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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Brave Lyn will still be able to kite him for days. I promoted my Zephiel ages ago and I don't regret that one but. Deathblow Brave Sword Zephiel is a blast. I'm glad I ultimately decided to give my spare Hector to Effie, considering BK likely has built-in DC.
  2. Oh, I agree it's a very flawed mode, I just think it less flawed (or differently flawed) than zero multipliers. I think the mode should do away with team size (by dividing the support by the number of players on that team) and focus on the performance of its members. Limited turn count and higher survival would be the metrics of how much support you can give and flags would multiply it further.
  3. Sorry for your loss. I've "only"spent 120 orbs doing full pulls and my results, barring an Ike (+Spd -Atk bleh) have been pretty dismall. If not for the free pick, which I'm saving for last, this banner would be a total wash, and worse, it will ruin my orb supply for the next banner.
  4. I see the "Multipliers killed my dog and burned my house down" people are back. This is the closest popularity match you could ever hope for and the writing is almost set in stone. Lyn would win the girls side, Ike the boys side and Ike for the whole thing. The chance of another Chrom vs Ephraim match is miniscule, even without multipliers. People complaining are those on the juggernaut team who don't want competition. Also, woo hoo to Ike and Lyn. I'm not going to be one of those guys that says the 3DS games are trash compared to the old but it's nice to see a veteran champion lead the charge for once.
  5. "Is it true you taught my dad?" "Yes. He good student. Big eyes like mine."
  6. Honestly, it feels that way to me. 100 orbs later (5 full pulls) and my only noteworthy pulls were 5* Priscilla, Leo and Ike. And they all had bad natures.
  7. I hope they do something for dagger users and healers. Healers had their support role sealed by lacking offensive specials (though one wonders why they have art for offensive specials) so there wasn't a need to cut their attack as well. Daggers are likewise underpowered considering killing an enemy with pure damage is better than leaving them alive and debuffing them. Concerning fanservice (and suggesting it's because of an older audience makes me lol), I don't care about it as much in Heroes because it's not a game that has much of a story are consistent tone. Fanservice in the mainline games bothers me more for what it does to demean characters and warp the tone. I'd prefer they have fewer fanservice banners until we get more coverage of the whole series, but I don't hate them.
  8. Seriously though, the noise. I once took a furtive glance at Heroes while in the office but didn't realize the sound was on, and thought "Well, my life is over now. Everyone heard that" She looks like she's saying, "Who's awesome? You're awesome!"
  9. FE16: Reawakening The earth will be salted with the tears of FE fans. We got it all wrong! It was thought that Roy got Galeforce from Lyn but it was actually the other way around! Eliwood x Ninian created Roy who then sired Lyn...who then traveled to the past...for reasons. Lyn confirmed for time traveling 1/8 manakete.
  10. Brave Roy has Galeforce, I don't think we need further proof that Eliwood and Lyn are canon.
  11. And there is reason to believe that she could be a "Lucina". She has the looks and coolness to be one, but I think the narrative framing is different. You start the game following her story, and while there is an avatar, he's mostly out of sight, only getting the occasional nod in conversations. Lyn is the main character of her arc, not Mark, and thus you are more likely to step in her shoes than view her as an object of interest. Compare this to Fates where you are in Corrin's shoes and Azura is the object of interest. Later on, Eliwood or Hector takes the reins of the plot, and while Lyn fills in a supporting role, you already have experience with her as a protagonist (and the plot doesn't treat her as an assumed love interest to either lord) so her view to the player stays the same. At least, that's how I viewed the game.
  12. I don't think they couldn't have known. Sure, "Lucina" wasn't at the forefront of the original promotions but this mysterious "Marth" was. She's also an attractive girl with a cool sword and story importance, all contributing factors in getting people's attention. Azura was a more clearly engineered attempt at creating a popular character. She's beautiful, sings, is story important, has unique supports with the avatar and is mysterious, but she lacks a lot of the charm because of incompetent writing. I'd describe "the Lucina" as "the main girl", the girl character who has the looks and cool-factor to capture people's interest and get them involved with the plot. I'd say what sets her apart from the likes of Lyn or Micaiah, is that the "main girl" is still a supporting role to the protagonist (and might be an assumed primary love interest). Asuna would be "the Lucina" of Sword Art Online.
  13. No Tolkien inspired races, yes to the others. I think a key point in writing good (sentient) fantasy races is to 1. Make them different than humans in terms of their behavior or culture and 2. Not make them all monolithic in their behavior. Laguz are a good example of this. They have different values concerning strength and leadership, when compared to humans, but it's not like every character is a "proud warrior race guy". Lethe is different to Ranulf, just as Nealuchi is different to Naesala. I think the Ivalice (Final Fantasy) saga did an okay job at this but I couldn't help but feel the differences between races were mostly aesthetic with little culture to speak of (besides Viera who are bunny elves). What would new races mean? I could see them sharing some classes with humans, depending on how human like they are, or they could all be of the same variety like shape-shifters (which is really the distinct character of FE fantasy races). Race conflict is an element that could be used, but I'd prefer future stories try a different angle (such as relative peaceful coexistence) since Tellius made it such a central theme.
