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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. This would be one of the few changes I think the game "needs" (also a improvement on the 3* pool). Badges are the only resource that become obsolete after a certain amount of playing. Maybe you could pull 2*/3* with lesser/greater badges.
  2. Um... I said in my post that DC is hard to get which is a reason why Armor Emblem isn't as discussed. Hah, I had considered that but the first skills are supposed to sound kind of wimpy. "Nearly burnt out cinders" "uncomfortably cold air current" "RAGING STORM". One of these stands out. Maybe "_______ breeze" would work but now I'm having trouble thinking of -ing words that pair up well with breeze. The HP idea isn't bad but it would be the odd one out (a stat that can fluctuate heavily in battle) despite sharing the elemental theme name. They should have made the Fire theme for the Atk stat and an Earth theme for the Def stat. Ignis was originally calculated from the user's strength/magic in Awakening.
  3. In general I find most FE stories passable, but I do think that the series' strength lies in character interactions over complicated plots.
  4. Maybe a lack of DC to put on everything.
  5. Going by the naming theme of the Def/Res variants, "Boosting Gale/Huricane/Ventus" I suppose if they wanted a non-dragon themed Attack version, they could do "Tumbling Stone/Landslide/Terra"
  6. Advance Wars would be best in my opinion. It's fun imagining all the co-powers and units everyone could have. Dragon bombers OP.
  7. Armor Emblem needs all the help it can get to be viable and fliers are fairly limited by being locked to melee sans S!Camilla. The reason why Horse Emblem is so deadly has more to do with Dire Thunder and Blade tomes being OP. Cancel Affinity let's them counter TA Raven Tomes that hard counter them. It's a very specific counter to what was once a very common build. CA is a nerf TA Raven needed, in my opinion. As much as it would be nice to have CC/DC on certain units, I think the game is better for not having a high distribution on those skills. The ability to counter units normally you could not completely changes the way they (and the game as a whole) function. I think it better for units to have weaknesses (ranges they can't counter) that can be exploited. ---------------- Anyway, some changes I'd recommend with the mindset that things can only be added. -Wrathful Staff added as a Sacred Seal. -Brave Defender (B-Slot): When attacked with a weapon with consecutive attacks, negate the second attack. -Daunt (as described by Ice Dragon) Make higher attack armor killers. It might be appropriate to make a better version of Silver weapons as few characters can really benefit from the extra might at the expense of other abilities.
  8. I'm with you there. Berkut is his own nephew and he treats him like another stooge to get slaughtered so Emperor Alm can take the throne.
  9. When your mom has Reposition and sends you to your room to think about what you've done.
  10. I beat Infernal with Camus/Eldigan/Ursula/Elise. Ursula weakened (yes 'weakened', because she still can't one round anyone with a fully powered Blarblade) the hammer axe fighter and then I repositioned her back with Eldigan who QR Bonfire killed the fighter and later the axe pegasus. Camus tanked and killed the archer and then they double teamed the lance cavalier. Finally, it was just the Morph vs my fully healed horses. My first Inferno that I beat without outside help!
  11. I'm going to give a different kind of advice and just say, don't worry about the current banners. When you are still new, you should focus on getting a variety of units (summoning 5 at a time is the most orb efficient) to build up your team and skill inheritance options. After you feel like you've got enough coverage, you can start sniping for particular units you need for your team compositions.
  12. A character people dislike but I don't: Emmeryn A lot of people find her sacrifice cheesy, the outcome unrealistic or just her character too saintly, but I think it's mostly reasonable. She's a character who had to suffer the bad rep of her father and the only way to improve the family and country image was to be 100% saintly and not fight back. Gangrel took advantage of this and did everything he could to antagonize her. As far her sacrifice goes, it was really the best thing she could do in that situation. Her options were to be killed by Aversa's soldiers or to make a point about her peaceful intentions and take her own life. And then paralogues ruin both her and Gangrel by letting them live. To me, Birthright kept throwing conflict balls at Xander and made him behave in a way that would ensure you have to fight him. When Corrin chooses Hoshido, Xander immediately denounces him as a traitor despite having a great deal of trust and affection for Corrin. Later on when you fight him, he seems to conflate Garon with Nohr. It's as though the intention to detrone Garon is tantamount to putting all the people of Nohr to the sword and salting the earth. He does mention that it's his duty as the crown prince but he doesn't really consider what Nohr will do if he dies defending a person he secretly knows isn't fit to rule.
