I'm in desperate need of more Draw Back and Reposition fodder, and many of my new units are not fully built or use sub optimal builds because I don't have the "common" skills to supply them. I've wanted to build a Gronblade Cecilia for months, but there is only 1 Gronblade user in the game, and I can never pull her. It's totally fine if they want to limit unique skills like Heavy Blade or Wrath, but the "common" skills need regular availability. Related to the above, I think the Hone/Fortify/Goad/Ward skills should all be available in the 4* pool (on new characters, if said character is too good to be demoted, ex. Hector).
  5. I see. I thought it would be nice to have her capable of countering all mages (unless she's knocked out by fully powered Blade tomes?) but considering TA Raven is literally the only build that CA works against, it's a rather niche skill to have. Who would make a good partner for her then? Deirdre might be nice because she deletes Robin, survives Cecilia (and can double with QR) and can negate Blade tome users.
  6. What would be a good build for Cat!Sakura (+HP, -Def)? I'm currently running her default kit with Def Ploy and Deflect Magic. The question is what to do with the B slot. She has Guard which can counter QP Reinhardt (if I use this, I could use a different seal than Deflect Magic) but I've heard Vantage being recommended for her. I could see this being used with something like 1. Turn one, bait and counter Rein. 2. Turn two, bait and vantage kill Gronblade Cecilia. The problem is, what if Sakura runs into a TA Raven mage? Would it be worth it to give her Cancel Affinity?
  7. I don't know if this is unpopular or just understated but I find Heritors of Arcadia (SoV's ending song) to be a great song and better than the widely promoted (and repeated) Lost in Thoughts All Alone. I suppose part of it is that Azura/Corrin soured me on the latter but SoV's song is really beautiful and speaks better to the themes of the game.
  8. I'll be joining Team Soren as he is the only unit (besides Shanna, whom I don't know well) I have and he's a pretty cool dude. Can we have a gentleman's agreement to keep our salt to reasonable levels? There will likely be upsets, the Gaunlet is designed for them to be possible. Whinging about it here won't change anything and just detracts from the enjoyment of others. I say this as a former member of Team Lyn. Send feedback if you want a different kind of Gauntlet. Thank you for your consideration and may the best wind mage win.
  9. Corrin has a good base but from there he has a lot to improve on. -Don't make them anime dragon Jesus: This concerns how they behave and others treat them. Don't make them the all loving uniter who trusts everyone. Don't have everyone treat him like he's the center of the universe. Corrin would be better as a point of view character with deep personal stakes but not be the focus of so many interactions between major characters. -Expand on the origin of his dragon form (you only learn about this in DLC, and hardly anyone comments on it) or cut it completely. -Make Corrin blood related to the Hoshidans. Remove all sibling S supports. -Have Corrin start out sheltered and coddled but have him grow into his own character. He should grow more cynical and pragmatic in Conquest and hone his idealism in Birthright. -Make him proactive. A large problem in Conquest is bad things happening to Corrin, and him clenching his fists in his pockets, not doing anything about it. Corrin is a hero, of light or dark, and heroes take action. -Have him engage his siblings more. There should be some mistrust towards the Nohrian sibslings that didn't tell him about his real family. He should take a while to warm up to the Hoshidans because they're strangers from a foreign culture.
  10. My SSN is the order of the best Fire Emblem to the worst (so clearly it starts with a 7 and ends with 13 lolol). There aren't any armor-sexuals in the game, so I can't relate to many characters. It is a bit boring to have everyone be so coy, saying "There may be a character in one game who shares a name similar to mine, but I'll never tell, tee hee." I already apologized for ordering all those pizzas to peoples' homes. Feel free to share your names, friends.
  11. Robert, an archer in Thracia. They write it as Roberto (ロベルト) instead of ロバート, as I would.
  12. Favorite: Robin and the tactician class. A lot of people object to him because he "stole Chrom's spotlight" but I enjoyed having a smart, tactical person be my avatar because that's who I literally am, the tactician. I enjoy the look and weapons of the class too. Robin is effectively a mage lord, which is pretty cool. Least favorite: Most class outfits. With the exception of maybe Chrom, Robin and Pegasus Knights, the majority of the class outfits are atrocious. Shout out to toilet cavaliers and heroes.
  13. I love all the jokes, memes and fanart that the community produces, especially because of the explosive popularity of FE Heroes. As someone who enjoys stories, I also enjoy all the threads to discuss what we like and what we thought could have been better.
  14. Honestly, while that comment was a bit on the extreme, I agree with it in spirit. They've sold out and gone for shallow mass appeal over mature story telling.
  15. While Sakura is 100% adorable (Bridelia tier artwork here), I'm a bit skeptical of her usefulness. Daggers, in general, are pretty rubbish weapons with Kagero and Felicia being the only ones people ever used and I rarely see them these days. So, looking at Sakura's kit, her weapon does effective damage vs mages but is that really a good thing? Sure, she's better against horse mages (common), but mage armors and fliers aren't so common (well they will be for a while after this banner). Compare this to the Poison Dagger that deals effective damage to all infantry including infantry mages which are the most common kind of mages. Sure, Sakura's weapon has more atk, but I feel like it's just going to be situationally useful against horse mages. Then there is her A skill. Warding Stance looks good at first but it's really just a poor man's Distant Defense. She would appreciate taking less damage from bows/daggers more than reduced damage from manaketes. Guard is a good skill and will let her tank QP Moonbow Reinhardt but it also prevents her from running CA (which she would need to slay TA Raven users). I still want her, if only because of that S+ tier artwork, but I think dagger users still don't have an effective role in this game. Disregarding her default hit, Polivia is probably the worst dancer because she isn't able to take advantage of the weapon triangle.
