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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I think you can interpret the Black Fang 'army' as being an evolution of their original purpose. They used to be a small group of assassins who took on particular jobs but under Nergal they became a military organization that serves itself rather than the common people.
  2. Even if they've had more game specific banners, SoV doesn't have the highest amount of characters. Fates has 33, Awakening 27, Shadow Dragon 25 Blazing Sword 18 S and SoV will have 16 after these banners drop. SoV has less than half that of Fates, and as far as the other event pandering goes, it really should have happened a long time ago to go alongside the release of Echoes. You were pretty ecstatic about Awakening getting the Summer banner despite them having the 2nd highest amount of characters and having a TT devoted to it.
  3. Maybe I'm a tad slow but where does the "Litr" prefix come from when talking about the tome color variants? Is that a fan name or something that appears in the coding?
  4. All this Cancel Affinity talk reminds me I've never pulled a Roy nor had a character with TA3. Maybe I shouldn't go for that Sanaki now (lol)
  5. Now I want a picture of Ninian going "Disgusting" so Ice Dragon can update his avatar.
  6. You might be right, but I wish CA would work on colorless units.
  7. Huh... that's really specific. It counters one skill in the game. I guess I could see that being put on archers to kill TA Raven tomes.
  8. Yes, Cantor bullshit every other fucking map but sometimes regular enemies come in packs too. But sure, give the single map with 3 enemies as an example. I should add that longer range spells and archers increase the number of things that I have to check for range amd damage. The Turn Wheel reduces the tedium.
  9. I think it works in SoV but not really for the Classic experience in most games. SoV had high enemy density so it was a chore to check the range and stats of every enemy. I played somewhat recklessly and undid any fatal mistakes. It's good for dungeons too where the player won't be able to save their progress between battles. Other games don't have these features so I don't need a turnwheel for them. I wouldn't mind it replacing casual mode, however. Undoing your moves is a better teacher than your characters never dying off for good.
  10. I think SoV shows a game can work with a simple plot if the themes are strong. Had Fates been a simple war between two countries over resources with some consistant themes (family, choices having conesquences, moral relativism, what have you), it would have been golden. Likewise, it wouldn't bug me that SoV is just A country vs B country if the themes were done well. SoV's themes (finding a middle ground between contrasting values and breaking free of the negative influences of the gods) are excellent on paper but they fail in the execution. I might liken SoVs themes to a gymnast that does an elaborate series of flips but faceplants at the end. It would have been awesome, but ouch, that landing.
  11. While it's in character for Celica to internalize her problems, I find it makes her dislikable. Her treatment of Alm after their reunion was terrible, and straight up lying to Conrad was pretty bad too. Even if sacrificing herself for Alm's sake was selfish (it would hurt her friends if she died), she should have told them about the deal Jedah proposed. Worse than Celica's behavior, however, is Jedah's. The proposal itself is reasonable but he keeps acting like a crazy, treacherous weirdo. Celica even calls him completely mad but still goes along with him. How is Celica supposed to interpret this line? "He SAID he wanted to create a world of fear and chaos but what he actually meant was that is going to donate to the poor and devote his life to good works"? I think when the obviously treacherous guy, the leader of a cult of evil, says he has evil intensions, you should take those words at face value.
  12. I think she is similar but not quite the same. While Micaiah is loyal to her country, it's clear that she is against the war and when the Blood Pact is revealed, she's not fighting for loyalty, she is forced to fight.
  13. I hope his weapon is has something besides DC to differentiate him from Camus.
  14. For Arena, Reinhardt and DC sword units. The former can do a hefty amount of damage, even to his counter and DC swords can kill my Nino and Bridelia unless they have Desperation active. For TT, Tharja and other speedy units that my ranged units can't one-round.
  15. I'd like to see more people with preexisting relationships. Some people who are married or had relationships in the past. More characters to explore the conventions of magic. A magic seal like Kishuna that is on the run from a magic based society. A mature woman who is the genderswapped version of the womanizer archetype. Instead of being a hopeless romantic, she'd just know what she wants and goes for it. A manakete that acts as a guardian for a tribe, watching and protecting them through the generations. A sickly person that knows their time is limited and wants to contribute something to the world before the end.
  16. This basically. Not all relationships should end in romance (I could see platonic S supports) and not everyone is compatible with everyone else. There is only so much story that you can tell about a minor character, and when characters have too many support options, supports tend to get repetitive or rely on gimmicks.
  17. Rather, a game without worldbuilding isn't the best idea.
  18. So it comes down to liking a game that has token connections to a greater saga over games with no connections to a greater saga. If they all have bad worldbuilding, it doesn't really matter if they are connected or not.
  19. It's fine that they don't bring up ancient history a lot, but the question remains, why does it need to be the same world? Why should I care? It's not like Awakening did a lot of worldbuilding to take advantage of the original setting of FE1-3. It's the same world because they wanted to put Marth on the cover.
  20. I imagine Nino and Cordelia being friends. Nino aspires to be talented like Cordelia and Cordelia is inspired by Nino's efforts to improve herself. Also B!Cordelia + Gronblade = dead people Zephiel surounds himself with all the manakete girls. After violently murdering the Falchion users and Julia, he declares "And nothing of value was lost."
  21. I'd rather they make an original world if the connections to the past are irrelevant. Consider how the world in Windwaker came to be because of the events of Ocarina of Time. Windwaker is far in the future but it stays connected to the past. What does Tiki, Marth or the Falchion have to do with Grima or the Grimleil? Not very much. If a game only has token connections to the past, why do they exist in the same world? Awakening could be the future of Magvel for all it mattered. Edit: My intention isn't to say "Awakening is shiiiit!", rather I think this is more evidence that their priorities were skewed when writing the story.
  22. More than nods but not enough to be a meaningful sequel. Lucina is impersonating Marth, there is the Falchion, the Fire Emblem, Tiki and Naga, but too little to connect Valentia and Archanea to the story. The game wants you to know it's the same world, but there isn't really a big reason for them to be connected. It's a story that wants to be a distant sequel but also a stand-alone story (because the events of Awakening have almost nothing to do with events of FE1-3).
  23. In addition to what Interdimensional and Etrurian said, I'd say that the story fails at being a sequel and it fails at being a stand alone story. There are so many references to other Fire Emblem games, and the game takes place in the same world as Alm and Marth, but it never really commits to their lore. The connections seem token rather than a legitimate attempt at making a sequel.
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