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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I think she would be more appreciated if she had some character development. Yes, she accepts that her attraction to Alm is one-sided but she doesn't move on from those feelings. She doesn't try to give her life a new meaning and her ending just makes her behavior worse.
  2. I agree with this sentiment. I don't think a remake should hold itself to bad game design just because the original did it but it's an equal sin to change something that wasn't flawed to begin with. Like, I think it would have been bad to take away the fixed hit rates for magic in SoV but I think map design and terrain could have been tweaked to not make it so tedious.
  3. I think ultimately the freedom to create unique settings outweighs the benefit of having some super long continuity. I wouldn't want the series to be stuck in the legacy of Marth forever.
  4. Sibling incest is so vanilla at this point. Give me something daring. I will regret these words.
  5. I think the Faye analysis is a bit reaching. Yes, Alm worries about how the war may be affecting her but I see that as general concern for a friend, not an implication Faye's behavior is being warped by war trauma. I don't dislike her as much as I used to because the voice acting helps her come across more as single-minded and oblivious to the feelings of others instead of knowingly rude, but there just isn't much to her character.
  6. I think you should be able to break the 4k mark without a bonus hero. The bonus units should be more about staying competitive with your tier.
  7. A part of me wants to just play with my weaker team and forgoeing the top ranking just so i don't have to face those Juggernaut heavy SI teams. I have difficulty just getting to the end of 7 matches let alone deathless. It's not fun having 4 reasonable matches followed up by a Cavalry/Flier Emblem induced party wipe.
  8. So why are people critical of the RNG factor of Skills when so much of the game is RNG? Hit rate and critical hit rate are RNG too. I'm not particularly attached to RNG skills so I'd be down for an arts system or having a skill activation gauge.
  9. I don't know why people would say no. More options is better, right? I think SoV is a good example of why branching promotions are a good idea. Only 1 sword infantry class that always promotes to the same class? Boring.
  10. I find it surprising that they haven't done something like that for Sacred Seals. The game even has a system of giving you feathers for duplicates but short of them purposely giving you duplicate quests, this shouldn't happen. Maybe they could make deathless 10th sanctum wins have a chance of dropping a chest.
  11. The new Arena tier system has been live for a couple of weeks and people are now getting sorted (and hopefully orbs as well). I started at Tier 13 and got boosted to where I now sit at Tier 16. I don't have any strong bonus characters for this or the last Arena session so I wasn't good enough to get to the next tier. Honestly, for how competitive things already are (Cavalry 5*+ DC/CC Teams pls go) I think I'll be satisfied as long as I'm getting 3 orbs a week. So what is your Arena tier?
  12. Wouldn't it suck if you could trade badges for orbs? That would be terrible. Ahem, I said TERRIBLE! I sure hope IS isn't listening. Because I definitely don't want that to happen. Does reverse psychology work?
  13. Is there a way to manage your attachments that you've uploaded? I can click on my profile to see what I uploaded but it doesn't say where they are posted or allow me to delete them. I would like to get rid of unneeded files and make more space.
  14. Celica all the way. Mages are way too fun to play with, Celica especially (dat terrain though).
  15. This is Fire Emblem so Clive x Clair and Celica x Conrad are the only legitimate ships. Characters need to be at least step siblings for me to consider their relationship valid.
  16. This may be an unpopular opinion but I believe that gameplay and story should be changed for the better, even if it has to distance itself from the original. Summoners and crazy terrain might be a part of Gaiden's character but I think most would agree they aren't very fun, and I'd change them in SoV if I could. In Radiant Dawn, I would rewrite the Blood Pacts (or remove them if possible) so they aren't such writing contrivances. I would keep most of the story the same, however. Just change how we got from part A to part C. Not all games need drastic changes, and I wouldn't suggest changing anything unless it were a serious weakness from the original (the GBA games are pretty solid but I'd give them a modern support gaining method, for example.)
  17. While I agree that character interactions are very important for a good narative, the actual story is something worth investing in. I'm keeping my expectations low after Fates but I would like to be surprised. At the very least, I want a servicable story, and one that breaks from the usual series conventions if they can. The Switch has a lot of potential for Fire Emblem, let's hope they don't squander it.
  18. In addition to the art and presentation people have been praising, I really like what they did to make archers and mages different in their function. I hope going forward, archers in the series will have 2-3 range at default and 2-4 promoted. Mages having a spell list was an interesting alternative to tomes as well. I don't think fixed accuracy and spells cast from HP should be series mainstays but they work well in SoV. Weapon skills are pretty neat too.
  19. It's worth $40. The presentation is fantastic but a lot of the gameplay feels archaic. Your opinion may differ but I don't find any of the DLC worth purchasing, to say nothing of that outrageous price tag.
  20. Shadows of Valentia has been released in the west and has been met with a mixed reception. While some enjoy the unique approach it has to gameplay, others criticize its map design and other gameplay elements. Was SoV a good remake, and more importantly is it a good game? While on some level I think a remake should be as faithful as it can be to the original, I think bad game design should be worked on, even if it means fundamentally altering the way the original functioned. What is a game if it's not fun? This is a question about all remakes. How faithful should a remake be?
  21. Can we not make every weapon have built-in Distant Counter? Wish granted, all ranged weapons now have Close Counter. GHB or banner, as long as we get those villains. Lyon would be Red, just like other Dark Magic users.
  22. I'll concur with the above and say harder quests should give more orbs. Didn't the "Win 15 10th sanctum matches with no deaths" quests only give 1 orb?
  23. Oh, I do but it's not so easy where I can just click autobattle and have a character steamroll the level (level 36 isn't THAT much weaker than lv40). If you get on average 12 SP per victory, that's a long road especially for those more expensive builds.
  24. If only it did. Grinding SP to get Renewal 3 on my lv 40 Marth hasn't been the most exciting use of my time. Speaking of more events, I'll take a side of "Double SP gain" with my order of "2 Daily Orbs", waiter.
  25. While I think orbs are necessary to keep up with the new toys released, more things to do in game would be make the game more fun. Being able to generate a currency by daily participation for character rolls would keep me engaged. "I like endless grinding so everyone should." Okay.
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