  13. No bully! This is a pineapple safezone! Well, I doubt I will convince you otherwise but I think the fact that Takumi mellows out in Birthright and Revelation (I think even Azura comments that Takumi was never cruel to her before) is proof enough that he's just slow to adapt to new people but isn't a bad guy at heart. Conquest is especially bad towards Takumi because it continues to frame him as the bad guy for hating Corrin, even though Corrin betrayed his family and homeland. It seems the emotional manipulation the writers pulled was quite effective (even I thought Takumi was annoying in that route).
  14. Now, do I want QR3 fodder or Death Blow 3 from Klein?
  15. I think you need to step in Takumi's shoes for a bit. Takumi is a teenager whose only knowledge or experience with Nohrians is that they murdered his father and continue to send monsters across the border. Even his subordinate fiercely hates Nohrians because her parents were killed by them. In short, he's been conditioned to think Nohrians can't be trusted and are malicious. Next, some kid who is allegedly your sibling who has spent most of his life living in Nohr shows up. Takumi is slow to trust people and he never met Corrin, having only the word of Hinoka/Ryoma/Mikoto to go off of. To add onto this, Takumi has a lot of insecurities and this new kid shows up who people are treating him like a rockstar. Takumi makes some abrasive comments but it's not hard to understand why, given the above. Now, this guy that Takumi doesn't trust delivers a sword that is used to blow up the plaza, killing countless people including his mother. The player knows Corrin is innocent but to Takumi, it looks like another act of Nohrian treachery. Getting mad that your mom was murdered and pointing that rage at the first person who seems responsible seems like a human response to me. To top it all off, Takumi's suspicions are proven right if the player picks Conquest.
  16. As a F2P player, I haven't had a huge issue with space in the barracks. Many characters are ground up for SI and there are a fair chunk of characters with bad SI (I'm talking Defiant Res tier bad) that I can send home. Concerning the OP, I always keep at least one of each character I get unless they have high demand skills (respect to the fallen Hinatas and Adult Tikis who made this army possible). It's not going to be easy to predict what will be bonus units. You might as well cover all your bases.
  17. People who have been to Japan can tell you that summer weather lasts until mid-October. Then you get two weeks of Fall before Winter sets in again. It's basically Westeros over there.
  18. Weapon type specific DC/CC. For example "Bow Distant Counter: Counter at 2 range when attacked by a foe equipped with a bow"
  19. And Miracle because they're not quite dead.
  20. No, no, stop that! We'll have no singing here! I would like a RD banner (Micaiah come home, your family misses you...) but summer is a big time in Japan for festivals so I wouldn't put it past them for another summer banner. Fireworks Rinka when?
  21. I suspect another summer themed banner, maybe Yukata/Summer Festival theme. Fates might be the chosen game this time.
  22. Seals that give weapon effectiveness vs Cavalry/Armor/Flier. A "Brave-Breaker" that prevents Brave weapons (Dire Thunder included) from getting a followup attack. Phantom Atk/Def/Res/HP: The same thing as Phantom Spd but for the other stats.
  23. I'm sure the in-game usefulness would have some effect on the results, but I doubt it would change the tops slots. There is a lot of fan power behind Lyn/Ike/Roy/Lucina. And as far as good units go, would people ask for another good X character if they were already good in game? Roy fans might ask for a better Roy though,
  24. My guilty pleasure is imagining my characters reenacting fight scenes from other media. Nino/Blade!Ursula as Gilgamesh from Fate/Stay Night is a common one. Recently in a TT, my team was down to two people, Marth and Bridelia on the last level. Bridelia got a kill or two in but fell so it was just Marth vs 4 others. He killed them all and I imagined the Arthur Dayne fight (GoT) with a slightly different ending.
  25. Another workaround for parents and children coexisting is everyone being long-lived (like elves or something) so people stop aging while they look physically young. I'd prefer a timeskip with some members of the first generation appearing again (like FE6 and FE7) rather than a "travel forward" time travel story.
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