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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I wouldn't ask for them as a permanent element of the series, just like I wouldn't expect or want Laguz to be in every game. Nothing wrong with a little variety, no?
  2. On one hand she fights to end slavery and helps liberate a neighboring country from tyranny. On the other hand, she's bratty at times. You tell me which actions weigh heavier. I take it you aren't a fan of Elincia, or really of any of the leaders in Tellius. Elincia: Can't keep Begnions in check. Allows a rebellion to start that would have claimed the life of her best friend if she didn't get bailed out by Ike. Weak leader. Ike: Can't keep all the Greil Mercenaries together after his father dies. Weak leader. Micaiah: Can't control Pelleas and later serves the evil senators because of a blood pact. Weak leader. Skrimir: Reckless, nearly gets himself and many others killed. Bad leader. By your logic, none of them should have tried and just given up. The only bad leader who stays bad is Pelleas. Meanwhile you task a teenager with purging the entire ruling class as if having a more forceful personality is the only requirement for such a feat.
  3. I'm not sure what you mean about weakening her state and nearly causing the world to end, but the game explores her brattiness. It was a shitty thing to toy with Elincia, as Ike says, but she is given redeaming qualities in that she helps Ike and Elincia when she could just have them thrown out or worse, which the game also comments on. She's also the driving force behind the true end to Laguz slavery and making amends for the Serenes Massacre, despite playing no role in it. I thought they wrote a character who was surprisingly mature for her age but not completely above it either.
  4. While I agree that firearms are a different tone than the cartoonish canons of Zelda or Pokemon, it's not as serious as you make it out to be. I'll bring up Final Fantasy Tactics Advance as a game with a gunner class, and it's extremely kid friendly in tone. In the Tellius games alone, a woman nearly gets hanged on screen, a character is impaled on a sword and a sinister figure describes in detail how he would torture and murder two children. This isn't actually a kids game.
  5. What don't you like about her? I don't think I've ever seen your reasons in full.
  6. "We didn't include Azura (in the base game) because we didn't want there to be too many Fates characters." -Devs "The first DLC pack will be Fates characters" -also the Devs Stay classy, you guys
  7. Not to mention that it was at least considered for Awakening that it would be set on Mars, which would undoubtedly have involved guns of some kind. I don't see a tone problem for guns in the "spells and swords" genre anyway. Final Fantasy games in the Ivalice setting have guns and no one gives it a second glance.
  8. I'd want Lyon before all of them but next up I'd say Ashnard or Grima, the former for a sword wyvern and the latter for his interesting design. Grima could use one of the Robins as a base.
  9. I'd love for them to have a Renaissance style FE with a Gunner class. I like the look they used in Granblue a lot. The way I would implement them would be to give them 1-2 range like magic (bows would be 2-3 range) and makes them do high damage/high crit at the cost of not doubling and having lower hit than bows. Their damage would be based on Skill rather than strength. In terms of the story, I could see them being created to replace bows (too much training) and magic (limited to magical bloodlines). They're still primitive weapons which is why other weapons are still used, but they're a sign of the changing times. I have no doubt that one could fire a bow even at point blank range, but if an enemy were close enough to swing a sword at you, I think I'd drop the bow and pick up my own sword.
  10. Why would these be too advantageous? There is no way to level of skills, and the existence of Seal original skills at "level 1" and image data for different seal levels suggests they're at least considering considering the idea of leveling up. Smithing isn't out the question either because it would let them tweak weapon balance without directly altering existing characters (ex upgrading Killer to Slayer weapons). The only one of those I'd consider doubtful is the nature reroll because that could cut into the profits they make from summoning. The fact that they're waiting so long to unveil the true purpose of coins makes me doubt it would only be for a simple item shop. We saved for over a month for...stamina potions? Wat?
  11. I don't know about this system. Feathers can let you do the same thing so why not just use those as the currency? Just give a "Upgrade Skill" tab and let people use say 10k feathers to upgrade a 3rd tier weapon to 4th tier (or level 2 ABC skill to level 3) and you won't need a separate currency. I think Sacred Coins would be better spent upgrading something that feathers can't do. For example, spending coins to turn Killer weapons into Slaying weapons or turning 2nd tier weapons into inheritable 3rd/4th tier weapons such as upgrading an Elwind tome into your choice of Gronn(Wolf/Raven/Owl/Blade etc)
  12. Camilla is definitely a more exagerated example than Tharja but I don't think IS said "Huh? You guys think a woman in her underwear and see-through body stockings is sexy? Well... If that's what you're into...". Tharja being sexy isn't some meme that distorts reality. Her in game model and official art give enough to promote her visual appeal, and her attraction to the Avatar all but guaranteed that her sexuality would be discussed. It was not an accident. I do like her hair and Egyptian inspired direction, but I find it disingenuous to suggest the developers didn't knowingly design her to be fanservice in addition to everything else she is.
