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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Okay, that makes sense. It would be cool if Tempest Trials were all monsters +Veronica (or another boss like the Demon King/Duma/Grima).
  2. Shouldn't Tarvos be the cavalry? Also, SoV has skeletal Barons for armors, although I wouldn't object to Baels.
  3. This would be great. I'm F2P so I'm not hurting for space that badly, but it would be nice to either put skills into a storage for later use. At the very least, a way to put skill fodder characters into a second folder would be appreciated. Also, I want natures to be viewable when selecting a character, the same way Pokemon colored the boon and bane stats differently. Being able to sort by natures would be good too.
  4. The ability to trade in badges for some other resources or let you pull lower star characters with them. I would hope they expand the 3* character pool as well.
  5. Laguz Banner: Kurthnaga (Red breath), Lethe (Colorless melee) Tibarn (Colorless melee flier) Reyson (Green dancer flier) GHB with Naesala Radiant Dawn Banner: Micaiah (Blue tome), Sothe (Colorless dagger) Nolan (Green axe), Volug (Colorless melee) GHB with Black Knight
  6. She was summoned into Heroes via the bridal banner. Abducted on their wedding night! Lilina came from... Deeprealms. Yes, that's as plausible an excuse as the mainline games usually give.
  7. Only sore losers. Are you a size S or M? I need to fit you for a Team Priscilla shirt.
  8. There are two kinds of people in this world, beautiful, intelligent and virile people, and Nohrian scum. Choose who you want to be carefully.
  9. This is the script for when Lukas explains witches in the first Alm battle of C3: And what he says at Fear Mountain: This is what Saber says about witches when you fight them in Sonia's chapter: So Saber and Lukas' explanations are consistent. It's interesting to note that Alm expresses the fear that if Rigel has its way, the people of Zofia will be subjected to becoming witches, ie there would be no consent involved. Lukas also says that only death can free them from Duma, which might be why Celica returns to her senses after being revived by Mila. As the above quotes suggest, witches give up their souls and become living-husks in order to get their power. When you encounter Marla and Hestia, both only seem partially aware of who they are (Nuibaba seems to be an exception for having offered her soul to Medusa instead of Duma) whereas the men are all very self-aware. According to Jedah (who may be lying, I mean, it's Jedah) Sonia's sisters offered their souls up willingly and received "endless bliss" in return. I think it's fair to say that the deal women make with Duma is a fair bit different than what men do.
  10. Sonia and Delthea are never witches during the events of the game but you are correct in saying that Jedah never really needed Celica's consent (although you could consider Celica's recovery a special thing only Mila could do). I do have a whole bunch of questions about witches though. Why do women have to sacrifice their souls to get power from Duma when the men seem to retain their souls? How can Nuibaba be a witch but also have free will? Why would anyone willingly become a witch if it destroys your sense of self and makes you a puppet? Why does Sonia have witches in her service if 1. She should hate the Duma faithful, and 2. witches serve Duma (and she's working for bandits in Zofia). How can people become witches after Duma dies (as Sonia is implied to in her ending)? btw you should tag this thread for spoilers
  11. It depends on what teams you want to contribute to first. I promoted a +Sp -Res Nino and Camus and both have worked out well on my infantry and cavalry teams. Edit: Maybe go with Camus first, as Nino already has Gronblade but Camus with get his legendary weapon at 5*
  12. I'm a man of science so I do tests to see what best augments my luck. Sometimes I sacrifice a goat, sometimes a virgin and I also keep a control group where nothing is sacrificed. So far I haven't found a correlation between the use of blood magic and the frequency of 5* pulls.
  13. I was on team Ephraim and Minerva. The first gauntlet produced some fun memes and had its memorable moments, but the second gauntlet I found less interesting. Minerva's Round 1 and 2 were not landslide victories but we had comfortable leads, nothing at all like the nail-biting excitement of the Ephraim vs Chrom match. The Gauntlet is only 3 matches long, so at most you can follow your team for two matches and then the 3rd that might as well not even happen because the winner is all but decided. It's just really hard to get a match that's truly even. I consider it the exception to the mode, not the rule. We'll see what the devs can manage to do to evolve the mode.
  14. I understand the reasoning of people who want the multiplier gone, but I think it's just as misguided as how they think the system is now. *Some* matches are interesting, but they ultimately succumb to the juggernaut characters. Was Chrom x Ephraim fun. Sure was! Do you think anyone facing Camilla or Lucina was having a fun time? No, probably not. Maybe the artificial close matches are less interesting, but the "predetermined victory" element of the first two gauntlets was also problematic. I think IS is going to have to do a lot of tinkering before they finally get it right. I appreciate it that they are trying out different systems.
