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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. While most units can be somewhat viable with enough investment, are there any characters you wish you could use but you can't because they underperform too much? This isn't a thread to tell others "You can make that character good if you just give them multiple 5* exclusive skills!" Not having or being willing to use expensive/rare SI is enough. Also, since it is tangeantly related, are there any units whose art discourages you from using them? For utility: -Titania: I pulled her on the Cavalry banner and while she has niche usage against certain set maps (ie not Arena, TT or training tower) as a blue counter, her defense is so low that she can't even be a solid wall against lances, let alone anything she fights at neutral. She would be a good blue mage counter if I had DC fodder, but those don't grow on trees. -Jaffar: I pulled him way back on his debut banner, back when Takumi was king of the meta. Jaffar was rather middling even back then and has only gotten worse in this orko meta. Doing 16 post battle damage is pretty cool though. -Oboro: Gosh, I loved this character in Birthright but she's rather lackluster in Heroes. Sure, I could spend 40k feathers to give her a better weapon or your choice of rare skills (DB3, LaD3, QR3) but it's a big price tag when other lance units come with better starting kits and stats. -Eldigan: 'Waaat!? Eldigan isn't bad!' And you are correct. A 16 atk Killer weapon is nothing to sneeze at but poor Eldy has some serious competition in Horse Emblem. Sigurd and Xander make better tanks and Brave Roy is a better player phase sword horse. And that's to say nothing of the other ranged horses you probably want to run, such as Reinhardt, Brave Lyn and Cecilia. For art: -Lloyd: The biggest offender by far. Jokes about being a Morph aside, he is completely devoid of the charm his FE7 art displayed. He just looks so sickly and feral. -Eliwood: The bug eyed king, set to marry his bug eyed queen (Athena). He was the lord who really got me into Fire Emblem but his art really didn't do him justice. It doesn't help that like Titania, "Res focused melee without DC" isn't the best of stat spreads.
  2. Just as an aside, some of my students are named Takumi, which always brings a smile to my face. I've also had a few Ryoma's and variations of Sakura. I wonder if other kids ever bring up their Fire Emblem namesakes.
  3. Nope. Even at a cheaper price, it's still gambling and whatever price tag you attach to the purchase, it could all go to waste. It's a fun game, but if I can pay $60 for a full gaming experience in a console game, why would I dish out more for a mobile one? When you're F2P, life only gets better. Edit: All that said, it would be an interesting experiment to see if more casual spenders would outdo the loss in revenue from the existing whales if orb prices were lowered.
  4. After some really bad luck with my last summoning session (around 200 orbs spent for 2 5*, one with a bad nature), I was hoping Ayra would be a TT reward. Pretty scummy of IS to put her on a separate banner with old units. Whelp, they aren't getting my money, but whales gonna whale. I think I'll make my team Deirdre/Arvis/Polivia/Nephenee.
  5. Sachiko Wada is a woman, tho. Kozaki's style doesn't directly involve fanservice, as many of his concept art pieces show. The fanservice was part of the art direction for those games. --- Anyway, my preferred returning artists are 1. Hidari 2. Senri Kita 3. Sachiko Wada For new artists (to the main series), Haimura Kiyotaka (the artist for Heroes Julia and Deirdre seems pretty good.
  6. I used S.Corrin/Michalis/Palla/Ninian. Corrin's Desperation was really helpful for taking down mages and Palla and Ninian were warping everywhere with WoM. Those one turn wins are pretty neat. I had to kill every last unit....
  7. So you don't know a single thing about the game and you're already planning to boycott it?
  8. Sure, but part of that is gameplay. The player generally as fewer and stronger units because this is a tactical game where the individual survival of units is important. The problem with taking Castle Zofia is that the narative painted a clear picture of the Deliverance getting their asses kicked, and then overnight they take out the enemy's strongest fortress. I understand it's a remake, but if they wanted to show the Deliverance getting stronger or Dessaix's troops losing morale, they should show it gradually. And as far as Alm is credited as the hero, he should actually contribute something to their new success other than showing up. Heck, if Alm commented on the disproportionate praise he receives compared to his contribution, it would better cement that he is just a figurehead rather than the instant awesome-sauce leader people say he is.
  9. Can you find the part of the script where this is stated? I always assume that in any battle, the numbers of both enemies and allies are a mere representation of the number of actual units. You only need to pay attention to the ratio of enemies to allies. My understanding of SS is that Ephraim lead a guerilla force into Grado, not that he decided to take down a country with literally 4 people. Regardless, even if FE6&8 had questionable victories, that doesn't excuse the taking of Zofia castle or why Alm was praised as the hero despite not really contributing to that victory.
  10. I said no to the poll if you mean child characters plucked from the future. I think more than the child units themselves, the effect it has on supports is more troubling (though I could talk at length for how nightmarish the deeprealms are). In Awakening and Fates, you were required to have most first gen females support with most first gen males for gameplay diversity, which created a lot of incompatible pairings, out-of-nowhere romances, and redundancy. It also probably contributed to the amount of character gimmicks so writers could resort to "Trope A meets Trope B" supports. If we were to have a second generation, I'd want it to be after a time skip, with the cast composed of children, aged 1st gens and brand new characters who joined the army later. Characters would have limited support pools to focus on character development over gameplay. It would be much more satisfying to see how 1st gen characters changed over the years rather than seeing some 17 year olds matured into wizened parents overnight.
