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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. The true ending is only unlocked by killing half of your army, leveling up your dancer to lv 20 before chapter 10, standing on a random desert tile and defeating the pentultimate boss without killing any of his minions (there are no warp staves). In the standard ending, the whole army dies of dysentery. Characters now have a 'hunger' and 'rested' status that affects their stats. Low hunger reduces HP and Spd and poor rest reduces avoid, critical evade and hit. To maintain a good hunger status, players must do a cooking mini-game for each unit between chapters. A character stays well rested if they aren't deployed in consecutive chapters. Chapters are put into 4 piece blocks with no option to save between those chapters. While your own units can die in battle, plot significant NPCs who die always survive with the excuse that "I was saved by a passing cleric." No one checks if antagonists are dead even though this repeatedly happens. The final boss has an AoE Hexing Rod and Bolting, each with unlimited uses. Regular FE games are more forgiving. You can marry your of-age family members as well. But not your mother because Japan hates progressive relationships.
  2. -S supports are only between underage family members. -In addition to critical hit, there is now critical failure, which makes you damage yourself. -Staff healing is reduced by res so units like mages need to rely on items for healing. -Just like in Smash Bros Brawl, there is a random trip mechanic that imediately reduces a unit's movement to 1. Fire Emblem is a fun, party game. -The protagonist will be loved by everyone, including the villains who only fight him because they're jealous of his raw sex appeal. The game ends when all the characters are a part of the protagonist's harem.
  3. I think by necessity, Nohr has to the country in the wrong and Hoshido in the right. If Nohr was good, then there wouldn't be a reason to side with Hoshido. The moral greyness described then is Corrin's choice. Does he stick with the family who raised and loved him, but represent an aggressor nation, or side with the virtual strangers who are his blood-kin and represent the innocent nation? Birthright hit the right point in that Corrin does something selfless and fights the people he loves in the name of justice. Hoshido is boring and under-developed but it feels consistent. Conquest is where they really screwed the pooch by making Corrin somehow righteous despite supporting such cartoonishly evil people. The promotional material suggested internal reform but considering that that really only happens at the end of the game, it all falls flat. A popular wish is that Conquest would be about a pragmatic need for resources instead of "We're invading because we're evil". This would satisfy the need for Nohr to be in the wrong but not paint them as horrible people.
  4. I'd say her ideal nature is +Spd, -HP. The speed boon gives +4 points rather than +3. The problem is, a -Def bane lowers her ability to tank bows (Brave Bow in particular), and the -Res bane lowers her stats by 4 rather than 3. I suppose I could mitigate lowered defensive stats with Fortify Cavalry, but ideally she would be able to counter colorless without support.
  5. I want to promote a Cecilia to 5* but I'm not sure what nature is best. I'm going to start with TA Raven but I might consider Gronblade in the future. These are my options: +Atk, -HP +Atk, -Res +Spd, -Def +Spd, -Res +Res, -Def Thoughts?
  6. Or Niles (Zero) who is actually voiced by Dio in Japanese.
  7. So can you break the summoner support if you want to change partners?
  8. Ike won in the end, so join the other revelers for this historic moment! I think Lyn would have defeated him but who knows.
  9. I don't know why you feel you can't be happy for Ike's victory. He didn't win by any upsets so people are satisfied. If he lost to an upset, however, I'm sure there would be a great amount of saltiness from his fanbase. You saw a "shit-show" from some Lyn fans because they felt cheated from their victory. That's how any fanbase acts.
  10. Hm, not sure if I should support by strongest characters or one who could use a boost. Bridelia, so I can be a proper waifu-fag Armor Emblem is going to love this since they're generally close together. I'm picturing Zephiel and Effie running through a field while holding hands as "So happy together~" plays in the background.
  11. Dang, that's some ugly behavior. It's just a game, guys.
  12. Hm? What were they doing on twitter? I'll cheer for my team and be happy if it wins, but I don't need to denigrate the opposition.
  13. I recall the devs stating that Ike's personality was inspired by Hector too. An honorary Hector indeed.
  14. Not just a male gauntlet winner, but a pre-3DS winner.
  15. Ike has avenged the Purple Upset! He is the Blueberry Wolf! I would have preferred to see Lyn in the finals. I guess we'll never get to see those two giants duke it out, but I'm happy Lyn was popular enough to be qualified for it. Now, where is that salty Lucina fan who never got over losing fair and square to Lyn?
  16. JST fellow here, can confirm. On the other hand, some of the later (higher) multipliers happen while I'm alseep so it's not bad for everyone in the west.
  17. I didn't think the swamp maps were hard, but I did find them to be tedious. It's just not good game design to have your units crawl forward, needing to be babysat by healers as your only 3 units that can move freely do most of the fighting.
  18. Story-wise, I dislike Mycen, Rudolf, Fernand and Berkut for the plot forgiving them for their immoral actions. The first two are basically the Azura of this game and the latter two are jerks with no redeaming features. I will comment that Berkut's villainous breakdown in Duma Tower was a good scene, but then they ruined it by Alm caring about him and Rinea forgiving him. Personality-wise, I'm not fond of Delthea and Faye. The former is an arrogant brat, a trope I've never liked and the latter just has a bad, one note personality. My experience playing the Japanese version makes her come across as unaware of how exactly her behavior is problematic, but she's nonetheless still a manipulative jerk.
  19. Fates is the obvious answer. Barely any worldbuilding, plot contrivances galore, and the game spits on its own premise in several ways. Fates had 3 games worth of content to write an epic of a story, and all it proved was that it was less than the sum of its parts. Thanks for doing nothing with the first manakete lord. The runner up would be SoV. It's heads and shoulders above Gaiden (how could it not be?) and I liked various things they added, but it still falls short of its potential. It's good that they had themantic elements in mind but many of their themes and story elements contradicted themselves and certain characters (Fernand, Berkut, Rudolf) were deeply unsympathetic despite the narative suggesting otherwise. I would have liked Alm and Celica to have an actual relationship as well. Re: Monster discussion, Risen and Faceless were incredibly lazy and I much preferred the SoV/SS approach to monsters.
  20. Musashi: Time to win the title of best swordsman with my strength and skill. FE7 Tactician: But wouldn't it be funny if you showed up late on purpose? Musashi: Hah, Kojiro will be pissed. Let's do it!
  21. RE: Camilla discussion, I think the most troublesome thing isn't her sex appeal, it's that she's supposed to be seen as your sister but IS also wanted her to give you a boner. Her intro video in Birthright is literally a T&A parade. I don't have any criticism of Sonia because she's SUPPOSED to be sexy, it's the very reason she exists in-universe. Also this.
  22. Camilla in Titania armor would immediately give her an A+ in my book, for her design at least. I like everything north of her shoulders.
  23. As much as I agree with you about Camilla, you should probably tone it down a bit. This voting gaunlet isn't that serious.
  24. Lyn has fallen to the dark sorceries of Nohrdor. A shadow reaches across the world and threatens to swallow us in a night that never ends. But the world of men will not end now! The last hero, foretold to beat back the darkness, still stands. House Nekoknight has stood by the pre-3DS games for a hundred generations, and I will stand beside Ike now. The King in Serenes!!
  25. I used to dislike Ike for his rabbid fanbase but I came to appreciate his story arc.
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