  15. People cite the Ephraim vs Chrom match as the reason they want no multiplier (and it was an exciting match) but they ignore that it was an irregular occurrence. Camilla and Lucina slaughtered the opposition, as would Tharja by an even larger margin if not for the multiplier. No matter how they choose the characters, there will always be a fan favorite among them that will be easy to predict as the winner. If people want the satisfaction of knowing their favorite characters are popular, look at the CYL Poll. Boom. Done. You "won". If you find that dissatisfying then I don't know why you'd enjoy a Voting Gauntlet that does the exact same thing.
  16. No, but you've expressed hatred for those characters when no one asked you and it wasn't relevant to the thread. And you're doing that thing again where you ignore advice and cherry pick things to disagree with. These are the kinds of things that irk people, Ana.
  17. Can't bring a lot of new things to the table so I'll just paraphrase the advice Sunwoo and Topaz Light gave you. Be empathetic and stay positive. If you have something to say, consider how you would feel if someone said something similar to you. Don't say you hate things, don't speak poorly of other peoples' opinions and don't pick fights with other people (your behavior in that Unpopular Opinions thread was picking fights). If you can't engage with people in a positive way, it is not a worthwhile use of your time. If you piss people off, you should apologize and/or cease discussion with that person rather than dig your heels in and get defensive. Most of us aren't out to get you, but you should recognize that your behavior is largely responsible for the backlash you get. Example of a good post: "I really love Frederick and I'm happy he's getting a special costume!" Example of a bad post: "Stop attacking Ike! He isn't as bad as that bland Lucina or Micaiah that I hate."
  18. I'm of the opinion that lighter moderation is better. Avoid thread derails and be decent to one another. Mods should only respond when people are being unnecessarily nasty, and it takes two to tango.
  19. Ah, I've not played PoR in a long time. Looks like even that part had a reasonable justification.
  20. I was considering making a second thread for it, but considering this board is a bit slow, it might just be better to put it here. Taking into consideration the flaws I see with the plot, here is what I would do if I rewrote SoV.
  21. Sounds like OP is bitter that Elincia couldn't be more central to PoR. Almost all of the criticisms you give are addressed in game. >Ike is becomes the leader of the GM because he was always supposed to. Some people are cool with this, others are not. >Ike gets away with trespassing in Goldoa because Kurthnaga is a benign character, not because Ike is special >Ike gets away (although not before being scolded for it) with insulting Sanaki because she has a purpose for him and she's not a vindictive person >Ike is present for important scenes and becomes the general because he's the leader of the group fighting for Elincia. As for the legendary sword and blessed armor bits , Ike kept the sword because it was relevant to his father's murder. Anyone could use it. The restrictions on the weapon are just a gameplay decision. I'll give you credit on Ike not facing consequences for mouthing off to Sanaki a second time, but in general, the game is good at justifying its direction. Ike isn't a chosen one. He's a protagonist. Protagonists often play a significant role in their stories.
  22. Are you talking about his lines in Conquest? I think many people, even those who like Takumi, agree that he isn't a good character in Conquest (because everything is Conquest sucks). The game intentionally frames him as wrong, making him petty, whiny and filled with unjust anger. It says more about their intentions to frame Corrin as a hero rather than who Takumi is as a person. Peace, friend. There is no reason to quit the forum just because of one member.
  23. I'd be down for children if they didn't make it full blown Eugenics Emblem (ie, I don't want everyone pairing up with everyone). Granted that would diminish the gameplay element but it would at least let the player pick their canon for who got paired up with who.
  24. Didn't you tag me before? I like your ideas for the most part, although Garon sounds like one spiteful SoB to kill two people and kidnap their child just becase he couldn't marry the person he wanted to.
  25. She is snarking about his fanboyism but also irritated that Sothe is praising a man who made them lose the war. I don't think there needs to be serious consequences to a character being reproached by another, it's just refreshing for narative balance. Ike doesn't get punished for back-talking to Senaki, but his friends scold him for it. If this were Fates, the game would have everyone patting Ike on the back for defending Elincia and saying what a mean, unreasonable person Sanaki is. I understood Shinon to be a jerk, but not incorrect in his dislike of Ike. This isn't like Iago hating Corrin where the former is such a laughable mustache twirler that none of his criticisms should be taken seriously. Agreed with this. People will play the game for their own reasons but one of my reasons is the writing/story/characters. SD was too boring for me to finish between the story and lack of supports. Supports are a great way of developing minor characters.
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