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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Unlikely that we'll get a multiplyer now and even if we do, I probably won't be available for it. A shame, I would have liked to see Robin win. I need to spend these 2k flags.
  2. 21 red pulls and no Celica. The only 5* I got was a -Attack Cain. I want Rezzy to leave. I am prepared to do morally dubious things for a Celica. I likes her and I wants her. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way, IS.
  3. True, but Chrom would have lost to Lucina anyway, so ultimately the results remain true to the poll. So it's just the description's wording that bothers you? After Lucina's crushing victory they added more flags to the event in a hope to balance the competition. When that didn't work, they added a multiplyer. They've been trying to make it a fair fight since the beginning. As far as choosing equally popular characters, as someone else mentioned, a clear favorite will appear no matter how you slice it. It could be the top waifu, the strongest character or the one with most meme power, but they'll be picked up and the slaughter will begin.
  4. And yet they added the multiplyer. I think that it's clear that they want there to be an actual competition, regardless of their wording of the event. If you want a straight popularity contest, look at the CYL poll.
  5. I thought it would be neat if there were something like 4 factions/racial groups and each had a unique base class for each weapon type. If you were fighting an army of Nation A and classes from Nation B showed up, you could infer they were mercenaries or had an alliance without the game even needing to mention it. Heck, if you had an empire, their army might be composed of several conquered peoples.
  6. Imagine if your favorite character isn't the top Waifu pick and you don't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. If the gaunlet playes by the old rules, Tharja would win by a landslide in every round, just like Camilla. With the x3 comeback system there is actually competition and strategy.
  7. As Ice Dragon said, what you propose isn't that different from what you can already do in the game. I think feathers or badges would be worth spending on a nature reroll. Orbs are too precious a resource for something like that.
  8. Any opinions on whether Escape Route or Wings of Mercy is better for Ninian? I've heard it said that you shouldn't let your dancer get hit in the first place so WoM is better, but from my experience ER is great because it lets Ninian warp to anyone instead of just hurt characters (not to mention getting herself out of sticky situations). Thoughts? If not Ninian, who else would like WoM? I thought about putting it on Hector for a defense team but Hector is already pretty awesome with Vantage.
  9. As someone who plays FE Heroes and GranBlue, let me tell you, in some ways I like the former a lot better, and I'm losing interest in the latter. GranBlue has tons of events and what you call "keeping players busy and engaged" I call "forcing players to frantically grind in order to complete events before they expire". I much prefer the simiplistic system used in FE Heroes. There is a clear way to get the characters you like to endgame and the resources (besides badges which are useless) all have a purpose and a reasonable method to acquire (unlike GB where you grind until you die). You criticized SI for making characters reskins of each other but it allows characters to be worth more than their starting kits. SI also means that almost all the characters you pull will have some usage, either as a unit for a certain team composition or skill fodder. You know what I got from around 50 pulls in GB? 1 new character, and the rest was junk. The only way I feel the game is seriously lacking is in its story, but I play the mainline games for that. I'll spare you a Fates story rant.
  10. Sanaki lost to Julia in the voting gauntlet. Can we now presume that Sanaki, despite her forceful personality, is actually the submissive one in the relationship?? I'm not weird, I'm just discussing the true facts presented by the game.
  11. I say don't feel limited to make knives have one specific use. Do the opposite! Make knives (and their users by extension) a toolbox of skills. A knife to prevent counter attacks, a knife to debuff, a knife to hit people at range, a knife to negate defense, the list goes on. Fates had a good start in making ninja (aka thieves) a utility class but they goofed when they made knives too strong in a game where other 1-2 range weapons got hit with the nerf bat. If staff users are dedicated magical support units, then they can make knife users dedicated physical support units.
  12. The picture on the right looks feral or possessed. Jokes about Morphs aside, I don't see how anyone saw that artwork and said "Yup, definitely captured the original, A+"
  13. If nothing else, we have a new addition to the Disgusting squad.
  14. I thought they were trying to mislead you and the truth is that Bruno is Zacharias and he's just lying about killing him. How pointless would it be if Zacharias was dead the whole time?
  15. Can we just give the Regal Sword to Raven? That's what I did in Blazing Sword.
  16. If we go by ye olden times, he might be even younger like 14 or something. Whatever the case, he's probably in his mid 30s in Sealed Sword.
  17. Some good ideas here. I would also require that both accounts be active for a certain period of time and require that you beat the campaign to discourage dummy accounts. I think you should be able to specify which natures you want (up to 3 variations). Also a "friends only" offer would be nice if you want to make a deal with people you know (like people on Serenes). I'd cut the "unit loses their exp and skills" clause.
  18. Mostly the art style that makes him look too old. His attack poses and damage pose are pretty good but his vacant-eyed default pose makes me want to caption the image with "Did I leave the stove on...?" Or [Misanthropes internally]
  19. First Ursula, then Zephiel and now Lloyd's artwork. Life is suffering.
  20. Would it? Everyone plays the training tower for EXP, SP and HM. Even if you slowed down badge acquisition rate, players would eventually get enough badges just doing the things they would be doing anyway. If they want badges to be a relevant, they ought to put them in a mode that players wouldn't be pouring their time into otherwise (imagine the Special Maps were the primary source for badges). All that said, I'd be fine with unlocking potential only being through feathers and badges being SP fodder.
  21. Why would a Lloyd GHB focus necessitate Blazing Sword characters or even Lyn specifically? The characters selected are supposed to be effective counters to the map, not adhering to what series they come from. Save your orbs for CYL Lyn. But in this inflated sword roster, I would have hoped for a good unique weapon to set him apart. I like to think that the devs would give him stats to compliment his weapon/skills, but then again, they gave Zephiel Life and Death.
  22. Between SP, Hero Merrit and EXP, you can't not do the training tower. Badges are redundant unless you're whaling and constantly upgrading units. You could convert badges to feathers now and it wouldn't change the way anyone plays.
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