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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I've been actively playing since launch and I've promoted 7 to 5* (two were sacrificed for their weapons) and I'm sitting on 25k feathers.
  2. RD Black Knight: Keep him the minion of Sephiran but cut out that "my last teacher" stuff from Ike. BK was a villain all throughout PoR. At the very least, Ike should not respect him.
  3. I would like someone in their 20's or 30's who is a queen/king and already a parent. Rather than a teen who is learning what it takes to be a leader, have a character who already has experience with many responsibilities. There is more to age than an appearance. A character can show maturity in their behavior even if they don't look noticabley older.
  4. Like Res said, it's a matter of consistency for women's ambitions or talents ending at marriage. I wouldn't raise an eyebrow if one man or one women decided that they want a new path in life. But when it's always one gender, you have a pattern. Mathilda is perhaps the most egregious case before her primary trait and the reason why Clive fell in love with her is that she's a war goddess. She, more than any woman (or man for that matter) would be most likely to stay in the military. Edit: This isn't even a "Well, it's an old game" problem. Women in paired endings often get the short end of the stick, with their husband determining how their life goes.
  5. Men generally being the ones to propose is a cultural thing, but I agree on the legendary weapons part. Whatever rules that might apply to modern militaries (or just FMA?) probably aren't the same for the medieval society Fire Emblem takes place in. My guess is that "woman quits her job and becomes a housewife after getting married" is just an archaic Japanese cultural expectation.
  6. Camilla: Talk more about her past and make her unhealthy possessiveness towards Corrin more noted by other characters. Go full incest subtext or go home. Azama: Don't make him Hinoka's retainer, make him less overtly dickish. Corrin/Azura/Xander: There is really no fixing these three without drastically altering the story they appear in. But if I could rewrite the story at all, I'd make more reasonable at first which inspires loyalty for Xander but over time the cracks begin to show and Corrin and crew stage a rebellion to stop him. Cut Valla so Azura doesn't have to be arbitrarily mysterious. Also this. For good characters: Micaiah: Give her more screen time have have her express more doubts about Pellias' leadership. Lyn: More screen time and better tie her into Eliwood/Hector's story.
  7. Also, if you play Celica's C4 missions first, Alm never goes to Dracozombi Hell, so there was never a need for Celica to do anything besides show up to open doors.
  8. My current list of yet-to-be-acquired: Azama Oboro Abel Athena Boey Chrom Corrin (M) Joker Lachesis Mae Mathilda Nowi Roderick Roy Seems like everyone and their dog was running Swordbreaker or Triangle Adept on something but I've never had an Abel or Roy T_T
  9. I know that IS goofed pretty hard on the story side of avatars but I do like having a customizable unit. Give them a limited story role or give the player meaningful choices. Ideally you'd be able to pick a personality at character creation. For children and romance (as done in Awakening and Fates), absolutely not. If children are involved, it will necessitate everyone x everyone supports which dilutes their quality as well as have out-of-nowhere romances (especially between incompatible personalities). Even without children, you're just cutting the final step in that bad formula. The characters are humans so sometimes they will fall in love or be in love already, but don't turn it into a core game mechanic. Most serious relationships that start in game should be resolved by the epilogue, not shotgun weddings.
  10. Favorites: Lukas: A pretty chill guy who is the backbone of the group. His relationship with his brother makes me sympathize for him. Luthier: An awkward older brother who's best friends are cats? Hey, I didn't authorize this self-insert! DLC!Fernand: Honestly one of the best written characters in the game (and you download those parts!). He is very human and makes a great foil to Clive. Sonya: There isn't a lot to her character because of the lack of supports, but I enjoy having more mature cast members. Her similar past to Genny, and her ties to Jedah and her witch sisters is interesting too. Neutral: Berkut: I thought he was pretty trash for most of the main story, but the ending of his story (minus the the weird redemption at the very very end) made me like the character more. The betrayal he felt after finding out Rudolf had been deceiving him all along was intense. I feel like he could have been a strong character if he wasn't shoe-horned into a preexisting story where Alm always wins. Rinea: Another character that needed more screen time in order to shine. She's very basic but she does a decent job of humanizing Berkut. Least Favorite: Faye: She's really one-note, obsessive, and jerk (moreso in the Japanese version). It sounds like she's too single-minded to even realize what's wrong with her but I still find her unlikable. Rudolf: It's Azura/Corrin all over again with his informed righteousness even though he did terrible things in the story Story!Fernand: Yes, he's on the list twice. His tragic backstory is so heavily outweighed by his nonsensical dickishness in the story. Grey: He's such an obnoxious dudebro. Celica: Even though I fault Jedah more the C4 drama, Celica is still pretty unlikable to me. She hides important information from her friends and is a jerk to Alm because "I am a woman which means I get angry and refuse to explain why". I think this game might be a teensy bit sexist.
