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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Isn't the possibility to win a core element of what keeps people enaged?
  2. Another Voting Gauntlet concludes and naturally this comes with a fair amount of salt. I think it's fair to say that the VG is a flawed game mode and it would benefit from some restructuring. Let's consider the pros and cons of the various methods. (Forgive me for my formatting, I'm on mobile) No Multiplier Pro's: -There is a "fair" fight in that all "votes" have the same weight. -Potentially awesome matches between equally supported characters. -The player isn't rewarded or punished for playing at the right/wrong time Cons: -The results are very predictable and once one team takes a lead, it's impossible to lose it. Very few matchups are exciting because of how one-sided they are. -People bandwagon to the presumed winner which slants the results even more. Multiplier Pro's: -Popularity still matters but it's not impossible for the less popular candidate to win. -Results are not certain and people can stay engaged. Cons: -Players are unfairly rewarded/punished depending on if they can be there for the multipliers. -Being on an underdog team can earn you more feathers through your cumulative score, and sometimes you can get all the multipliers and still win a match. -The results won't always reflect the true popularity of characters. Personally, I'm more in favor of the latter system, because despite its flaws, I'd rather there not be landslide matches the majority of the time. If we were to continue the multiplier system I would alter it so that one's contribution to the team score and cumulative be recorded as though there were no multiplier. This would take out the punishing element of not getting multipliers or not being awake for them. The biggest problem for these Gauntlets (that IS has been trying to fix) is the matter of team sizes. It's almost impossible to predict two characters to be evenly matched (so much that it's a bizarre coincidence, not design, when it happens) so no matter who you select, someone is going to become an unstoppable Juggernaut. What if they went in a new direction and fixed the team sizes? The way it would work is that you'd rank the characters you want to support in order of most to least and the game puts you on a team to best make all competors equal, only differing in their individual conviction to win. I know some people won't like it. Some will shout "fake popularity!" or "I can't support my waifu!", but realistically, the only "fair fight" is one that starts on even ground. Thoughts? What is your solution to a better Voting Gauntlet?
  3. While your points against the multiplier are valid and should be considered for future VGs, it's better than the old system. The old VGs were like a soccer match where the community decided how many players each team had. This is what you call "fair". Your notion of more effort = more power is good on paper but it won't change the outcome of heavily slanted matches. Any effort a small team can make, a larger team can make just as well. It would take some serious 'tortoise and the hare' bullshit to stop Camilla/Lucina/Tharja from winning.
  4. I know there is an option to embed links into text but how do you do that with images?
  5. At least you can get LaD2 (or promote her) from Hana. But I really want a Minerva for my flier team.
  6. LaD banner right before Celica, Hero Fest and a possible SS banner. Just fuck my shit up, fam IS. Only 100 orbs to spend for now... time to frantically grind CC lunatic missions.
  7. I don't know if this holds true in the sequels but in the first game, there was only one character locked behind a "at least one person must die" wall. The game is really a hybrid of classic/casual where characters will only die if they aren't rescued in time. This wouldn't work well in FE, I feel, but it was cool in VC. Oh, I can definitely see that, I was just thinking about the gameplay. I like that you have multiple units of a class to pick who you want for a playthrough, like FE. As if you'd ever not use Jane.
  8. While I highly recommend VC (XCOM wasn't really my cup of tea), I don't think it's very similar to FE.
  9. I think there is a variety of things to like about her. Her appearance, her class, her combat potential and her balanced characterization. Yes, she has some character gimmicks but that's not her entire character like it is for some others (ex. Setsuna). She's a hard worker, dislikes Nohrians for the murder of her parents, has a crush on her retainer, among other traits. She feels like someone who is a human being instead of a meme-machine or stock character archetype.
  10. I don't think it would be too hard. 4 nations to represent 4 FE worlds and then you could have a villain team with baddies of multiple games (or original characters). The problem with Warriors is they went with recency and popularity over a more balanced representation of the series. Had Warriors swapped out Awakening for Tellius or Elibe, there would be way less complaints. Edit: It didn't help that Marth's games and Awakening got their fanfare from TMS before.
  11. I believe it has something to do with how the games are programmed over an intentional design decision. I'd like it back though so we can have an enforced Ironman mode.