  13. So there are two threads for this now. Yours is newer but has a more detailed OP so I'll post here I guess. Beat the first two difficulties with Horse Emblem. A default Brave Roy can kill Hawkeye on the first turn and Galeforce back to safety. After that, you should retreat back so the cavaliers can't get two attacks in via a dance by Ninian. Once you pick off the two cavs, Ninian and the mage are easy enough. For Infernal, I used Armor Emblem. The team was: 5* Effie +Res, -Spd: Berkut's Lance+, Swap, Bonfire, Distant Counter, Wary Fighter 3, Hone Armor 5* Zephiel Neutral: Brave Sword+, Pivot, Bonfire, Death Blow 3, Wary Fighter 3, Ward Armor 5* Hector +Def, -HP: Armads, Pivot, Bonfire, Distant Counter, Vantage 3, Ward Armor 5* Sakura +Spd, -HP: Fear, Rehabilitate, Heavenly Light, Empty, Live to Serve 2, Fortify Def 3 Effie can bait and kill the Red cav on the first turn and the relative lack of mages make it pretty easy on the others. Maybe I'll post my movements later
  14. I dunno, I feel like it's a weaker story when the "human decisions" always lead to the best result. Alm doesn't fail in any way, no matter how reckless he might be, they were the right decisions to make. Conversely, Celica makes some human decisions (and lot of dumb ones too) and she gets punished for it.
  15. I don't know the exact words they used in Japanese but I wouldn't be surprised if they used imprecise terminology that the fan translators decided to state bluntly. It's not that implications of someone meaning to rape or sell a woman into sexual slavery are rare (Valter makes his intentions pretty clear) but the exact wording that someone will be raped has never been said in an official English release, and I have my doubts about the japanese version. Her roster description in the Japanese version states that she "has the best body in the army" and her Harvest Scramble conversation with Nowi has the latter talking about her "boingy bits". I think they knew the appeal of Tharja's design. She follows the appeal of Camilla, that of a busty woman with revealing clothes and an unhealthy attachment to the player. Awakening is definitely takes a "gag anime" approach to some of its characters, and while I recognize the comedic intent, there are also serious elements to her character which blur the line. Why should we take some parts seriously and dismiss others as "it's just a dumb anime thing"? Peri is another such character where you're simultaneously being asked to treat her psychosis as a joke but also accept that the ever serious Xander saw nothing wrong with her.
  16. I think female slavery is used as a G rated alternative to what real people would do. I imagine that bandits would just rape and kill a woman unless they could ransomed, but Nintendo doesn't want the R word in their games. Not that I mind, really. It's a suitably heavy topic that doesn't need to be explicitly discussed. This isn't Game of Thrones here.
  17. It would be kind of neat if there was a Heroes original character who could be the "child" of the summoner and their S supported character. The child would have the weapon and boon/bane of the non-summoner "parent", they would be the same gender, their stats would be adjusted for weapon type (melee or ranged) and would have a Bond support just like the summoner's "spouse". If you broke the S support with the spouse, the child would stay the same until a new S support was made. You can't send home or sacrifice your kid for SI!
  18. Using Star Wars traitor memes when you have perfectly fine Takumemes available. Shame. FE Heroes is dangerously short on furries. We need Selkie or Lethe asap.
  19. I'm not overly fond of most of the second gen characters but if I had to pick 4 for a banner, I'd go with Morgan, Shiro, Midori and Selkie (for appearance if nothing else).
  20. I could see skills being locked to classes, with some lesser skills that can be swapped freely. A good skill on a particular class might be a good way to incentivize using a class with less ideal stat growths/caps. Ideally, each class would create a distinct play style that isn't just a matter of what weapon they use. For example, Generals would have access to Wary Fighter and Obstruct to solidify their status as walls, but Great Knights would have more mobility and the Luna skill. Personal skills should definitely come back to be minor but exploitable benefits.
  21. I don't feel bad. Rudolf literally brought it on himself, and I find him really unsympathetic.
  22. I think this is the core of the issue. Is it addicts who power the game or a collective of responsible big spenders, and if it is addicts, can it be proven that the developers knew and planned to exploit them? We can't really know, so there isn't a basis for suggesting that this game was founded with predatory intentions. I think one thing that people are ignoring is that FEH is explosively popular and could have survived as a set priced product (or something with a subscription fee). Would they make as much money if they took out the gambling aspect? No, but they could still keep at it for years. Obviously I don't think the game was made with altruistic intentions, but if it can be enjoyed by millions of people, courtesy of the funding by a smaller (willing) subset of the players, I'm glad it exists and can support it completely without causing my moral compass to even wiggle.
  23. It's really not that unusual. The CYL winners were all protagonists or very plot significant (Lucina) characters, which should be expected. Having dead parents is a common plot point for kicking off the protagonist's journey, so much that Eliwood earned a medal for not being dead in FE6. When you look at the winners, only 2 of them really focused on the relationship between a child and father; Ike and Lucina. Roy's journey (iirc) is more concerned with stopping the ambitions of Zephiel. Both of Lyn's parents are dead, and while her mixed heritage is significant to her character, the story is to seek out her mother's side of the family, not her father's. It's not like they really needed a theme anyway.
  24. My wishful thinking. Red: Elincia Blue: Tana Green: Minerva Colorless: Innes Surely it's a coincidence that they're 3/4 fliers.
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