  14. Ursula comes to mind. Her original sprite and artwork show her to be modestly endowed, with a cool expression. Her Heroes artwork makes her busty and more than a little unhinged.
  15. Because having high defense or high attack can be trivialized if you are doubled/can't double the enemy. To use Michalis as an example, his Atk/Def are both high but aren't enough to let him one-shot enemies nor double them. Instead he gets doubled which means a fast, reasonably strong character can easily wear him down. He really needs flier buffs to succeed where Miverva/Cordelia/etc can be run on mixed teams because of their high attack and speed.
  16. I think the game is the best is could possibly be. Heroes is fairly generous with orbs and free characters (making it very viable to play as F2P), has an easily achieved/understandable endgame (no excessive grinding), it's possible to improve your odds to get specific characters, even characters who you don't want as units can be used for SI, there are frequent updates and new content (devs actually listening to player feedback), there are a variety of games featured (unlike TMS and FEW) and the gameplay is just generally fun. The only noteworthy criticism I have is of some meaningless resources (badges in particular) but it's a pretty good game, especially for the price. Not that I disagree with the statement that Heroes covers a lot of games, but those seasonal banners were exclusively Fates/Awakening characters besides Caeda and Lyn. That's 7 Awakening characters and 7 Fates characters, added on to their already large default rosters. Seasonal and GHB characters most certainly count.
  17. Cleared it with M!Robin/Julia/Ike/Sakura. Robin killed the first swordie as Julia pulled him back. After that, it was completed with very careful movement assists and retreating as necessary.
  18. I never thought I'd want a Bartre...until I pulled a Lyn.
  19. If my calculations are correct, +Atk DB3 Reinhardt does 20+4 damage to Ike. He has 39 Def when defending and virtually negates Brave weapons. He also ignores Flier and Cav buffs which means they need to fight on his level, and he has an excelerated special trigger. Even without a hyper offensive spread, he's going to be a solid wall that hits hard. I see no cause for concern.
  20. Alm doesn't need to be the leader to rally support for the Deliverance. While they do describe his promotion as a PR move, he is explicitly in charge. The problem I have with the situation is there is so much more to being a leader than what Alm has. Familiarity with the conflict, the enemy, the geography, the kind of charisma that inspires loyalty and courage, and so on. Alm is a teenager who lived his whole life in a village. No amount of training by Mycen could have prepared him for what he needs to be to lead a resistance. Compare this to Lukas who is respected by his peers and has months (years?) of actual fighting experience fighting against Desaix, to speak nothing of his worldly experience and knowledge of Zofia/Rigel. I don't think Robin needed replacing. Sure, his past and credentials were not vetted but his tactical prowess is demonstrated from the very beginning, so it stands to reason he was proving himself in that capacity. All Alm proved himself to be was a competent soldier, not a leader. In regards to Ike, his right and ability to lead the Greil Mercenaries was discussed in game. Two members of the mercenaries don't have enough faith in him and leave, which left Titania as the would be leader, but she cedes the position out of respect for Greil whom she had great admiration for. It should noted that Ike was always expected to take up leadership of the mercenaries, it just happened sooner than anyone would have imagined. So was Ike the proper choice for a leader? No, probably not, but there is a human element at work here. The Greil Mercenaries are like a family so personal feelings about who ought to be the leader override more pragmatic decisions (a very different situation compared to Clive and Lukas who don't have an emotional interest in Alm becoming the leader). Fast forward to Ike becoming leader of the Crimean Liberation Force. By this point Ike has proven himself a soldier and a leader, and it only makes sense that Elincia, the monarch of Crimea, would want Ike to continue representing her interests. He has also proven himself (after that Laguz slavery investigation) to Sanaki. There are also Begnion forces involved, but Ike is not directly leading them, even being advised to liberate Crimea with their own forces so that they can remain independent after the war ends. So there you have it, Ike is initially promoted because of emotional attachments but is later given another promotion after proving himself to two country's sovereigns. I think I could have bought Alm becoming the leader the Deliverance by the end of part 3, after he shows wisdom and ability that Clive lacks, but it broke my suspension of disbelief that he was considered for leadership before that.
  21. Fun fact: Naga, unlike other "green" magic uses a blue magic circle.
  22. Lyn as well. Anti-Blade tome/Anti-DC unit. Lucina should of had a "Srs bsns" skill that disables enemy dancers. Together we can destroy the meta
  23. It depends on what units/SI you want from each category. Colorless is definitely a mixed bag. As much as I want Death Blow fodder (Klein), I have most of the others I want and rolling on it (without the express need to get a focus character) probably won't be worth it. I'm going to choose Lyn for my freebee and save Lucina and the others for potentially better SI in Red/Blue/Green. It's possible, also, that you'll be able to use your free pick AFTER you roll on the banner, so you could roll on Blue/Colorless (and whatever else you fancy) and then pick a hero you didn't get after you run out of orbs.
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