  11. I can definitely say that Blade Ursula was worth the investment, but those tier lists do take the need for support into account. Reinhardt doesn't need two buddies to wreck face like Ursula does.
  12. Then my answer is the same. In the real world, I know that one's actions are more important for defining who they are than the circumstances of their birth, but Valentia is a different world where many people believe that the nobleborn naturally have greater potential and the privilege to rule (Berkut and Fernand think this at the very least). Alm being royalty might be coincidental from our point of view, but from theirs, it's proof that nobles will rise to the top even if they aren't raised as one. Also. this being fantasy, there is reason to believe that blood does matter in who you become. Alm and Celica are noted to have special souls (commented on by Nuibaba and Jedah), Alm can use a sword no one else can and there is a barrier to Duma that can't be passed until Alm and Celica are there. Even Alm's friends note that from a young age they felt Alm was somehow different and better than they were. I know one thing that separates them: his noble lineage. They want to tell a commoner success story but Alm is anything but 'common'. Mycen is the truest personal success story but considering there is a class system, we must assume his story is the exception to the rule.
  13. Just a general question here. Why do Cavalry get Hone/Fortify/Goad/Ward skills (and not infantry)? For Armors and Fliers, you would correctly say that they lack the diversity of Infantry (no healers or ranged units outside of S!Camilla) so it makes sense to reward a player that only uses one movement type, but Cavalry have the whole bag, with melee, ranged and healers (only missing physical ranged and magic melee). Yes, they can't move over forests but they have the movement range bonus to compensate. I feel like only Fliers and Armors really needed the buffs and the flexibility of cavalry makes Horse Emblem so prominent.
  14. I'm a little confused by the first question. Are you asking why I discredit Tobin for his accomplishments and not Alm? Alm became king because he was the royal heir. Had he not, he'd just be another commoner like Tobin who isn't eligible to rule unless someone higher up grants him that priviledge. Could Alm or Tobin have risen in society without having royal backing? We'll never know because the game made Alm the son of the emperor. I know that nurture is more important than nature, but in a society that believes the opposite, Alm being of royal blood proves that the greatest heroes are noble born.
  15. I see. If you aren't particular about which 5* you get, I suppose either doing full summons or at least every color with a focus unit is the most economical way of getting a 5*
  16. Whether you post them here or in another thread, I'd like to see more of your ideas on a rewrite.
  17. So how does the pity bonus rise? Is it for every single pull that isn't a 5* or every session that isn't a 5*?
  18. I save up orbs and do focus summoning to get characters I want. At this point, I have enough characters to fill the important niches, so I might as well save for the characters I like personally rather than get a greater number.
  19. That's an interesting perspective but I don't think it wholly absolves the matter of Alm's heritage. Fernand and Berkut (people we're supposed to disagree with) believe that people of noble birth are more able and have the right to rule than those who are of common birth. With our modern values, we know that Alm's morals and courage are his own merits, irrespective of his social class, but in Valentia where the significance of one's social class is still being debated, Alm being a secret royal is proof that blood does determine the value of one's character and potential. It's hard to call Alm's royal heritage merely a coincidence when fate specifically picked him out for greatness. It was not a peasant but the son of an emperor who would be the one to slay a god and unite the continent. I've heard people bring up people like Forsyth and Tobin as examples of commoners proving their value and gaining social mobility, but I'm not sure that really counts considering they are friends with the king and queen of the continent. Had their leader been any of the conservative nobles, they'd be right where they were before the war. Their social nobility depended on Alm and Celica being royals. Not sure if you're talking about me or other people, but I don't hate Alm nor do I find Robin without narrative flaws.
  20. Sounds like it fits your criteria. Being a jerk because the reactions of others amuses you is little different from malice. If Azama x Sakura isn't enough to convince you that he's a petty asshole, I don't know what else will. Azama was over the line and he felt out of place as a royal retainer. The question you have to ask for characters like these is, would anyone even want to interact with them up to an A support?
  21. I'm sure there will be another FE character either in the base game or DLC. I'm confident that Marth/Robin/Ike will be in the base game but Lucina/Roy/Corrin might be cut or be DLC only. No idea about what the FE Switch protagonist will be like but if he's has some trait that sets him apart from our current FE representatives, I'm sure he'll make it in the game. FE returning to consoles is huge, so I don't think they'll skip the chance to promote it on another Switch title.
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