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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. By now I'm sure most people have assembled a team of powerful units to handle every situation under the sun. For me, I run an armor team, a calvary team and a mixed infantry team, in that order from most to least frequently. My most used units would be: 1.Hector 2. Effie 3. Zephiel 4. Ninian 5. Ursula 6. Xander 7. Jagen (horse buffs) 8. Elise 9. Marth 10. Jaffar What units do you use the most?
  2. This would be pretty neat. I think a brand new saga in a brand new world would be an interesting development. I think the problem with games that share worlds is they rarely have much reason to be linked together other than some lip service. If the actions on one continent don't really affect the other, or one game is set so far into the future that all the people, countries and landscape are different, they may as well be separate worlds.
  3. How do you reconcile these two ideas? You say in one part you want the avatar to have a limited support pool but in the next you say players shouldn't be restricted when choosing to pair up with their favorite characters. If the support pool doesn't change, and the things the avatar says doesn't change, can it really be said they have a distinct personality? Is my brash, arrogant Avatar going to interact with people in the same way my shy, bookish Avatar would?
  4. I'm going to agree with others and say that if the plot wanted him to have a longer lifespan, they would have brought it up. I mean, that's a pretty big thing, to outlive your spouse and every member of your family besides (or even including) your child.
  5. A lot of people discount Peri's design because of her hair but her armor really does look fantastic.
  6. I think you're looking at this from the wrong angle. You're not being "locked out" of content. That's framing the discussion from the viewpoint that "Fates/Awakening did it so it must continue that way." Unless they write supports for EVERY CHARACTER, X number of times for each personality, there won't even be a point to the character having a distinct personality. Supporting everyone at the same time only works in Fates/Awakening because the Avatar's personality is "friendly, inoffensive". The writers shouldn't sacrifice the integrity of the characters just because the player wants to pair their loud and bubbly avatar with the quiet loner stud.
  7. Text right to left "Well sorry the outfit doesn't suit me!" "What are you saying Lady Lyndis?" "It suits you the best in the world! You're beautiful!"
  8. Best Female: Probably Selena. I like the red and browns of her outfit and her clothes look practical. Severa was fairly plain in Awakening but the tweaks to her hair and using Cordelia's hair color brought the design to life. Special mention to Mikoto. Worst Female: Camilla. I love everything from the shoulders up but the outfit is a mess. She's not a femfatale and yet she has exposed panties and a cleavage window. She also has these useless spikes on her hips. The color scheme is well done, however. Special mention to Nyx. Best Male: Kaze. He has such lovely hair and a relaxing face. The strong green color scheme contrasts well with the other ninja. Special mention to DioNiles. Worst Male: Han. As someone else said, he's just a generic bandit boss. Had he been given an atypical outfit like a nobleman's clothes he could have passed as a up-jumped noble who is still a brute at heart. Nope, a bandit in bandit attire. Special mention to Ignatius. We're not here to kink-shame, friend. Don't feel like you have to pretend you're not a furry.
  9. If the game let's you choose a broad range of outfits, I'd be fine with a single body type (young adult, average build). The outfit options could change depending on your class.
  10. I'll probably just echo others and say that the avatar should be of minimal to medium plot relevance. It could be the protagonist's childhood friend or their tactician. Supports should be contingent on a selected personality. The starting class can be unique or just a normal one. For customization, I'd like to see facial hair and 3 body types per gender, in addition to everything else we've had in character creators. If the story features them, choosing a race would be neat too. If the avatar should get a signature weapon let it be dependent on the chosen class (ie if you chose Soldier as your default class, your signature weapon is a lance).
  11. There should be Sacred Seals that give weapon effectiveness vs Cav/Flier/Armor as well as a Seal to negate those bonuses. As is, almost no one is going to waste their A slot or weapon on something with extremely niche usage.
  12. It's all a matter of plot focus. F!Robin overshadows Chrom's wife because unless it's Robin herself, his wife doesn't have story relevance. I didn't play FE12 but if Kris was overshadowing Caeda, it's probably the fault of not giving Caeda enough focus. A female best friend shouldn't be any greater a threat to the protagonist's lover than his sister would be.
  13. Isn't the sword just too heavy to be practical in battle? I'm sure it's still possible to physically move it. It's not Thor's hammer.
  14. After I read through the English script, I'm going to write a full review of the story on the SoV board with my comparisons to Fates.
  15. Everyone shrugs it off. "According to legend, only one of royal blood can use this sword! Alm is the only one who can use it! Yeah, I guess the legend was just a mistake. I will not question why Alm is the only one who can use that sword." Lukas is not a smart man.
  16. I think I used up all my luck on the Hector banner (got Hector and Ninian) or maybe these folks getting 2 focus characters in one session are stealing my luck. It's disappointing but this isn't the sort of game to get heavily invested in particular characters. But I'll keep trying for Cordelia until I run out of time and orbs. At least I have the GHB characters to play with. I wonder if they'll ever do a rerun of special event characters like they did for the GHB ones.
  17. This is me except I spent well over a hundred orbs on the Celica banner (no focus characters) and so far nothing worthwhile on this banner for Cordelia. Staying F2P is the only thing keeping me sane.
  18. I enjoyed the dynamic between the FE7 lords, so I'd like 2-3 lords, maybe girl/boy/boy. I think a incest free sibling dynamic would be good to explore. Similar to what saisymbolic said, they would contrast each other. The boy would use a tome, and a sword after promotion. He would be younger and the tactical-minded sibling. He would be colder and less confident in dealing with people. The girl would use a sword or lance, and use a bow after promotion. She would be older, more overtly heroic sibling. Kind, brave and charismatic compared to her brother. The possible third lord is flexible. I think the lords should have a close bond but also have character development independent of each other.
  19. I think a number of people are more okay with SoV's flaws just because it wasn't the nightmare that was Fates' story. I haven't played through the whole game yet but even early on you see similar problems that apeared in Fates.
  20. Hinocopter is the update everyone is waiting for. I dunno, I'd be happy to get a 5* Priscilla.
  21. Ah... Well I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope he is good. I suppose for a Cav team centered around a Blade tome, he ought to run Fortify anyway.
  22. Sweet, natural Goad Cavalry? His stat spread looks pretty good too. Instant 5* for me.
  23. That's exactly what I was thinking about for a Fire Emblem story. Almost every protagonist in the series comes from an elevated position in society and all of them have that general list of heroic qualities. What I want to see in a Fire Emblem is someone the opposite of that; someone born with very little who pushes forward with his cunning and determination. They might have kindness and empathy but these qualities would be secondary to their ambition. I think a story that followed a character who fights for their own dream rather than duty would be a significant and interesting shift in the usual story conventions.
  24. Noice, got a deathless run on my Cavalry team so I'm heading for T17. Last week I did the same thing and I only stayed in the same tier.
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