  16. Heh, beat it with Armor Emblem. Despite being 100% F2P, I wouldn't expect many to be able to easily replicate my strategy. My team was Hector (+Def, -HP) Vantage/Bonfire build with Quickened Pulse Effie (+Res, -Spd) Berkut's Lance/DC/Wary Fighter/Distant Defense Seal Black Knight (neutral) default kit + Vantage Zephiel (neutral) Brave Sword/DB3/Brash Assault seal Effie can get up to 51 res if fully buffed, good gracious.
  17. I'm fairly certain approximately half this thread is you posting things everyone (primarily Armagon) disagrees with. No need to be shy about it now. Edit: Wrong thread. Still, you have enough experience with this discussion.
  18. Here are some changes I would make. Alm and Celica: Alm should be more ruthless and cold to his enemies, seeking retribution for wrongs without thinking about a long term peace. Imagine this introduction: at the beginning of the chapter one, Berkut tracks down Mycen in Ram village and challenges him to a fight to prove he's better than Zofia's greatest warrior. Mycen is gravely wounded which inspires Alm to join the Deliverance and defeat the Rigelians he's convinced are all evil people. Celica would conversely be too passive, thinking humans are helpless without the gods and be critical of Alm's lack of plan for a lasting peace. Rather than have them break up immediately after their reunion, they should spend most of chapter 3 fighting in the same army and only split apart when it's clear their idealogical differences are too great. Rudolf: I hear the argument that making Rudolf posessed would deny him character depth, but his existing plan isn't flawed, it's as batshit insane as Azura's "Valla Throne Ploy". I approve of @The_Snek_Lord's suggestion. The only thing I'd change there is Mila's anger at Duma (it's a good element that she sealed Falchion because she didn't want Rudolf/Alm to kill Duma). Fernand and Berkut: I'd have Fernand stay loyal to Zofia but turn his back on the Deliverance after Clive starts promoting commoners to high ranking positions. Fernand would form his own army with bluebloods but be defeated and slain by Berkut. Berkut (having defeated both Mycen and Fernand) would be much more formidable. The rest of his story would be much the same, where he degrades himself with Nuibaba's magic and then again later when he sacrifices Rinea. Jedah: Jedah would do his best to get on Celica's good side by protecting Alm from attacks by the other Duma faithful (the brand bearers having powerful souls to consume is canon). He'd tell her that she can restore Duma by sacrificing her soul (a lie, it will just make Duma stronger, not saner), to which Celica reluctantly agrees. Alm/Berkut and Celica/Jedah as foils: Alm would be on the warpath like Berkut but over time he would soften up and learn compassion from Celica. Where Berkut sacrifices others for his own power, Alm would sacrifice something of himself to protect the people he cares about. Celica and Jedah would both be godly people who believe humanity can't exist without gods. Where Celica wants peace, Jedah wants the chaos that the insane Duma would bring, thinking that any world crafted in his image would be a good one. Celica's character development would be accepting the end to the age of gods and fighting to build the world she wants to see. Rigel's situation: One of the biggest flaws of the story is how unlikely it would be for Zofia to defeat Rigel (the former is suffering from monster attacks, famine, a civil war and are characterized as lazy hedonists). To fix this, I would make the monster situation (courtesy of the insane Duma) in Rigel far worse, with them having to devote a lot of their soldiers just for securing their own citizens.
  19. Micaiah handles it far better than Corrin does the Valla curse. Where Corrin throws his hands up and makes the worst possible decision, Micaiah starts trying to find a way to undo the contract immediately.
  20. It would depend on if Corrin was formally adopted and put into the line of succession. Even so, it's a pretty sketchy to tell someone that you're their "real family" if that's only true legally.
  21. Writing: Corrin by a large margin. Others have explained the reasons, but he is the most despicable player-character I've ever been expected to sympathize with. Dishonorable mention to Celica, who drives her plot by being overemotional and generally making bad choices. Gameplay: Lyn, unfortunately. While Hector is always amazing and Eliwood can be decent, I've never had a good Lyn for endgame.
  22. I forgot how multilayered this game is in its awfulness. You're right, that part slipped my mind. They're both terrible, but for different reasons. I agree with your suspicion that this is a writing flop that came about from sibling S supports being tossed in later on. Or maybe they just didn't care.
  23. While Fates is often guilty of having people act dumb to drive the plot, I think Ryoma flipping out if you turn on Hoshido makes sense. From his point of view, he got emotionally invested in getting back his "brother" and was distraught when that person identified as a Nohrian. It makes much less sense for Xander to flip out because he's lived with Corrin all this time and should trust him enough to talk it out instead of "Dad isn't eviiiiiiiiil! You must hate your family and want to destroy Nohr!!!!!"
  24. With the new Brash Assault seal, now you can run Desperation, Brash Assault and Wrath on Lyn! Wrath Machine broke. Oh....
  25. Can't believe I forgot Lyn. I know she has the rare ability to run both Desperation and Brash Assault, but with her high speed (especially mine which is +Spd -Def) she can double most enemies anyway. Regardless she doesn't do enough damage even if she doubles, requiring Wrath which i don't have fodder for. RIP all units who had their stats poured into Spd in a game where you can't dodge tank, and have no Atk. (Fir, Lon'qu, Lyn, Caeda, among others)
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