  11. While I'm a reset player, I think I would enjoy a mode that gives you extra rewards for playing Ironman style. Something like unlocking additional items, characters or gaidens. I don't know how they would enforce people playing it without resets, but it would be neat. As far as general gameplay goes, more nods to character deaths should be made as we can see in PoR and SoV.
  12. Hah, that's pretty amusing actually. This gauntlet had two characters who lost twice in the same gauntlet, and one of those characters was defeated twice by the same person. Double kill!
  13. But seriously, what happened to Dorcas? Even if we decide to pull out all the tinfoil and assume there was foul play, I'm okay with it. Ninian was the more popular character and she won. Everyone go home and have a good day.
  14. Hurrah for Team Ninian! Tons of feathers for me and more love for Elibe. Well done to Team Corrin, you really had us on the ropes. This completely. This is my personal Chrom vs Ephraim part two. So we have a match where the ending was very close, and yet the more popular character won. This is literally what everyone hopes a VG match will be. But let's complain about it! Too late. People can't even be happy with a narrow victory and have to assume meddling.
  15. I think people who want "fairer" matches are going to be disappointed in the end. Ninian and Corrin are both popular but Ninian (by pure voter strength) has an unbeatable lead. Lyn and Camilla are much the same. How could the devs possibly know what would be an even match? It only happens by accident, and an infrequent one at that. "fair" generally equates to "forgone conclusion".
  16. This. Even if my team loses to an upset, it would be boring if we were guaranteed to win from the start. You don't have tension without the possibility to lose.
  17. Sure, but everything in moderation. I want my fries lightly salted, not covered by the whole container.
  18. Ninian or Corrin, I'll be happy with the results because it's enough to know that a character from my favorite game is so popular (Team Ninian go!). I am ranking well and there is so much wonderful fanart and memes. The only losers in this Gaunlet are people who get salty over a silly game mode.
  19. I'm sure Sigurd will disown his son considering how much worse his weapon is. New heroes look cool, but what is up with these 3 unit banners?
  20. Jeez, so much salt in this thread. If only we could go back to the golden days when we spent our flags as fast as we could and waited for the mode to end, already knowing how it would end. Onward to victory, Ninian-bros! Time to put Femui on ice!
  21. As a F2P player since launch, I'm going to say that some challenges are quite hard and frustrating, but most are very doable without investing even a nickel. This game has a lot of content that is available for people who want a casual experience, and it has harder challenges and more rewards for people who want to dedicate more time or money. Challenges make the game fun for a good portion of the players and you can't simultaneously make everything doable by casuals and fun for dedicated players. This is why difficulties exist, so each person can tailor the experience to their liking. People who work harder and smarter get more rewards. Don't be upset just because you want everything while working less. But what if my favorites are top tier?
  22. This is wonderful. Let the slaughter of Corrin begin. All in for Ninian!
  23. IS has asked you to design a game. They want this new game to take the very best things from each game in order to create something that all fans can enjoy. So, what will you put into this new game? The catch is, you can only take ONE story element and ONE gameplay element from each title you've played. It doesn't have to be the first instance such a thing has occurred in the series. Assume each element would be done well, even if the source game didn't do it so well. Here is what I'd put into a new game FE6: DRAGONS. Support conversations. FE7: Multiple character/story arcs. Light/Dark/Anima magic. FE8: A nuanced villain. Branching promotions. FE9: World building. Base conversations. FE10: Multiple perspectives and opinions on a conflict. Variety of victory conditions. FE13: Multiple protagonists. Class skills FE14: A story with multiple routes. Attack/Guard stance. FE15: Use characters and the setting to explore different themes. Forging. Heroes: This has a story? Some skills such as Obstruct and the Raven tome series. I've played FE11 but I can't remember it well enough to comment...
  24. Story: Best: SoV. While the plot has many, many problems, the direction and themes were clear and the worldbuilding was excellent. It's flawed but not offensively so, and memorable unlike some of the other games. Middle: Awakening. While it is cliched and has its fair share of plot holes, Awakening at least has a purpose and feels complete by the end. Birthright is decent as well but forgettable. Worst: Conquest, but I'll give Revelation a dishonorable mention for being a complete void. Conquest has you play as a spineless villain protagonist that the game insists is the second coming of Jesus. There are few FE games I'd call offensively bad but Conquest is the lowest the series has ever gone. Gamplay Best: Conquest. Fates really refined the mechanics that Awakening introduced and combined with some good map design, Conquest is the clear winner. Birthright is also servicable but can be disappointingly simple at times. Middle: SoV. It's true that summon spam and annoying terrain is a bother but SoV's unique mechanics were quite interesting. I can't say I'd want everything they did to come back in future titles but it was a fresh experience. Worst: Revelation. Terrible unit balance and map design unfortunately cannot make up for Fates' generally solid gameplay. This combined with the snorefest of a story made the game almost impossible to finish. Next up, I'd say Awakening because pair up is just a disaster when compared to Attack/Defense stance.
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