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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Good. I was starting to assemble my orb horde in the likeness of Micaiah. Getting a little stir crazy without new characters on the horizon.
  2. Is this confirmed or just something people assume because the swimsuit banner was made extra long?
  3. All new game content is an exercise in "Yeah, but can we make Reinhardt even better?" by the devs.
  4. Help me out here. What skills will this apply to? Just Watersweep and Windsweep? That's...oddly specific.
  5. Are people that concerned about their bonus unit not being strong? Getting a B on Survival is pretty trivial for lost points, so just sacrifice your bonus character on the first match.
  6. I won't complain about more orbs but I'd rather get the characters
  7. The problem is that the game wants them to be linked together. They are the children of fates, soul-mates, people who represent two parts (the values of Duma and Mila) of a whole (the unified Valentia). The relationship you're describing is essentially what happens at the end of Chapter 2. Celica longed to see Alm for years but found he grew up to be a different person than she imagined. Had their relationship ended there, I could believe that, but the game demands that they still be involved with each other. You can either develop that relationship by having them spend time together or abandon it. Making them strangers removes all of the themes they want to include.
  8. The reward is Tobin and he's a sword fighter? That was unexpected.
  9. I think colorless melee would be a unique place to fit into but they would be split up into movement types to be sure. Regarding Herons, i can see dancing being an option but I don't know how they'll do healing unless they combine assist skills or let them heal through ABC skill slots.
  10. If colorless, Laguz would be the first colorless melee fighters, so there is that distinction.
  11. Just a theory. Dragons have elemental breath attacks, Laguz (besides dragons) generally use claws or teeth. Edit: Then again, dragons can share their weapons so who knows.
  12. I see. I was thinking about how Raven tomes work and the combo it makes with Triangle Adept. It used to be that bow and dagger users weren't that common (and they're both physical ranged) so TA + Raven tome was a usefull but not overpowered utility. With the the growing roster, skills to make healers combat viable and the possible introduction of Laguz characters, I'm wondering if "WTA against all colorless" is going to become pretty broken. Most breaker skills only cover a part of a part of the triangle, let alone creating a counter to an entire color. I can't comment on pro level balance but I think colorless are in a bad spot since TA Raven shits all over them.
  13. Hah, goodness. Well... Hopefully I can still get those rewards. Maybe it will be like the Tempest trials where te first few matches are easier by comparison
  14. This is a question about gaccha games in general. Are they allowed to do balance tweaks to characters or is that off the table because people spend real money to get characters? If they can't change it, does that mean the only way to affect the game balance is to add more content without changing old content?
  15. Is it confirmed to be 4 teams? At any rate, my viable teams are: Ursula/Eldigan/Camus/Elise Hector/Effie/Zephiel/Olivia Marth/Ninian/Nino/B!Cordelia I don't know if I have enough good characters for a 4th team, but as Nino says "I'll do my best!".
  16. Well done, Team Elise it was a fine battle. Special thanks to @Arcanite for their continued support of Team Priscilla to the end(they even vowed to make Priscilla their avatar for a whole month! Now that's dedication!). Also, your favorite character won, @Thane Congrats! I think it was going to cool off even without the modifier. The first gauntlet was exciting because it was new and Chrom x Ephraim. The next one was just jokes about Camilla roflstomping the competition. The third one was an even more muted version of the second, this time with Tharja as the probable winner. Priscilla vs Lissa was also a closer match with very little interference from the modifier but it didn't get nearly as much attention as Chrom x Ephraim. People are just losing interest in general.
  17. I'd be satisfied with Sonya finding away to reverse the witch transformation even if she couldn't save her sisters in time. Her ending would be bittersweet instead of just bitter. If Alm and Celica traveled together in C3 like I suggested, I could see that happening. Then again, it being the Royal Sword is still a dead giveaway to the player even if the characters themselves don't realize what it means. Boards aren't slow, it's the people who are slow. Yeah, I could see that working, maybe Celica would get the same thing from Mila but Rudolf seals Mila before it can happen. Alm and Celica might represent breaking away from the direct destinies of the gods, and the people of Rigel and Zofia breaking away from the values of the gods. This is pretty good too. I'm a little skeptical on "No heirs = new order" as SoV shows. Both Zofia and Rigel have existing nobility, so even if the king had no living heirs, someone would be able to trace their family back to the royal line and make a claim on the throne. The only way to avert this for Rigel (besides Rudolf formally adopting Berkut) would be to establish that Rigel is dynastic but that they still respect the right of conquest for someone becoming the new emperor (mandate of heaven and all that). Zofia probably wouldn't do that, so Desaix should claim some shared lineage with Lima to legitimize his takeover. The thought had crossed my mind, lol.
  18. I like the changes they are already implementing (more points for lower difficulties and defeated enemies staying dead) but I'm a little concerned about the lack of anti-burnout meassures. It's really a chore to play this mode 8-10 times a day just to get the unique rewards. As for what we'll get, I wouldn't mind Nohrian Azura as the reward. I don't think the characters need to follow a theme (like "people with secret identities" or something) but alternate outfits are welcome.
  19. Fair enough, I didn't have the exact numbers. I suppose the trade off is seeing your favorite character win. It's all a silly game to me, both the feather reward and the eventual winner, but I do want to see some competition/even matchups.
  20. Less feathers on the total score but more feathers from winning. In the old system, you were being punished for not choosing the popular candidate, so this is more equal, no? You can tell me it's less satisfying to win because of a multiplier when it actually happens. I had hope for Priscilla to pull a victory out of the jaws of defeat until the very end. Without the multiplier, I'd just roll my eyes, spend all my flags and wait for the event to end.
  21. Not all but many dislike it just out of principle. "The Voting Gaunlet should be a straight popularity contest" is a frequently voiced sentiment. I don't know about you but I'm still able to use all my flags. I do hope for a multiplier but if there isn't one, I plan around having enough time to use them. If multipliers are a factor, there is some strategy in choosing when to throw flags down.
  22. I think it would be neat if there was an option once per month to roll on any past banner with the condition that once you got a focus character, the option would close off until next month. As more characters are added, the chance of getting the characters you want continues to decline. I don't deny that they will never add a feature that would cut into their profit machine (people paying money to get the specific characters they want) but it's nice to imagine our unwanted characters being useful for someone.
  23. Overall, I think the multiplier has been a positive element. People of the "no multiplier" camp complain about the possibility of a less popular candidate winning but so far it hasn't happened. What the multiplier has done is close the gap and make things more involved than it would be without it. Maybe Priscilla could have pulled ahead with the right timing, maybe not. The point is, uncertainty is an essential component in a competetive event. Had it been absolutely certain that Elise would win (instead of just highly probable), the event would be completely devoid of tension.
  24. Hm, I suppose that could make sense. Still, it's a bit of a reach to assume that Grieth has witches and cantors because his allies are allied to people, allied to people aligned with Duma. The Doylist answer is probably just that the game devs wanted to give you magic enemies to fight and didn't concern themselves if it made sense for them to be there.
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