  12. I was thinking more about FE characters and units with AW gameplay, but that's cool too.
  13. It's not like people are being cynical and saying they don't like the premise. They're just noting that it has more in common with a different series. ---- So when can we have that Advance Wars/Fire Emblem crossover?
  14. You can't win Thane. Corrin has shown kingly traits since she was like 4 years old.
  15. I'm quite pleased with how the multipliers worked this round and would have been pleased just as well had Corrin lost. There was actually tension for these rounds and without the multiplier, it would be a boring roflstomp for all matches. Well done, losing teams, you fought well. Now, the dragon that rides goes forth.
  16. I used to do full summons but now that I've filled out most roles I need, sniping is more economical (I'm f2p) in getting my personal favorites and remaining needs. Sniping got me a good nature B! Cordelia and S!Corrin. Even in terms of the non-seasonal charcters, the odds of getting specific non-focus units gets worse and worse as more characters are released so if you don't pull them on their own banner, you don't have a good chance of getting them again. I'd rather have 1 character I really like than 20 I don't. That said, all the bonfire fodder I got while failing to get Celica was appreciated.
  17. I'm going to agree with the majority sentiment here that characters should be written as people instead of vehicles for a joke. Micaiah's snark about Ike being the father of Sothe's children is more memorable than 90% of the comedy in Fates/Awakening because it actually feels like something she as a person would say. It's not the writers shouting at me "Look at these quirky anime characters!" I feel that Fates/Awakening have a difficult time taking themselves seriously. To give one example, in Conquest, all of the Nohrian and Hoshidan siblings meet up and rather than address the huge war going on and how to prevent it, we have Corrin chuckling at the comical interactions of his two families. A story doesn't need to be grimdark serious 24/7 but it should understand the gravity of the situation characters are in. This completely. There can be some refuge in audacity but when you make people legitimately horrible and play it off like a joke (especially when it contradicts established characterization of others) you failed to write a character that reasonably exists in the world. Henry is quirky and amusing. Peri is dangerous and little better than the villains we're supposed to despise. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. It pulls me out of the story to hear modern styles of speech, especially when it is uttered side by side with more fantasy/archaic styles, as we saw sometimes in SoV. Regarding Japanese to English, a lot of the Japanese text I've read in games is pretty dry when compared to the English, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if the modernisms we see in FE are mostly the product of the localization team.
  18. Any Myrrh would be lucky! I'd be fine with Myrrh being green infantry as Fae is the only other green manakete to date. Her being a flier would be unique but not very useful because Flier Emblem is hurting more for ranged units than the ability to do magic damage.
  19. Wings are limbs too. Most "wyverns" in the series have 6 limbs instead of 4. But you're right, I meant Caeda.
  20. While the class name might stay "Dragon Knight" in Japanese, the Fates/Awakening "dragons" have 4 limbs, as you would expect of a wyvern. A legendary tier Brave Sword is nothing to sneeze at. Catria and Palla are both underwhelming as sword fliers so I can see Elincia easily having a place on flier teams. If they want a flying healer, they can do Sumia or another Fates/Awakening Falcon Knight.
  21. I don't have extensive experience with Gaccha games but New Years seems like a big event (or so it was in GranBlue).
  22. There are only 2 canon mage fliers in the series. Camilla was given an axe and Aversa hasn't shown up yet. I'd like more of them but IS seems to prefer melee weapons on fliers. Even if those units can't use them in their original game *cough cough* Narcien
  23. A Sacred Seal shop would be nice, especially for those who missed out on past seals. Of course, the shop would eventually run out so there would have to be some kind of unlimited utility to use coins on. +1s for limited stock/availability heroes would be meaningful and it wouldn't cut into ISs revenue. They probably won't do it (because that's how they get their $$$) but I would LOVE a nature reroll service.
  24. Just spent 58 orbs on Nohrian Summer to snipe F!Corrin. 5 sessions had zero blue orbs. Thanks game...at least I got a ....+Res/-Spd Tharja out of it....
  25. Too late, I quoted you. Barst/Selena/Hinata/Lon'qu (the owners of those skills) are available at 4*
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